Позакласний захід "Halloween"

Про матеріал

Конкурсно-розважальний сценарій до англомовного свята "Hаlloween". Розробка містить матеріали з історії виникнення свята (фільм), тематичні конкурси та пісні, інсценізацію (поезія) ,вікторину до Дня всіх Cвятих.

Перегляд файлу

1.Singing and acting a song “This Is Halloween” (Tim Burton’s ’’The Night Before Christmas’’  Synchronous screening of the cartoon ’’The Night Before Christmas’’ on TV.




P1: Good evening, dear guests! Welcome to our party! Today we are having a special holiday! In Europe the night of the ghosts and witches was combined with the Christian holiday. As that night fell on October 31, people called it Halloween. This means “hallowed evening” or “holy eve”.

P2: Boys and girls of every age wouldn't  you like to see something strange?

Come with us and you will see    This is our party  of  Halloween

   This is Halloween, this is Halloween

Performance and song “Addams Family” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6QzbvH-ZNo

P1: Hope you know the history of Halloween quite well . Let’s watch a film  !!!

Film “Halloween”

P1: Let’s play  Halloween Trivia

Halloween Trivia Questions for the audience


Q: What animal is bad luck if it crosses your path?
A: Black cat

Q: What flying animal turns into a vampire?
A: Bat

Q: What Halloween monster is wrapped in bandages?
A: Mummy

Q: What turns into an animal during a full moon?
A: Werewolf

Q: Where does Dracula live?
A: Transylvania

Q: What is the most popular Halloween Candy?
A: Reese’s Peanut Butter cups

Q: What vegetable do Vampires hate?
A: Garlic

Q: What movie is Jack Skellington from?
A: Nightmare Before Christmas

Q: What does a ghost say?
A: Boo

Q: What is the most popular Halloween custom for kids?
A: Super Hero

Q: What is the name of the friendly ghost?
A: Casper

Q: What do you say when you visit a house for candy on Halloween?
A: Trick or Treat

Q: What is the name of the daughter from The Addams Family?
A: Wednesday Addams

Q: What movie did Miguel visit the Land of the Dead?
A: Coco

Q: What is the name of the town in Nightmare Before Christmas?
A: Halloween Town

Q: What two colors are popular for Halloween?
A: Black and orange

Q: What Halloween candy was first called “chicken feed”?
A: Candy Corn

P1 : The main Halloween activity for children is trick-or-treating. They dress in costumes and masks and go from door to door saying “trick or treat”.

Trick or treat, smell our feet.     We want something good to eat.

The neighbors give children such treats as candy, fruit and pennies so that children do not play tricks on them.

P2:  Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins with face carved into one side. An Irish legend says that Jack-o-lanterns are named after the man called Jack. He could not enter the hell because he had played jokes on devil. As a result, Jack has to walk on the Earth with his lantern until Judgment Day. Costumes and jack – o – lanterns were thought to protect people from any harm they might cause.

Students sing a song “Halloween Creatures”




P1 : How about MUMMY WRAP GAME? We need 3 people 3 it. One of you will be the Mummy another- the sculptor. The first team to wrap their mummy wins! 


P2: You are the best in creating Mummies! And now let meet another strange creatures!


Performance and song “Ghostbusters”









Witches’ Brew  (3 witches)


1Waking in darkened gloom,

I work by the light of a blood red moon.

Mixing a potion delicious with fright,

Its green liquid gleaming in wolf's moonlight.

Thick with goo my cauldron bubbles,

My wand casts a spell; in size it doubles.

Add a pinch of spiders, frog toe, eye of newt,

Now dog's tongue, bat wool and dragon's fruit.

The children sleep soundly til a howling they hear,

Then up from above, six small eyes appear.

Hee-hee-hee! I cackle. Add a slip of yew.

Three heads shall deliciously add to my brew!


2Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and caldron bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,

In the caldron boil and bake;

Eye of newt and toe of frog,

Wool of bat and tongue of dog,

Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,

Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble,

Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and caldron bubble.

Cool it with a baboon's blood,

Then the charm is firm and good.


3 I’m making up some witches brew

I'll stir in blood drops and cat eyes too

Next comes earthworms slippery slop

I will add cob webs and I won't stop

I pulled off chickens toenails for you

Don't worry. I'll only use a few

Next is cat claws and then I'll stir

 I really hope I didn't get any fur

 I put in those pesky. colored flies

And even have a few owl eyes

I’ll even add bat wings to my stew

Witch fingers are added. but just a few

let's stir and stir the witches brew


let's stir and stir the witches brew









Halloween is fun

We like to go, on Halloween All up and down our street,

Dressed up like ghosts and witches bad, And frighten those we meet.

I like the lively jack o' lanterns That wink and blink at me.

The screeching bats and creeping cats

Are funny as can be.

I like to eat the pumpkin pies That mother makes - yum, yum!

Oh, I'm so very glad each year, When Halloween has come!


Mystic Magination Night!


On one mystic, magic night,
Jack O Lanterns glowing bright,
kids with bags of candy sweet,
roam door to door and street to street,
all dressed up for trick or treat!

Wizards with wands, pirates with hooks,
monsters and clowns with spooky looks,

kings and queens with capes and crowns,
a princess in her royal gown,

witches with warts and fairies with wings
movies stars with sparkling rings,

vampires with fangs that bite,
ghost that boo all dressed in white.

Imaginations taken flight,
on that one mystic, magic night.

Oh, the fun of Halloween,
be young or old or in between!

Black Hood (2 students)

You know you've seen it around before
Tailing your car to the grocery store.
Just out of sight from where you stood
That fleeting and unforgettable black hood.

From the back of the line in the coffee shop
To the streets, hidden behind a bus stop.
'It's following me,' you decide for good.
That evasive and eerie black hood.

Taunting you, holding a bouquet of flowers
A haunting feeling you remember for hours
Frightening you more than it should,
That ominous and daunting black hood.

Jolting awake in the middle of the night
It's outside of your window; your fear ignites.
Losing more sleep than you ever thought you could,
That sinister and possessive black hood.

Now you can't even walk down the hall
Without panicking; it's everywhere...yet nowhere at all
Your crutch is the wall and its sturdy wood
That terrifying and ubiquitous black hood.

It's paralyzed you, with fear and uncertainty
Snatching your thoughts and seizing your clarity
If you knew a way to stop this, you would
That uncontrollable and engrossing black hood.

Today is Halloween, the day of the dead.
Trudging home with feet heavier than lead,
You hear footsteps behind you, so you stop in your tracks.
You're shaking with terror, that feeling is back.

But this time, it's different; something's wrong.
Though your fear is the same, ever so strong,
Now it's closer, behind you, there's a knife at your back!
The last thing you see before the world turns black...
is a Hood.


































P1: I am so hungry .

P2: Would you  like to eat an apple?

P1: Yes, Of course  . GIVE ,GIVE GIVE ME AN APPLE.

P2 : Not so fast!! If you want to eat an apple let’s play our tasty games . We need 2 volunteers




P1: Hope You are full now and like our  tasty games!!!

P2: Let’s have some fun!!!!

Girls sing a song “SWEET DREAMS”

P2 (singing ) Sweet dreams are made of this  Who am I to disagree?

P1:  Ohhhhhh….Stop singing this girlish song AHHH

This is Halloween …monsters? Ghosts? Vampires ? Booooo

P2: No problems! WELCOME

Boys sing a song “ DU HAST”

P1: Our  next mission is named “Charades“ Do you know  the rules?

P2: One pupil will show you the hidden word and you, the public, should guess it

 Let’s play

Halloween Charades



A witch



a jack-o-lantern





Freddy Krueger


Pirate                  scary

Blood                 Coffin




Black cat           

Girls sing a song “Secret”


 P1: It’s high time to choose the scariest costume  with the help of your applause!

The King of Halloween

The Queen of Halloween

Choosing the winners and prize distribution. 

P2: Hope you have enjoyed the party and yourself!   Scary Halloween!!!  Have fun at the disco!!!!


Boys sing a song by The Rasmus - In the Shadows














A song “The Adams Family!”


They're creepy and they're kooky,

mysterious and spooky,

They're all together ooky,

The Addams Family


Their house is a museum,

when people come to see 'em

They really are a screa-um

The Addams Family

(spoken: Neat, sweet, petit!)


So get a witch's shawl on,

A broomstick you can crawl on.

We're going to make a call on

The Addams Family





























Увага! Увага! Увага!

    Свято Хелловін    Halloween

     25 жовтня    16:30     Актова зала

Запрошуємо усіх!!!!


  •                        Концерт             
  •                        Костюмована вечірка
  •                        Містична музика
  •                        Моторошні  конкурси
  •                        Обрання короля та королеви Жаху
  •                        Святкова дискотека


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