Позакласний захід ‘’ The Snow Queen’’

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Розробка позакласного заходу з англійської мови за сценарієм казки Ганса Крістіана Андерсена "Снігова Королева".
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Snow Queen


Author: In a big city with many people and houses there live a boy and a girl. Their families are very poor. The children have a tiny garden on the roof of their house. They grow flowers in it. The Boy and the Girl love each other like a brother and a sister.

Gerda: Hello boys and girls! This is my brother. We live here with our Granny. My name is Gerda.

Kay: And my name is Kay. (стук в двері)                    

Gerda: What is it?

Kay: Our Granny is going here, but why is she knocking? Let’s frighten her.

Gerda: OK.   (бігають по кімнаті, намагаються сховатися. Заходить чоловік)

Kay: Bow-wow-wow!                                   

Gerda: Miaow-miaow!

Man: What's going on in this house? Why are you shouting? You silly children!

Gerda: We are very sorry! We thought you were our Granny.   (заходить бабуся)

Kay: Granny!                                              

Gerda: Our Granny!

Granny: My dear children!

Man: Good evening, madam!

Granny: Good evening, sir! What can I do for you? Who are you?

Man: I'm the King's Counsellor! I want to buy these red roses. How much do you want for them?

Granny: They are not for sale, sir.

Man: Everything could be sold out and everything could be bought. Money! That's the only important thing!

Kai and Herda: Granny, please, don't sell our roses to this man. We are afraid of him.

Granny: Don't worry, my dear! I'm not going to sell our roses to anyone!

Man: You are quite right to be afraid of me. I'll do my best to spoil your life. I'll take revenge! I'll tell the Snow Queen about you! (Виходить)

Kay: What an angry man!

Gerda: Granny, who is the Snow Queen?

Granny: I know that the Snow Queen lives in the North! She is very beautiful but very cruel.

Kai: I will fry her on the frying pan! (Сміється)

Author: And with these words a terrible wind started, one of the windows suddenly opened and a wonderful woman dressed in a beautiful white gown appeared in the room.

S.Q.: Is it you, my dear boy, who wanted to fry me on the pan? Would you like to go with me to my kingdom? You will rid yourself of this poor house and these beggars. I will give you a lot of silver. My palace is full of it.

Kai: Oh, no. Your Majesty, I want to stay here. Please, don't touch me.

S.Q.: Your heart is too hot. I will make it a piece of ice. Your eyes will see every­thing in a broken mirror.

Author: And the Snow Queen disap­peared like a cloud.

Kai: Oh, something sharp and cold touched my heart and my eyes. (He touches his heart and eyes.)

Kai: Oh, Herda, look! These flowers are so ugly! (to Granny) And you are so old and a fool! Ha-ha-ha! I’d better run to the town square to sledge with other children. (Кай вибігає.)

Author: You see, my dear friends, that the Snow Queen made Kai forget every­thing. She took him to her Palace, where he could play with silver icy cubes. Little poor Herda had to leave Granny and go far away, looking for Kai. Once, she came to the garden with a little house in it.  An old woman comes out of the house.

Scene 2.

Чарівна долина. Танець квітів і метеликів.

Old Woman: Good day, little girl. What is your name? What are doing here?

Gerda: Good day. My name is Gerda. I am looking for my friend. His name is Kai. Did you hear about him?

Old Woman: Come in, Gerda. I can help you.

Author: Then the Old Woman takes the girl into her house. There is a basket full of cherries on the table. Gerda begins to eat. The Old Woman starts to brush her hair and Gerda forgets Kai. The Old Woman knows magic. The next day she lets Gerda play in her flower-garden. A lot of days’ pass. One day the girl sees a beautiful rose in the flower-garden. She remembers about the roses in her little garden at home and about Kai.

Gerda: What am I doing here? I need to find Kai!

Author: Then Gerda runs to the garden gate, opens it and begins to run along the road…Soon she feels tired and sits on a large stone. Suddenly she sees that it is late autumn already…

Scene 3.

Author: Gerda sees big black crows in front of her.

Crow 1: Caw! Caw! Caw! Good morning, young lady!

Gerda: Good morning!

Crow 2: Where are you going, young lady?

Gerda: I am looking for my brother Kay.

Crow 1: It's the name of our prince! Let’s go  and you'll see your brother!

Gerda: Oh, thank you very much.(Палац. Принц і принцеса граються. Заходить Герда і ворони)

Prince: Who is there?

Princess: It's a girl and crows.

Prince: What are you doing here, young lady? Why are you crying?

Gerda: I am Gerda. I'm crying because you are not my brother.

Prince: Don't cry! We'll help you! Where are you going?

Gerda: I'm going to the North. I must find the Snow Queen!

Princess: It's a long way!

Prince: We'll give you a carriage!

Princess: And I'll give you a coat, a muff and boots. Gerda, Take my clothes!(Одягають дівчинку.)

Gerda: Thank you very much!

Prince: Good luck!    

Princess: Good-bye!       

Gerda: Good-bye!


Author:Gerda drives into a dark forest. It that forest robbers live. They see a gold carriage and want to rob it.                                    (Танець розбійників.)   

 Robber 1: Look what we've got!

Robber 2: Here is a gold carriage!

Robber 1: And this is the girl from the carriage!

Robber 2: How nice she is! I think she will be very tasty!

Gerda: Don't kill me, please! Let me go!

Robber 1: What a silly girl! Ha-ha-ha!

Gerda: Dear robbers! Please let me go! Kay will die without me!

Robber 2: I'm going to eat you!

Little Robber Girl: Don't touch her! She will be mine! She will play with me! Give me your muff and your hat! What's your name?

Gerda: I'm Gerda. You can take my clothes but I'll be cold when I get to the Snow Queen.

Little Girl Robber: No! You won't go there! You will live with me! Look what I've got! Come, come here quickly!                            (З’явився олень)  

Little Girl Robber: Gerda, look how funny he is!

Gerda: Don't hurt him, please!

Little Robber Girl: Why? I like when it is afraid of me.

Gerda: May I ask him a question?

Little Robber Girl: Yes, you may.

Gerda: Tell me, deer! Did you live in the North?           

Reindeer: Oh, yes!

Gerda: Have you ever seen the Snow Queen?

Reindeer: Yes, I have. She had a little boy with her! He was white with cold. She called him Kay.

Gerda: He has seen her. He is my brother. Dear girl! Let me go! I must save Kay! He will die in the North.

Reindeer: Do let her go! I'll take Gerda to the Snow Queen's Kingdom.

Little Girl Robber: All right! There is nothing to be done. I won't give you your muff! I like it.

Reindeer: Thank you!     

Little Robber Girl: Good luck, Gerda!   

Gerda: Goodbye!

Author: The Reindeer begins to gallop quickly through the forest. Soon they come to Lapland.

Scene 5.

Gerda: Is this the kingdom of the Snow Queen?

Reindeer: Yes, it is. I can't go farther. You must remember, the Snow Queen is very cruel!

Gerda: I must go there! Thank you, my dear friend! (У палаці. Кай складає крижинки.)

Gerda: Kay, Kay! Are you frozen? Answer me!

Kay: Gerda! Don’t touch me, I’m making a word out of icicles.

Gerda: Dear Kay! It's me, Gerda! You didn't even say to me: "Glad to see you!"

Kay: Glad to see you.

Gerda: You sound so cold. Are you really my brother?

Kay: I am really Kay. I am very busy. I must make the word out of icicles.

GerdaKay,let's go home.It's spring there.The sky is blue,the sun is shining, the birds are singing.(Герда обнімає Кая

Kay: I am cold, Gerda. Is it you? What's the matter? I can walk! ,  Gerda, sweet  little  Gerda!  Where have you been so long?  And where have I been? How cold it is here! How empty and cold!

Gerda: Go home, my dear brother.

The Snow Queen: Now, stop, you, ugly little girl! What are you doing here, girl?

Gerda: I am his sister. I come to save him.

Snow Queen: No, he will live with me!

Kai: I don't want to stay here any more.

Gerda: We are not afraid of you now! Love and friendship help us to work miracles.

Kai (To the Queen): Get out of our way! (Королева виходить)

Gerda: Let's go! We will get home. (Вихід всіх героїв)

Author: Kai and Herda hurried away from the Palace of the Snow Queen. On their way home all their friends who had helped them greeted them. (Діти пожимають руки героям) Old Granny was happy to see her children back in their poor, small but cozy and warm house.

9 лютого 2020
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