Present Perfect Tense

Про матеріал
Граматичне завдання для контролю навичок вживання Present Perfect. Закріпити і перевірити вміння вживати часову форму
Перегляд файлу

                                                    Exercise 1

Put verbs into correct tense Present Perfect Simple and write down these sentences.


1. Bob … (write) his name.

2. I … (draw) a picture.

3. The cat … (drink) its milk.

4. George never … (be) in Australia.

5. The tree … (fall) across the road.

6. John … (give) his bicycle to his brother.

7. You … (make) a mistake.

8. We … (eat) our dinner.

9. The train just … (go).

10. I just … (tell) the answer.

11. They …. play tennis

12. She………. (not / see) her parents for a long time.


                                                      Exercise 2

Write sentences use Present Perfect Simple .


1.  I / buy / a new car – I have bought a new car.


2.  My father / start / a new job – ___________________________________.


3.  I / read / an interesting book – ___________________________________.


4.  Charles and Sarah / go / to Brazil ___________________________________.


  1. Susan / have / a baby – ___________________________________.
17 червня 2020
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