Матеріал позакласного заходу "A letter to Santa" спрямований на повторення, закріплення та подальше використання в усному та писемному мовленні лексики за темою "Holidays". Учням надаються шаблони написання листа до Санта Клауса з притаманними англійській мові розмовними кліше.
Запорізька загальноосвітня школа I-III ступенів № 14
Запорізької міської ради Запорізької області
3 клас
Вч. англ. мови
Тимчук В.М.
I Привітання
Teacher: Good morning! Good morning!
Goog morning to you,
good morning, dear children!
Good morning to you!
Pupils: Good morning! Hi and hallo!
Nice to meet you!
Hi, good morning, hallo!
Good morning! Hi and hallo!
Together: Good morning! Hallo! It is nice to see you!
T.: Sit down, please. Get everything ready for the lesson. Let's begin now.
What day of the week is it today? What is the date today? Who is on duty today?
Together: Ann is on duty today!
P-s: It is Monday today. It is the nineteenth of December.
T.: Who is absent today?
P-s: Nobody is absent, all pupils are present.
II Фонетична розминка
T.: Now we shall pronouce the sound [s]-[o]. Listen to the way I pronounce the words:
This, sit, tennis, mother, sister, brother, father, seven, stand, that, sad, think, sink, thick.
Now try to repeat after me the words, paying attention to the sounds: [s]- [o].
(The pupils repeat the words after the teacher).
T.: Now, all of you, listen to the way I pronounce the letters [d] and [m].
Now you try [d] and bit longer [d-d-d]. Very well, and now [m] and bit longer [m-m-m].
I shall pronounce some words with these letters and you will repeat after me all together:
My, my name, my mum, my mummy, my mother, a man, a map, a monkey, dad, my dad, daddy, and, stand, sand, a desk, a dog, a duster.
Now do tongue twister and twist you tongue! Repeat after me: Many man at he map, many man on the mat. Daddy, don't on the desk! I am pleased with the way you are doing in your pronunciation.
III Основна частина.
1. Актуалізація опірних знань учнів.
1.1 Match the words to the translation
Santa Claus ноутбук
Presents Санта Клаус
Good подарунки
Christmas рік
Year гарний
Wish Різдво
Laptop побажання
2. Ознайомлення з новим лексичним матеріалом
Look at the rules how to write a letter to Santa.
3. Написання листа до Санта Клауса. Now take your pens, pencils and start writing your letter as in the example.
4. Фізична розминка
Clap,clap,clap your hands!
Clap ypur hands together!
We are clapping,
we are clapping,
we are clapping our hands!
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet!
Stamp your feet together!
We are stamping, we are stamping our feet!
Say [d] and clap your hands,
say [m] and stamp your feet.
T.: Good! Sit down!
IV Підсумок уроку.
Teacher: You have done great job today. I am extremely happy with your work in class today. Your letters are really great. Today we have done tongue twisters, revised New Year vocabulary and wrote letters to Santa. See you next time.