Political systems of Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , the United States of America

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Презентація до уроків про політичний устрій України, Великої Британії та США. Матеріал має на меті формування ключових компетентностей, а саме громадянської та соціальної.
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Номер слайду 1

Political systems of Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , the United States of America

Номер слайду 2

Key facts about Great Britain, Ukraine and the USA. Official name: Area: Population: Capital: National symbols: Washed by: The head of the state:

Номер слайду 3

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , the Queen , the President, the Royal Arms, 63,395,574 people, Union Jack flag, the North Sea, the Black Sea, 243, 809 km2, the Atlantic Ocean, Ukraine, London, Trident, Poland ,the Sea of Azov, Belarus, Slovakia, 603, 628 km2, 42,604,968 people, Kyiv, Russia, Hungary, blue and yellow flag, Romania, Moldova, the United States of America, Washington, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean too, Stars and Stripes flag, Canada, Mexico, 9 826 675 km2, 308,745,538 people,

Номер слайду 4

Match the following English political terms with their Ukrainian equivalents:{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Legislative branch 2)Executive branch3)House of Lords 4)Judicial branch5)Commander-in-chief 6)Supreme Court7)Supreme Council8)General election9)Guarantees10)Voters11)Lawmaking body12)Bills13)House of Representatives a) Верховний Судb)Загальні вибориc)Гарантіїd)Палата Лордівe)Законодавча гілка владиf)Законодавчий орган g)Головнокомандувачh)Палата Представниківi)Законопроектj)Верховна Радаk)Виконавча гілка владиl)Вибориm)Судова гілка влади

Номер слайду 5

Answer the questions: What kind of state is UK? What kind of state is Ukraine? Is Ukraine a democratic state? What do you think what is the fundamental law of Ukraine?

Номер слайду 6

The Constitution is the Main Law of Ukraine. It was adopted on June 28, 1996. It determines the rights and duties of the citizens, of the Supreme Rada, of the President, of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Supreme Court (the Constitutional Court). It also determines the rights and duties of local bodies of state power. The Ukrainian Constitution consists of fifteen chapters. Every chapter consists of several articles. There are 161 articles in the Constitution. The Constitution determines the rights and freedoms and duties of the citizens. The main rights of Ukrainian people are: the right to live (article 27), the right to housing (article 47), the right to work (article 43), the right to rest (article 45), the right to health defense (article 49), and the right to education (article 53). Articles 65 – 68 determine the duties of the citizens of Ukraine. The main of them are the duties to defend their Motherland, to defend environment, to pay taxes. According to the Constitution the head of the state is the President, who is elected directly by the voters for the term of four years with no more than two full terms. Supreme Rada is the only body of the legislative power of Ukraine. There are 450 people’s deputies who are elected for a term of five years. The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and it is accountable to the Supreme Rada. Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction. THE CONSTITUTION OF UKRAINE

Номер слайду 7

And find out the information about the main rights and duties of Ukrainian citizens. When was the Constitution adopted?How many Chapters and Articles has the Constitution of Ukraine?What does the Constitution of Ukraine determine?What chapter regulates the rights of people of our state?

Номер слайду 8

True or False. 1. The Constitution was adopted on June 28, 1996. 2. The Constitution is the main law of the country which determines the rights and duties of all the people. 3. The Constitution consists of two parts and fifteen chapters each. 4. The Constitution doesn’t determine the rights and duties of the Supreme Rada, the President, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Supreme Court. 5. Supreme Rada is the only body of the legislative power of Ukraine. 6. The highest juridical body of Ukraine is the Supreme Court.

Номер слайду 9

Match these phrases {5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}1. There are 2. The Constitution of Ukraine determines the rights 3. There are fifteen 4. The President is elected by 5. The Supreme Rada is 6. Articles 65-68 determine the duties of thea. citizens of Ukraine. b. the voters for the term of four years with no more than two full terms.c. chapters and one hundred and sixty one articles in the Ukrainian Constitution.d. the highest body of the executive power which consists of 450 deputies. e. different courts which represents the juridical body of the state power. f. and duties of the citizens, the Supreme Rada, the Supreme Court, the President, The Cabinet of ministers , the local bodies of the state power. 

Номер слайду 10

Fill the missing information correctly in the chart: The parts of the political systems the United Kingdom the USA Ukraine. Head of state. The Queen\ King. The President. Executive branch. The President and the Cabinet. The President and the Cabinet of Ministers. Parts of the Executive branch. The Cabinet; Non – Cabinet Ministers. The President and the Cabinet of Ministers. Legislative branch. The Congress. Parts of the Legislative branch. The House of Commons; the House of Lords. Deputies

Номер слайду 11

The correct chart The parts of the political systems the United Kingdom the USA Ukraine. Head of state. The Queen\ King. The President. The President. Executive branch. The Government. The President and the Cabinet. The President and the Cabinet of Ministers. Parts of the Executive branch. The Cabinet; Non – Cabinet Ministersthe Cabinet. The President and the Cabinet of Ministers. Legislative branch. Parliament. The Congress. The Verkhovna Rada. Parts of the Legislative branch. The House of Commons; the House of Lords. The House of Representatives;The Senate. Deputies

Номер слайду 12

Do this exercise and revise our knowledge1. The head of the state in the United Kingdom. 2. The head of the executive branch in the USA. 3. The head of government in Ukraine. 4.  The executive branch in the United Kingdom. 5.  The legislative branch in the USA. 6.  The legislative branch in Ukraine. 7.  The head of the government in the United Kingdom.

Номер слайду 13

I hope that you’ll be real citizens of our state!!!

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Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Гришко Наталія Миколаївна
    Оригінальний підхід. Як конституціоналіс, хочу зробити зауваження щодо гілок влади в Україні. Згідно Конституції України, Президент України не відноситься до жодної з гілок влади, хоч і тяжіє за повноваженнями до виконавчої.
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
17 листопада 2019
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4.0 (1 відгук)
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