Позакласне читання із англійської мови "Не роби словами, а роби ділами"

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Тема: Не роби словами, а роби ділами. Позакласне читання.

Мета: практична: вдосконалювати навички читання тексту з розумінням загального змісту; вчити висловлювати іноземною мовою своє ставлення до прочитаного; освітня: формувати та вдосконалювати навички монологічного й діалогічного мовлення, використовуючи зорові опори; розвивальна: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховна: виховувати бажання реально допомогти тому, хто знаходиться у скрутному становищі

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземного мовлення


Т.Good morning, I’m very glad to see you here. How are you getting on? Let’s greet each other. We’ll start our lesson with a “Hello Song” by Carolyn Graham from Longman Young Children’s Picture Dictionary.

Hello Song

Hello, Harry, hello, hello.

Hello, Mary, hello, hello.

Hello, Sandy, hello, Andy.

Hello, Joe, hello.

Hello, Freddy, hello, hello.

Hello, Terry, hello, hello.

Hello, Sally, hello, Ann.

Hello, Joe, hello.

2.Вступна бесіда за темою уроку

Т.There is a proverb “Action speak louder than words.”Do you know its Russian or Ukrainian equivalent? (Кто много говорит, тот мало делает. Звону много, а толку мало. На пустые слова ячменя не купишь. Соловья баснями не кормят. Не спіши язиком, а спіши ділом. Не роби словами, а роби ділами.)Do you know other proverbs on this topic? (Great cry and little wool. Bare words buy no barley.) Have you ever been in trouble? Did anybody help you? Should real friends help each other? Do you agree that great talkers are little does? Why do you think so?

3.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку 

Т. We’ll talk about real friendship and real friends at our today’s lesson. We’ll read the text “The Hen and the Rose”. We’ll also:

  • discus the problems covered in it;
  • practice new vocabulary in speech;
  • do some exercises and tests on the text.

4.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Warming up. Train the short sound [e].

Peg the Hen

Peg is a red hen. Peg gets set to go. Peg gets into red jet. The jet is fast. Peg gets wet. The jet gets in web. Peg falls and falls. Peg falls into bed.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку



1)leaf, n. plural leaves[countable]- one of the flat green parts of a plant that are joined to its stem or branches;

2)delicious, adj. –extremely pleasant or enjoyable;

3)ugly, adj. – comparative uglier, superlative ugliest – extremely unattractive and unpleasant to look at;

4)sun/ the Sun, n. – the large bright object in the sky that gives us light and heat, and around which the Earth moves;

5)wind, n.  [uncountable and countable] – moving air, especially when it moves strongly or quickly in a current;

6)worm, n.[countable] – a long thin creature with no bones and no legs that lives in soil.

Pre-reading tasks

  • Match the words with their definitions. There is one extra choice that you do not need to use.







a)extremely pleasant or enjoyable;

b)one of flat green parts of a plant;

c)moving air;

d)a long thin creature that lives in soil;

e)water that falls in small drops from clouds in the sky;

f)extremely unattractive and unpleasant to look at;

g)large bright object in the sky that gives us light and heat.

  • Guess: what is “water that falls in small drops from clouds in the sky”. (Rain)
  • Match 1-6 to a-g. There is one extra choice that you do not need to use.

1)the rose;

2)the worm;

3)the sun;

4)the wind;

5)the bird;

6)the hen



c)looks sad;

d)eats the worm;

e)speaks English;


g)eats the leaves

  • Put in the missing forms of the irregular verbs


































The Hen and the Rose

There was a beautiful Rose in a beautiful garden. Every morning she looked at the sun and smiled. But one morning when the Sun came out he was surprised to see that his friend, the Rose, looked sad. He wanted to know what the matter was.

“Dear Rose”, said the sun, “why do you look so sad?””Oh, dear”, answered the Rose, “I am so unhappy because an ugly Worm is eating my leaves and will not go away”. The Sun felt very sorry for the Rose. “I will not shine”, he said, “until Rose is happy”. So he hid behind a cloud. The Wind came along. “Father Sun”, he cried, “why are you not shining today?” “Rose is so unhappy ”, answered the Sun. “An ugly Worm is eating her leaves and will not go away. I will not shine until Rose is happy.” “I too, am so sorry for Rose”, said the Wind. “I won’t blow until Rose is happy”. And the Wind stopped blowing. A Bird was surprised when the Wind stopped blowing. “Mr. Wind”, she called, “why have you stopped blowing?””Rose is so unhappy. An ugly Worm is eating her leaves and will not go away. So Father Sun will not shine and I will not blow until Rose is happy.”

“I also love Rose”, sang the Bird. “I will not sing again until Rose is happy.”

The Bird met a Hen. “Why do you look so sad? Why aren’t you singing?” said the Hen. “Rose is so unhappy. An ugly Worm is eating her leaves and it will not go away. So Father Sun will not shine, Mr. Wind will not blow and I will not sing again until Rose is happy”. “Really!” cried the Hen. “Please tell me how this will help Rose? If you want to help Rose you must do something for her. Come with me.” The Hen and the Bird went to see the Rose. The old Hen asked no questions. She did not even take the time to say good morning. She looked at the leaves of the Rose with her little eyes. She found the Worm and ate it. “There”, she said. “See, how I have helped Rose and at the same time had a delicious breakfast!”

While- reading task 

  • Who said …? Choose from the list. (There are two extra words that you do not need to use.)

The rose, the hen, the wind, the sun, the rabbit, the bird, the goose.



“I will not shine until Rose is happy”



“An ugly Worm is eating my leaves”



“I will not blow until Rose is happy”



“I will not sing until Rose is happy”



“How will it help Rose ?”

Post-reading tasks

  • Complete the sentences. There is one extra choice that you do not need to use.
  1. Every morning the Rose …
  1. questions;
  1. I am so unhappy because…
  1. along;
  1. The Wind came…
  1. an ugly Worm is eating my leaves;
  1. The Hen asked no…
  1. Looked at the Sun and smiled


  • Say if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1)Every day the Rose looked at the moon and smiled.

2)She was sad because an ugly Worm was eating her leaves.

3)The Wind will not shine until Rose is happy.

4)The Bird ate the Worm and had a delicious  breakfast.

5)The Bird will not sing until Rose is happy.

6)The Hen found the Worn and ate it.

  • Choose the correct item a, b, c or d.

1)There was a beautiful … in a garden.

a)Hen   b)Rose

c)Worm   d)Bird

2)The Rose was unhappy because an … Worm was eating her leaves…

a)beautiful  b)ugly

c)fat   d)awful

3)The Wind will not blow until Rose is …

a)healthy  b)strong

c)beautiful  d)happy

4)The Hen found the … and ate it.

a)Worm   b)leaf

c)the corn  c)the popcorn

  • Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. There are two extra words that you do not need to use.

Out, about, with, along, at, until, for, since

1.Every morning she looked … the Sun.

2.One morning the Su came… .

3.The Sun felt very sorry … the Rose.

4.The Wind came… .

5. I will not sing again … Rose is happy.

6.She looked at the leaves of the Rose … her little eyes.


Individual work

  • Make up the plan of the story and retell it.

1.There was a beautiful Rose in a beautiful garden.

2.The Sun will not shine until Rose is happy.

3.The Wind will not blow until Rose is happy.

4.The Bird will not sing until Rose is happy.

5.The old Hen asked no questions.

3.Speaking and writing

Pair work

  • Answer the questions and discuss the story with your friend

1.Was there a beautiful Rose in a garden or in a forest?

2.Why was the Rose very unhappy one morning?

3.Who wanted to help the Rose?

4.Who really helped her?

5.Have you got a true friend?


  • For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (a, b or c)

1.Was there a beautiful Rose in a beautiful garden?

a)Yes, there is.     b)Yes, there was.

   c)No, he hasn’t

2.Did she look at the Sun?

a)Yes, she does.   b)Yes, she is.

   c)Yes, she did.

3.Will Father Sun stop blowing?

a)Yes, he is.    b)Yes, he does.

   c)Yes, he will.

4.Who is eating the leaves?

a)An ugly Worm is eating the leaves.

b)An ugly Worm was eating the leaves.

c)An ugly Worm has eaten the leaves.

5.What has the Hen found?

a)The  Hen has found the Worm.

b)The Hen has helped the Bird.

c)The Hen has helped the Rose.

  • Match the sentences with their tenses.

1.Every morning she looked at the Sun

2.An ugly Worm is eating my leaves.

3.He will not go away.

4.i have helped Rose.

5.Why do you look so sad?

a)Present Continuous;

b)Future Simple;

c)Present Perfect;

d)Present Simple;

e)Past Simple

Final quiz

  • Underline the right variant.()

There was a beautiful/ ugly Rose in a beautiful garden. Every morning she looked at the Sun and laughed/ smiled. But one morning when the Sun came out he was surprised to see that his friend, the Wind/ the Rose, looked sad. He wanted to know what the matter was.

“Dear Rose”, said the sun, “why do you look so sad?””Oh, dear”, answered the Rose, “I am so unhappy/ happy  because an ugly Worm is eating my/ his leaves and is/ will not go away”. The Sun felt/ feels very sorry for the Rose. “I will/ have not shine”, he said, “until Rose is happy’. So he hide/ hid behind a cloud. The Wind came a long/ along. “Father Sun”, he cried, “why are/ is you not shining today?” “Rose is so unhappy ”, answered the Sun. “An ugly Worm has/ is eating her leaves and will not go a way/ away. I will not shine until Rose is happy.” “I, too, am so sorry for Rose”, said/ thought the Wind. “I won’t blow until Rose is happy”. And the Wind stopped / is blowing. A Bird was/ has surprised when the Wind stopped blowing/ shining. “Mr. Wind”, she called, “why have you stopped shining/ blowing?”

”Rose is so unhappy/ hungry. An ugly Worm is eating her leaves/lives and will not go away. So Father/ Mother Sun will not shine and I will not blow until/ till Rose is happy.”

“Really!” cried the Hen. “Please tell me how this/ these will help Rose? If you/ your want to help Rose you must/ can do something for her. Come to/ with me.”

The Hen and the Bird went/ want to see the Rose.

The old Hen asked no/ know questions. She did not even take the/ that time to say good morning. She looked at the leaves of/ on the Rose with her little eyes. She found the Worm and ate/ at it.

“There”, she said. “ Sea/ see, how I have helped Rose and at the same/ some time had a delicious breakfast!”

III.Завершальна частина уроку


T. You’ve read the text “The Hen and the Rose” and you’ve done a lot of activities. Did you like them? Why? What do you think about the main characters of the story? Which character of this story did you like most of all? Why? Do you think that they are really memorable? What kind of friend would you like to have? What kind of friend have you got?

Інтерактивний метод «Мікрофон»

Цей метод дає змогу кожному по черзі висловити швидко свою думку

Домашнє завдання

At home you are to prepare a projects you should:

  • Express your opinion about them,
  • Explain who do you think is a real friend of the Rose,
  • Supply your projects with pictures.

Write at least 35-45 words.

Підбиття підсумків уроку

Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to an end. You worked hard today and get good marks.


11 червня 2018
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