Презентація "A traditional Christmas dinner in England"

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Номер слайду 1

A Traditional English Christmas Dinner. Prepared by Tatiana Fadeeva. Severodonetskrrrrrrrrrrrr

Номер слайду 2

Every country has its own customs and traditions. English people are proud of their traditions and they keep them up. It is difficult to speak about England without speaking about its holidays. Christmas Day is among them. Christmas dinner is a meal traditionally eaten at Christmas. This meal can take place any time from the evening of Christmas Eve to the evening of Christmas Day itself. The meals are often particularly rich and substantial

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It is said it must be 12 foods on Christmas. I would like to tell you about some of them.

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Contents. Christmas Turkey. Roast Potatoes. Pigs in Blankets. Gravy. Brussel Sprouts. Christmas pudding. Trifle Mince pies Yule Log

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Christmas Turkey. English people say that the true queen of Christmas is turkey watered gooseberry sauce. After the main meat dish is served on the table, the owner of the house cuts it and lays on guests plates.

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Roast Potatoes Roast Potatoes. There is nothing like scoop of properly roasted potatoes! These are often cut into small squares, and put into the oven with a bit of olive oil drizzled on top, along with herbs such as parsley and thyme, and salt and pepper. Once the edges are browned, the potatoes are good to go!

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Pigs in Blankets. Pigs in blankets are another British part of Christmas dinner! These are small sausages that are wrapped in bacon, and often surround the turkey when it is served.

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Gravy. Gravy is actually a type of sauce that comes from the drippings of the turkey when it is cooked. Then the drippings are mixed with wheat flour to make it thicker, as well as salt and pepper, and finally poured over the slices of turkey and stuffing.

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Brussel Sprouts. Even though many people will never eat Brussel sprouts on their own, when they are cooked or sautéed, they become incredibly delicious! Common toppings during Christmas dinner include cheese and butter, balsamic vinegar, or even brown sugar.

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Christmas pudding. Dessert is often Christmas Pudding. Mince pies and lots of chocolates are often eaten as well!

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Trifle Тrifle is also a popular dessert at Christmas. It's made in a large bowl and consists of a layer of sponge cake (or sponge fingers) at the bottom of the bowl (which is often soaked in sherry or brandy) then there's a layer of fruit (normally suspended in a fruit flavored jelly) and it's topped with a layer of custard and then whipped cream

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Mince pies Mince pies are tiny pies that are filled with fruits such as raisins, cranberries, and sultanas, as well as chopped nuts and spices such as cinnamon, sugar, and nutmeg. Once they are baked, they are dusted with a little icing sugar and ready to eat – perfect with a cup of tea or a glass of wine, and a nice finish to a delicious Christmas dinner!

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Yule Log. Yule Log ia a log shaped chocolate cake eaten at Christmas

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Thank You For Attention!

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 березня 2019
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