Практичне заняття з англійської мови на тему "The Kitchen Organization"

Про матеріал
Практичне заняття розраховано на здобувачів освіти, які вивчають англійську мову за професійним спрямуванням. Матеріал допоможе вивчити лексику кухонного приладдя та основні прийоми роботи кухаря; розвинути навички читання, перекладу та самостійної роботи.
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Тема: The Kitchen Organization

Мета: вивчити лексику кухонного приладдя та  основні прийоми роботи кухаря; розвинути навички читання, перекладу та самостійної роботи.


  1. Бунтіна Л. Ф. Англійська мова ресторанної справи: навч. посіб. – К.: Київ. нац. торг.- екон. ун-т, 2000.
  2. Верба Г. В., Верба Г. Г., Верба Л. Г. Довідник з граматики англійської мови (з вправами). – К.: Освіта, 2001.

I. Read and translate the text


A kitchen is, first of all, a production unit; it must produce the best food at the lowest possible price. Food cost and quality are therefore the chefs main concerns, so he should be endowed with the right amount of space, appliances and staff in order to come up to the management’s expectations.

The kitchen is as near perfection as possible, and its layout has been particularly well planned. The cooks can work in the commodious, well-lit cooking area, and there is no interference.at all with the commis waiters coming from the restaurant. As the commis enter the kitchen, they find the table for «dirties» on their left. Having deposited the used plates and dishes, they pass round the service area to collect the next course. This area is fitted with an electric griller and a carving table, as well as a hot plate and hot cupboards. Behind the «dirties» table is the washing-up area with its dish-washing machine and «cleans» table.

The equipment of the cooking area proper is outstanding; besides the usual coal-range, one finds electric, gas and oil cookers. On the racks and shelves of the area you have all the necessary utensils, a regular assortment of saucepans, frying pans, casseroles, boilers, tins and trays of every description, supplemented by the usual time-saving gadgets: mincers, sheers. Peelers, chippers, mashers and mixers to name just a few This is indeed a functional, labour-saving kitchen, which is a necessity, considering that it has to handle hundreds of meals a day, besides providing snacks for the coffee-shop or the licensed bar, and catering for the social functions and conferences help in the hotel. The days are gone when cheap labour was easily available; economic changes and a shortage of trained kitchen help, have brought a complete revolution in the kitchen. Automation and mechanization tend to be the rule nowadays with time steampressure cookers, highspeed fryers, electric ovens and micro-ware ovens. Dishwashers are automatic and there are even new types of garbage and waste disposal machinery grinding and dehydrating wastes into powder, thus reducing garbage to one sixth of its original mass.

The common aim of all these efforts: to produce more and better food at a price acceptable by the client and yielding a reasonable profit to the establishment.

Active Vocabulary

endow [in’dau]- забезпечувати постійним прибутком, наділяти

appliances [ə’plaiəns] – устаткування

layout [‘leiaut]- схема, план

commodious [kə’məudjəs]– просторий

well-lit [wel lit]- добре освітлений

deposit (тут) [di’pͻzit]- класти, покласти

carving table [‘ka:viη ‘teibl]- робочий стіл

coal range [kəul reindʒ]- кухонна плита, що опалюється вуглем

utensils [ju:’tensls]- посуд, приладдя

supplement [‘sʌplimənts]– супроводжувати

gadgets [‘gꬱdʒit]- прилади

tend (v) [tend]- мати тенденцію

oven [‘ʌvn]- піч, плита

garbage [‘ga:bidʒ]- сміття, викиди

grind [graind]- молоти, перемелювати

wastes [weists]- відходи, відпрацьований бруд

yield [ji:ld]- приносити, виробляти

rack (n) [rꬱk]- підставка, полиця

mincer [‘minsər]- м'ясорубка

II. Grammar Exercises

Ex. 1. Give English equivalents to the corresponding words and word-combinations:

ціна та якість їжі, необхідне устаткування та штат, добре сплановане приміщення кухні, помічник офіціанта, стіл для брудного посуду, підігрівати посуд, звичайний асортимент, мийка, функціональна економічна кухня, кваліфікований штат, механізація та автоматизація, мікрохвильова піч, робітник кухні.

Ex. 2. Make these sentences negative and interrogative:

  1. The kitchen must produce the best food at the lowest price.
  2. The kitchen layout has been particularly well planned.
  3. The commis waiter finds the table for «dirties» on his left.
  4. The service area is fitted with an electric griller.
  5. On the racks and shelves of the area you have all necessary utensils.
  6. This is indeed a functional, labour-saving kitchen.

 III. Questions for self-control in writing form:

  1. What is a kitchen?
  2. What is its main goal?
  3. What are the chef’s main concerns?
  4. Under what conditions can the cooks work in the kitchen?
  5. What are the commis duties in the kitchen?
  6. Decribe the service area of the kitchen.
  7. In which way should be the modem cooking area equipped?
  8. Why do we call such an area as a functional, labour-saving kitchen?
  9. What are the main features of nowadays kitchen?
  10.  What is the common aim of all the efforts of kitchen staff?


9 січня 2021
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