Контрольна робота з англійської мови за темою "Ukraine, Great Britain"

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Контрольна робота спрямована на перевірку лексико - граматичних знань на тему "Україна, Велика Британія"
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Test                                            5                            Ukraine, Great Britain


Task I. Fill in the words into the sentences   (6 points)


(capital, Ukraine, parts, mount,  the Thames,  founded)

  1. __________ is  situated  in  the  centre  of  Europe.
  2. London  is situated on …. River.
  3. Great Britain consists of three …
  4. The highest … is Ben Nevis.
  5. Kyiv  is  the  … of  Ukraine
  6. It  was  …by  3  brothers.

II. Choose the right answer. (3 points)

  1. Great Britain ….three parts

   a) consists of                                   b) washed by                     c) situated on

2. The capital of Scotland is …

a) London                                          b) Cardiff                           c) Edinburgh

                    3. The ….. is 56 million people.

                        a) population                                   b) mountain                      c) river

                    4. The flag is blue and ..

                        a) green                                            b) yellow                          c) red

                    5. The  main  river  in Ukraine is ..

                        a) the   Dnieper                                b) the Desna                      c) the Denube

                    6. The state emblem is …

a) flag                                                  b) Trident                           c) song


III. Write about Ukraine or Great Britain. (3 points)