Позакласний захід "The Sleeping Beauty"

Про матеріал
Всім відомо, що інсценування, драматизація допомогають створити атмосферу, у якій навчальний матеріал активізується, інтерпретується на новому мовному рівні та практично використовується в акті комунікації.
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                                                             The Sleeping Beauty

                                                           Level - A2+ pre-intermediate

                                                         Oksana Viniukova, a teacher of English,

                                                         school # 2 specializing in English and French,

                                                         Rubizhne, Luhansk region
















- to develop students' communicative skills;

- to improve students' speaking and listening skills;

- to develop students' quick reaction;

- to develop students' creative abilities imagination;

- to practise students' reciting skills;

- to practise a role-play;

- to develop students' abilities to bring knowledge and skills into a new situation;

- to incorporate students' teamwork


Equipment: some scenery, costumes


















T: Hello, everybody! Welcome to our party! It is devoted to love.

Narrator 1: We are sure that all of you will agree that we wouldn't be able to live without love.

Narrator 2: Love is a great feeling. It's a magic feeling, too. It makes people strong and more beautiful. Love makes wonders, indeed.

Narrator 1: Dear guests! Welcome to the magic world of the popular fairy-tales! Everybody knows that there are a great many of fairy-tales read and enjoyed by both children and grown-ups everywhere in the world. One of such fairy-tales is "The Sleeping Beauty"! And today we are going to show it.

Narrator 2: Long ago, in a land far away, there lived a king and queen. They were happier than anyone else in the land. They had a new baby. Princess Rosamond. They invited many people to the palace for a party.

King: My good friends, we could not be happier. You have come to see Princess Rosamond. As you can see, we invited just twelve wize women because we have just twelve chairs for the women to sit in.

Queen: Yes, my friends, we could not be happier. Bring the princess in.

Narrator 1: Each of the twelve wize women had a gift for the princess. The 12th wize woman was just giving the princess the gift of beauty, when the 13th wize woman, who was not invited, came into the room.

King: What is the meaning of this? Why are you here?

13th Wize Woman: I am very angry, since I was not invited to the party. And since I am able to give gifts, too. I have a gift for the princess and this is my gift. When the princess is 15 years old, she will prick her finger on a spindle and will lose one drop of blood. She will fall under a spell and sleep for 100 years. Everyone else in the palace will sleep, too.

(She laughs and leaves.)

Narrator 2: The years went by. One day Princess Rosamond was walking about the palace. She came to some steps that she had never seen until then. She found a small room at the top of steps. Inside the room, an old woman was sitting at a wheel spinning cloth.

Rosamond: What are you doing?

13th Wize Woman: I am making cloth for the king.

Rosamond: For the king? He is my father. I am Rosamond.

13th Wize Woman: Yes, I know. I have seen you picking flowers in the field.

Rosamond: Yes, they are so beautiful.

13th Wize Woman: And you too, my dear, are as beautiful as a flower. Since you are here, would you like to learn how to spin?

Rosamond: Yes, I would.

13th Wize Woman: Good! I'll show you how. Put one finger here on the spindle.

Rosamond: Like this? Ouch! There is blood on the spindle. I have pricked my finger!  I feel so tired and sleepy!

13th Wize Woman: Yes, my beauty, you are under my spell. The time has come for you to sleep.

(She laughs and leaves.)

Narrator 1: And so Princess Rosamond fell into a deep sleep. The king and queen and everyone else in the palace fell into a deep sleep, too. And for 100 years everyone in the palace slept.

Narrator 2: At last, the 100 years have passed. A great forest has grown up around the palace. The forest was like a big fence made of trees. The fence of trees is so thick and tall that it covers the palace. Then one day a prince came from another country. He saw a peddler by the side of the road. The peddler was pushing a cart full of fresh bread. The prince stopped to talk.

Prince: Hello! What are you selling?

Peddler: I am selling loaves of bread today. It's nice, fresh bread, and today I am selling two loaves for one. Would you like some fresh bread?

Prince: No, thank you. But I would like a drink of water. I have travelled many miles.

Peddler: Here, you can have a drink of my water. Who are you? And why have you come so far?

Prince: I am a prince from a country far away. I have heard stories about a sleeping princess. Can you tell me about her?

Peddler: I have heard a few words about the sleeping princess. She sleeps in the palace on the other side of the forest. Some people have hope to find her, but the forest is too dark and thick to get through.

Prince: Why does the princess sleep?

Peddler: Few people can remember why she sleeps. Some say she pricked her finger and went to sleep. They say that she is very beautiful.

Prince: Thank you, my friend. I must try to find her.

Narrator 1: And so the prince left. He came to the forest. It was very dark and the trees were very tall. But the 100 years had passed, and it was time for all in the palace to be awakened. As the prince went into the forest, the sun came out, and the fence of trees turned golden in the light. At last the stairs and looked in all the rooms.

Prince: Everywhere I look I see people who are asleep. But where is the sleeping beauty?

Narrator 2: Then he came to some stairs. He went up the stairs, and the top he found a small room. He pushed to open the door and there he found Rosamond, sleeping on a golden bed. The prince kissed the princess. She awakened and smiled.

Rosamond: (sitting up) Who are you?

Prince: I am a prince from a country far away. I have come many miles to see you. In my country we have heard stories about the sleeping beauty.

Rosamond: Where have my father and mother gone? Have you seen them?

Prince: Yes, I saw them, but they were asleep, too. I have heard that you were asleep for 100 years. But now you have awakened.

Narrator 1: And so the prince found the sleeping beauty. And the king and queen and all who slept in the palace awakened. And this is the end of the story about the sleeping beauty. We hope you have had a good time, haven't you? All of you have seen that love is more powerful than magic. Our party is over. Thank you for coming to see us. Goodbye everybody!

20 липня 2021
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