Презентація "Ages and stages".

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Презентація є розробкою для звітного уроку і містить лексичні завдання, матеріал для читання, цікаві питання для обговорення та граматику для закріплення конструкцій used to, get used to +Ving. Для розробки уроку використовувались матеріали підручника A. Clare, JJ Wilson "Speakout" upper-intermediate, M.McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell "English Vocabulary in Use"
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Ages and Stages

Номер слайду 2

Growing up. Age0-1 year1-22-12 13-1718+20-3030-4040+60-6575+14-17 Carefree age, rebellious age, the toughest age, life changing age, actively learning age, mature age, cautious with age. Stage. A child. A baby. A toddler. A teenager. Middle-aged person. In his/her early/mid/late twenties. Retirement. In his/her early/mid/ late thirties. Old age (the elderly)Adolescent. An adult

Номер слайду 3

Vocabulary. Age. Match the words/phrases with meanings and answer the questions. If someone looks young for his age, is that good or bad?When is someone in his or her prime?If you tell a twenty-year-old man, "Act your age!” what kind of thing might be doing?At what age do people generally come of age in your country: seventeen, eighteen, twenty-one. Do you think most eighteen-year-olds are too immature for university?At what age do you think a person has the maturity to make a decision about marriage or career?What age is a person elderly?Does age discrimination affect people looking for jobs in your country?A) Behave in a more adult way. B) ‘old’(said in a more polite way)C) In the best period of their life. D) Treating people unfairly based on age. E) Reach the age when legally an adult. F) In relation to how old they are. G) wisdom that comes with age. H) childish

Номер слайду 4

Guess the age (10, 15,20,30,45,65)

Номер слайду 5

Speech patterns. Talk about your age using speech patterns. I’m supposed to ….. I’m lucky to have…I appreciate…. The best thing about my age is…The worst thing about my age is…At my age I manage to…I pretend to/never pretend to (that)…I find it satisfying that.. I recon (I’m sure) that…. I feel comfortable in my skin because….

Номер слайду 6

Used to, be/ get used to+Ving. Talk about yourself using:{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Used to. To be/getting used to +Ving. To have got used to +Ving. Time spent on doing home assignments. Shopping habits. Leisure activities. Spending holidays. Passing exams. Be supervised by parents

Номер слайду 7

Living to 101 Centenarians – someone who is 100 years and more. Lifestyle fad- lifestyle craze, trend. Science of longevity- careful study of the length or duration of life. Happen to live- have a fortune/chance to live. The source of miracle- the origin of phenomenon. Rainbow diet- eating fruit and vegetables of different colors every day. Important properties- essential distinctive features. Cell damage- physical harm to the smallest basic unit of human body. Consume- eat and drink. Get more for our money. Bloated – full of liquid, gas, food, so that you feel much larger than normal. Get your money’s worth and don’t get your health’s worth. Dig yourself into the early grave- to behave in a way that will cause one’s death

Номер слайду 8

Living to 101. Questions1. Where is Okinawa located?2. What is Okinawa famous for all over the world?3. How old is Mr. Miagi? And what are his expectations about getting older?4. What do the Okinawans think about the science of longevity? 5. What is the secret of the Okinawans’ rainbow diet?6. What important properties protect Okinawans from diseases?7. What is the secret of “Hara hachi bu”? What does it mean?8. What is the difference between the western and the Japanese eating habits?

Номер слайду 9

Recipe for long living 1. Keep2. Follow3. Do4. Don`t fall5. Avoid6. Stay7. Maintain8. Don’t become. A) some gentle exercises. B) monotonous routine. C) sensible diet. D) mentally active. E) positive attitude. F) healthy. G) depressed. H) stress

Номер слайду 10

Home assignment: Watch the video and do ex. 4a,c p.74 Look for information on the Internet and find the information about legal age. Write down your legal rights. Write down sentences using speech patterns about your age.“Going for gold” W. B. p.50, 51 Ex.1,2 (grammar)

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