Презентація англійською мовою "Yurii Drohobych"

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Yuriy Kotermak (Drohobych) - a famous cultural figure of the Renaissance.

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Yuriy Kotermak (Drohobych)Yurii Mykhailovych Kotermak, known as Giorgio da Leopoli until the 20th century (1450, Drohobych - February 4, 1494, Krakiw) - philosopher, astronomer, astrologer, the first Ukrainian doctor of medicine. He is the first Ukrainian author of a printed work in Latin, one of the initiators of the printing of the first books in the Old Russian language, Osmoglasnyk, Chasoslovets.

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The beginning of the journey. Yuriy Kotermak was born in the town of Drohobych in the Carpathian region in the family of a poor craftsman. His mother died when the boy was very young. Yuri and his older sister were brought up by their father, and he learned to read and write from a local count. Kotermak received his primary and secondary education in Drohobych and Lviv. He showed an ability to learn foreign languages and quickly mastered Polish, German, Italian and Latin, and was interested in astronomy. He often traveled with merchant caravans to other countries as an interpreter. In 1469, he became a student of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Krakiw.

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First achievements. In 1470, Yurii Kotermak obtained a bachelor's degree, after which he attended the lectures necessary to obtain a master's degree, and at the same time taught younger students, thus starting his teaching career. The young scientist had to listen to mandatory lectures on arithmetic, music, planetary theory, geometry according to Euclid. He was also interested in astronomy, learned to make astrological forecasts. In 1473, he became a master.

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On the way to Italy. Two years after being awarded a bachelor's degree and passing the master's exam, Yuriy left to continue his studies in Italy - at the famous University of Bologna, where since the 14th century. the popularity of the liberal arts and medicine was growing rapidly. In the official list of students of the Bologna University of Doctors and Artists, Yuriy Kotermak was recorded as "Yuriy from Lviv, in the Galician land." Giorgio da Leopoli - that's what his Italian colleagues called him. He improved his knowledge of the Latin language, studied Greek, deepened his knowledge of philosophy, which also included the basics of natural sciences, united under the common name "natural philosophy".

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The title of doctor. In 1478, Master Kotermak obtained the degree of doctor of liberal arts and later of medicine in Bologna. To become a doctor of medicine, it was necessary to study this science for four years. So, speaking in astronomy classes as a doctor of liberal arts and a professor, he sat on the student bench in medicine lectures. Astronomy, which was taught by Yuriy, and medicine, which he studied in lectures, were closely related in those days. In 1482, he passed the exam for the title of doctor of medicine. At that time, every doctor had to understand astronomy in order to determine, based on the location of the celestial bodies, the time when it is possible to perform an operation, let blood, when certain drugs work best. It was believed that "a doctor without knowledge of astrology is like an eye without the ability to see."

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The first job. After the end of the rector's term, which was one year, Yurii Kotermak received the right to be a citizen of Bologna for life. In 1483, he published his famous book "Prognostic assessment of the current year 1483 by Master Yurii Drohobych from Rusa, Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine of the University of Bologna." The book was printed by the Roman printer Eucharius Silber. The work is the first known printed book written by a Ukrainian.

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Other works. Yurii Drohobych also published treatises on astrology. One published copy of his work containing references to Ukraine - "Prognostic" - has been preserved. Copies of Drohobych's two astrological treatises are preserved in Paris libraries, and his forecast for 1478, transcribed by the German humanist Johann Schedel, is in the Bavarian State Library in Munich.

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Return to Krakiw. In 1487, the scientist returned to Krakiw to help his compatriots get an education at the nearest higher education institution to Ukraine. In Krakiw, Dr. Yurii Drohobych became a professor of medicine and astronomy and continued his scientific work. From his pen appears a treatise on the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon, which is kept in the National Library of Paris. At the same time, Yuriy is engaged in medical practice. Several times he, as one of the most famous doctors in Poland, was invited to the sick King Casimir. During the years of his reign, King Kazimir Jahellonchyk appointed Yuriy Drohobych as his court physician. He remained so at the court of King Jan Olbracht.

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Yuriy Drohobych's teaching activity was aimed at spreading the humanist ideas of the Renaissance in Ukraine. He believed that the ideal of virtue is God, to whom a person can approach through self-improvement. n teaching medicine, the scientist attached great importance to the combination of theory and practice of treatment. The obstacle was that in Krakow the church authorities forbade anatomical dissections. The students had to be taken to the city butcher, where they watched the butchers dismember wild boars.

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Publishing. Yuriy Kotermak gained great authority among Kraków professors, scientists, cultural figures, and writers. Common scientific interests determined his participation in the publication of the first Cyrillic books in the Slavic language. The publication was taken care of by the Kraków businessman Fiol Schweipolt. Ukrainian and Belarusian students of Krakow University helped the German printer type Cyrillic texts. During 1491, "Osmoglasnyk", "Chasoslovets", "Triod Pisna" and "Triod Tsvitna" were published, which played a significant role in strengthening the position of Ukrainian culture.

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Commemoration. On February 4, 1494, Yuriy Kotermak died in Krakiw. On May 23, 2011, a memorial plaque to Yury Drohobych was unveiled at the University of Bologna in Italy. On the board itself there is an inscription in Italian and Ukrainian: "To Yuri Drohobych (Giorgio da Leopoli), 1450-1494, a Ukrainian scientist, philosopher and astronomer, a teacher at the University of Bologna and its rector from 1478 to 1482."

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 травня 2023
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