Посібник "Вечори англійською мовою для учнів початкових класів"

Про матеріал
Даний посібник стане в пригоді вчителям, які працюють з учнями початкової школи, для позакласної роботи. Учні повторять пори року, місяці, назви тварин.
Перегляд файлу

Кізлівська  загальноосвітня  школа І – ІІІ ступенів

імені Героя Радянського Союзу В.П.Лугового

Чорнухинської районної ради

Полтавської області







Parties for Junior Pupils
















Кізлівка, 2015
































Кізлівська  загальноосвітня  школа І – ІІІ ступенів

Чорнухинської районної ради

Полтавської області







Parties for Junior Pupils

















Кізлівка, 2015














Посібник стане в пригоді вчителям, які працюють з учнями початкової школи, для позакласної роботи.











Рекомендовано педагогічною радою Кізлівської загальноосвітньої школи І – ІІІ ступенів імені Героя Радянського Союзу В.П.Лугового Чорнухинської районної ради Полтавської області.




Матеріали  для проведення вечора англійською мовою

для учнів 2 – 4 класів на тему: «Пори року»


 Вечір на англійській мові на цю тему можна підготувати і провести як велике свято з костюмами.

 Задовго до проведення вечора вчитель дає завдання: вивчити роль, зробити собі костюм.

 Пісні можна розучити і виконати всім класом або групою дітей.


Compere: Good afternoon, dear friends, teachers, mothers and fathers! Now we shall begin our English party. We’ll speak about seasons today. Well, dear guests! How many seasons are there in a year?

Children: There are four seasons in a year.

Compere: You are right. Now listen to the poem and guess the season.

This is the season

When snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes

To stay in the room

This is the season

When birds make their nest,

This is the season

             We all like best.

   What is it?

Children: It is spring.

Girl:                      Little red bird in the tree,

Pass the happy news along,

Sing a song so cheerily,

Pass the happy news along.



Boy:                       Pass the happy news along,

Listen to the red bird’s song:

“Spring is coming, winter’s gone!”

 Pass the happy news along.



March:                   March wind goes out to play,

He will have such fun today!

When the boys and girls come out,

He blows their caps and hats about.


April:                     Days are clear,

Day after day,

When April’s here,

That leads to May.


May:                       Deep in the woods a song I hear,

A robin is singing, “May is here!”

Then at my feet a violet blue

Is singing, “I am blooming for you”


Birds:                     In the merry month of May

All the little birds are gay.

They all hop and sing and say:

“Winter days are far away,

Welcome, welcome, merry May.”


Violets:                  In the merry month of May

All the violets are gay.

They all dance and sing and say:

“Winter days are far away,

Welcome, welcome, merry May.”


G irl:                     In winter I ski and skate.


Compere:              Says little Kate.


Boy:                       In summer I like to swim.


Compere:              Says little Jim.

                              And what do you do in spring?


Boy and G irl:       In spring we play and sing.


Spring Rain

(a song)

Rain, rain, rain, April rain,

You are feeding seeds and grain,

You are raising plants and crops

With your gaily sparkling drops.


Compere:   And what season is it? Try to guess.


This is the season

When nights are short,

And children have plenty

Of fun and sport.

Boating, swimming

All the day

With a merry song

On a sunny day.

Children:            It is summer.


Boy:                    Ring-a-ding! Ring-a-ding!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

It comes Summer!

Good-bye, Spring! 


Compere:    And we, dear children, let’s sing!


When Woods Are Green

(a song)

When woods are green and groves are fair,

And leaves are large and long,

It’s good to wander through the woods

And hear the small bird’s song.

It’s good to wander through the woods

And hear the small bird’s song.


June:                  Summer’s  here!

 Days are long.

July:                   And the sun


Is high and strong.


 August:              Long live summer

 Golden bright,

 Full of warmth

 And sweet delight!



June:                 Come, my children, come away,

 For the sun shines bright today;

 Little children, come with me,

 Birds and brooks and flowers see.


 July:                Get your hats and come away,

  For it is a pleasant day.


August:             Let us make a merry ring.

  Talk and laugh, and dance and sing!        



(a song)

Shower, shower, go away!

Bob and Sally want to play!

For the field and for the wood

Summer showers are so good!


Compere:     Children, guess next  season.

This is the season 

When fruit is sweet.

It is the season

When school-friends meet.

When noisy and gay

And browned by the sun

With their books and bags

To school they run.


Children:      It is autumn.


September:        There are twelve months in the year.

From January to December –

And the best month of the all twelve

Is the merry month of September.


October:          Golden in the tree tops,

Golden in the sky;

Golden, golden, golden

October’s passing by.


November:        The summer is over,

The trees are bare,

There is mist in the garden,

And frost in the air.


Wind:                “Come, little winds,” said the wind one day,

“Come over the meadows with me and play.

Put on your dresses of red and gold,

For summer is gone and days are cold”



Leaves:             Dancing and whirling the little leaves went;

                          Winter called them and they were content,

                           Soon fast asleep in their earthy beds,

                          The snow laid a coverlet over their heads.


Cleaning Up the Garden

(a song)

The autumn leaves are falling down,

Falling down, falling down,

The wind, he comes and blows them around,

And blows them around.


Let’s find a brush and start to sweep,

Start to sweep, start to sweep,

And make them into a great big heap,

Into a great big heap.


The light the bonfire and burn them away,

Burn them away, burn them away.

And now it’s tidy, we’ll dance and play,

We’ll dance and play.

Compere:         Well, dear guests, and which is the coldest season?


Children:         It is winter.


December:       This is the season

When children ski.

And Grandfather Frost

Brings the New Year Tree.


January:          How quietly the snow

Is falling on the ground,

It’s falling on the country-side

And softly on the town.



February:       And children’s eyes are bright

With wonder and delight,

For tiny stars of snow are falling

From the sky tonight,

Tonight the tiny stars of snow.


Boy:               The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing.


Girl:               The ground is white

All day and night.


Wind:             Little snowflakes, come and play,

I’ve nothing to do today.


Snowflakes:   Yes, we’ll come and oh, what fun,

We’ll twirl, and dance, and skip and run.


Wind:            Come on, snowflakes, come with me.

There are many things to see.


Snowflakes:   Come on, sisters, back we go

To where the earth is white and snow.



(a song)

Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.

Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.

Snowflakes fall into my hand.

Snowflakes brighten up our land.


Boy:               I’m running on my skis,

White and silver stand the trees;

I’m warm as warm can be,

Try to catch me. One! Two! Three!


Girl:               I am running on my skates,

White and silver are the lakes;

I’m as quick as quick can be,

Try to catch me. One! Two! Three!


Children:        We’ll make a snowman

Big and round.

We’ll put the snowman

On the ground.


Compere:       Little children, make a ring


Children:        We shall dance and we shall sing


Fun In the Snow

(a song)


Ho! Ho! Ho!

It’s jolly in the snow.

We’ve made a snowman tall

Just near the garden wall.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

It’s jolly in the snow.


Compere:       And now, dear children, listen to me very attentively and try to solve riddles.

Fat and gay on a winter day.

He came here with us to stay.

When he grew both sad and thin,

We brought his younger brother in.

People meet the guest with cheer,

For he brings another year. (A calendar)


A little old woman with twelve children,

Some short, some long, some hot.

What is it?      (A year)


Which month of the year is the shortest?

(May.  It has only three letters.)


They run upon the ground with upturned noses. (Skis)


What is without hands and without feet,

Without head or body, but can open a door?

 (The wind)


What often falls but never gets hurt? (Snow)


Compere:    And now, children, let’s solve the crosswords.



Compere:    Now listen to the poem “The Weather”



When the weather is wet –

We must not  fret!

When the weather is dry –

We must not cry!

When the weather is cold –

We must not scold!

When the weather is warm –

We must not storm!

But be thankful together

Whatever the weather!


 Dear guests, our English party is over. Come to our next party! We’ll be very glad to see you again. Good-bye!





Which names of 10 months do you need

to build up the “ladder”?










































































Write the names of months













































































The English Party

“Animals and Pets”

( For The Pupils of The Second And Third Forms)

Decoration: Posters, placards, pictures, toy – animals, balloons, pupils’ drawings.

T. Dear friends, dear boys and girls, dear parents, dear teachers. I am glad to see you again. – Рада бачити вас усіх знову. Перш за все вітаю всіх з приходом чудової пори – весни.


  1. Spring time is here,

Spring time is here,

Green glass is growing

Spring time is here


  1. Spring time is here,

Flowers are blooming.

Spring time is here.

     T. Birds sing so sweetly. – Пташки так солодко співають навесні. Усі радіють весні – дерева, квіти, трава, птахи, ми з вами й ті, хто поряд з нами – (our pets) наші улюбленці. Це про них французький письменник Антуан де Сент – Екзюпері сказав: “ Ми відповідаємо за тих, кого приручили “. Діти, як ви розумієте ці слова? (До залу.)

  1. I love my cat

It’s warm and fat,

My cat is grey

It likes to play.

    2.  I will not hurt my little dog

       But stroke and pat his head.

       I like to see him nag his tail,

       I like to see him fed.

 3.  Once I saw a little bird

       Came hop, hop, hop.

       And I cried: “Little bird,

       Will you stop, stop, stop?”

       I was going to the window

      And he shook his little tail

      And away he flew.

 4.  Baa, baa, black sheep

      Have you any wool?

      Yes, Sir, yes, Sir

     Three bags full.

     One for the master,

     And one for the dame,

     And one for the little boy,

     Who lives down the lane.

5.  My dog is clever, strong and quick,

     Its name is Spot, my name is Nick.

    My dog is nice, my dog is gay

    We play together every day.

     Through heavy snow, rain and fog

     I go walking with my dog.

     My father always tells me:” Mind,

     The dog must not be left behind”.

6.  I like my little pussy,

                 Her coat is so warm

                 And if I don’t hurt her

She’ll do me away.

But pussy and

I very gently will play.

She will sit by my side

And I’ll give her some food,

And pussy will love me

Because I am good.

             7.   Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

                   Little brown bird.

                  Was that your singing

        Through the wood ringing?

                   Sweeter music

        Never was heard!  

   8. Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

       Good news you bring:

       Blossoms are walking,

       Green leaves are breaking,

       Come and tell us:

       It is the spring!

   9. I wonder, have you ever heard

       My parrot?  He is a talking bird.

       He says “ Hello” to any man

       Who says “ Hello” to him.

       He eats, and sleeps and talks again;

       But in his dreams he sees

       Palms and bananas and jungle trees

       And hides from tropical rain.

 10. A dog can’t talk

        But he can bark

        When I take him

        To the park

        I throw him a stick

        And he runs a race.

        Then he comes back

        And licks my face.

 11.  I like all kinds of animals –

        Dogs and cats and rabbits.

        I love all kinds of animals.

        I know their little habits.

  12. I f I had plenty of money,

        Do you know what I would do?

        I’d buy a lot of animals

        And have my own little zoo.

        But they wouldn’t be in cages,

        They’d free to run around

        And there’s one thing they would know,

        That thing is to be safe and sound.

T. Now I think you can dramatize and act out some poems about animals. Who can? Two girls – a Cat and a Mouse.

 Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

         Where is your house?

          Tell me, sweet!

 Mouse: Little cat, little cat

   Stay in your flat,

   There is nothing here to eat!

 Cat:  Little mouse, little mouse,

          Where is your house?

  Where do you live?

 Mouse: Little cat, little cat

    No, no, I won’t do that!

    You want to eat me!

 Action – poem ( Pupil by pupil )

  1. It’s fun to be this,

It’s fun to be that.

          2.  To leap like a lamb.

          3.  To climb like a cat.

          4.  To swim like a fish.

          5.  To hop like a frog.

          6.  To trot like a horse.

          7.  To jump like a dog.

( The following poem is recited with the demonstration of toy – animals.)

 Pupil by pupil:

         1. I like the cat because it is fat.

         2. I like the cock because it is strong.

         3. I like the rabbit because it is fine.

         4. I like the puppy because it is mine.

         5. I like the horse because it is big.

         6. I like the cow because it gives milk.

         7. I like the pig because it is pink.

         8. I like the chick because it is quick.

( May also be sung.)

T. And now let’s sing a song about domestic animals who live in the farm, -  але не на справжній фермі, а у вас вдома.


 In my bedroom, in my house

 On the floor I have a farm,

 In my farm I have a cow

 Listen to my cow.

 A moo-moo-moo, goes my cow

 Listen to my cow.

 A sheep.

 A baa-baa-baa, goes my sheep

 A hen.

  A cluck-cluck-cluck, goes my hen

 A horse.

 A neigh-neigh-neigh, goes my horse

 A goat.

 A maa-maa-maa, goes my goat.

T. Good for you all. I see that you really know a lot of poems about birds and animals. Now I want to see which team knows the names of more wild animals. For pupils from each team, please, come up to me! I’ll throw you a ball to each of you in turn. When you catch it, you must name a wild animal. Do it as quickly as possible (as you can). Той, хто припускається помилки або повторює вже назване слово, вибуває.Перемагає команда, яка назвала більшу кількість тварин.

( Можна також просто кидати мча до зали.)

T. Most children love animals. They have pets at home and take care of them. But some boys and girls give their pets too much food to eat. That’s why their pets become too fat and can’t run and play well. Look at this puppy!

(Малюнок або іграшка – товсте щеня.)

Exercisepoem .

Усі діти, почувши слова ( jump, puppy, jump!), встають і підстрибують на місці.             



           1. Spot is a plump puppy,

      Still he can jump.

      Jump, puppy, jump, puppy 

      Jump, puppy, jump!

 2.  If you jump plenty

      You’ll not be so plump.

       So jump, puppy,

       Jump puppy,

       Jump, puppy, jump!

T. If you want to teach your pet to move quickly, you must be strong and quick yourself. Now let’s see which team is the strongest. 5 boys from team I come to me!

One behind the other! 5 boys from team II do the same. There is the rope between you .When I say:” 1,2,3, go!” – you must pull the rope with all your might. – Перетягування канату.

T. And now let’s play the game “ Guess the animal!” Team I – загадує тварину.Team II – ставлячи загальні питання, намагається вгадати її ( та навпаки ).

  • Is it a wild ( domestic) animal ?
  • Is it big ( small ) ?
  • Does it live in the wood ( house, farm ) ?
  • Does it eat meat ( fish, grass, leaves ) ?

T. Now let’s try to pronounce some tongue-twisters (in chorus ).

  1. A black cat sat on a mat

And ate a fat rat.

  1. Pat’s black cat

Is in Pat’s black hat.

  1. A girl sees six big grey geese.

T. So we have spoken a lot about animals and I think you will easily guess the riddle about animals. Guess and show.

 1. I have a bushy tail. Sometimes I am grey, and sometimes I am red. I like nuts. What am I?

      ( A squirrel )

 2. I am small. I live in a wood. I can run very fast. I am afraid of everything. What am I?

      ( A rabbit )

 3. I don’t speak,

      Nor do I sing

      Or at the door – bell

      Give a ring.

      But still I let my master know

      Someone wants to see him.

      ( A dog )

 4. I have a beautiful yellow skin with black stripes on it. I am a wild animal. I am angry. I eat meat. I live in the jungle.

      ( A tiger )

 5. I am a very funny animal. I can jump and run very quickly. I can hang by my tail. I like bananas.

      ( A monkey )

 6. I am red and I have a fine bushy tail. I live in the wood. I hunt and eat small animals. I am clever.  ( A fox )                                         

 7. My long thin legs

      Are good and fast.

      I like to gallop and to run.

      Oh, yes, I think it is great fun. ( A horse )  

           8. I am in the meadow

               Moo, moo, moo,

               Chewing grass to make more milk

               For you, you, you.   (A cow)                                                                   

           9. I am in the water

               Quack, quack, quack,

               With shiny feathers on my wings

               And back, back, back.    (A duck)                                                          

         10. I am in the farm-yard

               Cluck, cluck, cluck,

     I lay eggs, but I am not

     A duck, duck, duck.       ( A hen )    

 11.  I am in the basket,

        Mew, mew, mew,

        You give me milk and then I purr

         For you, you, you. ( A cat )


T. And now we’ll play a game. I name an animal and action – тварина та дія.You do it and say that you are doing this action now. Another pupil comments on it.


 1) a cat – drink milk

  • I am a cat. I am drinking milk now.
  • She is drinking milk now.

2) a cow – drink water  ( eat grass )

3) a horse – eat grass

4) a lion – eat meat

 5) a cat – fish

 6) a monkey – eat bananas      

 7) a fish – swim

 8) a dog – run

 9) a billy- goat – jump

 10) a kitten – play

 11) a puppy – sleep

T. Well- done! Молодці! I see that you know not only all about animals, but you also know grammar well. Ви довели, що дуже добре попрацювали та багато чого навчилися на уроках англійської мови. I wish you great success in your future, pupils! Let’s work, study and play together! All in chorus:

 Together, together, together, every day,

 Together, together, we work and we play!

T.  And let’s say “Good- bye” to everybody.


  1. Good-bye, teachers,

      Good-bye, teachers,

      Good-bye, teachers,

      It’s time to go home.


  1. Merrily we walk along,

      walk along,

            walk along,

      Merrily we walk along

            Singing a fine song.

3. Good-bye, children       Good-bye, children,

      Good-bye, children,

      It’s time to go home.

  1. Merrily we walk along,

           walk along,

           walk along,

     Merrily we walk along

           Singing a fine song.






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