Презентація "День Подяки"

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Презентація з англійської мови на тему "День Подяки", який святкують у США в останній четвер листопада.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

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Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on various dates in the United States, Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, and unofficially in countries like Brazil and the Philippines. It is also observed in the Dutch town of Leiden and the Australian territory of Norfolk Island. 

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It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessings of the harvest and of the preceding year (Similarly named harvest festival holidays occur throughout the world during autumn, including in Germany and Japan).

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The six main symbols of Thanksgiving are: Symbols of the Holidayturkeysсornucopias|ˌkɔːrnjʊˈkəʊpɪə|роги достатку. Cranberries|ˈkrænˌberɪz|журавлинаcornpumpkins beans

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Thanksgiving cornucopia. It originated in Greek mythology. When the god Zeus was a baby, he was cared for Amalthea, a nurse that appeared in the form of a goat. 

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Рumpkins. Pumpkins are a fall crop, and are native to North America. Archeologists found evidence that places pumpkins in the Oaxaca (wəhɑ́ːkə) Highlands of Mexico over 7,500 years ago! We can’t be certain that pumpkins made an appearance at the first Thanksgiving, but it is likely they did. In fact, the oldest “pumpkin pie” was very different than the one we know today. Pumpkins were hollowed out, filled with milk, spices, and honey and then baked.

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There are four towns in the United States named “Turkey.” They can be found in Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, and North Carolina. Interesting Facts About the Holiday#1

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The tradition of football on Thanksgiving began in 1876 with a game between Yale and Princeton. The first games were played on Thanksgiving in 1920.#2

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Sarah Josepha Hale was actually the "Mother of Thanksgiving."Famous for writing "Mary Had a Little Lamb," Sarah Josepha Hale was a 19th-century writer and editor who was nicknamed the Mother of Thanksgiving. She wrote a letter to President Abraham Lincoln and Secretary of State William Seward in 1863 calling for the declaration of Thanksgiving as a national holiday. Her hope was that the holiday would help the nation heal from the trauma of the Civil War.#3

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"Jingle Bells" was originally a Thanksgiving Day song. Before becoming a Christmas holiday anthem, "Jingle Bells" was an 1857 song titled "One Horse Open Sleigh," and its composer, James Pierpont, intended it to be a Thanksgiving Day song. But it became so popular around December 25 that in 1859 the title was changed to "Jingle Bells"—and the rest is history!#4

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True or False?Answers1f 2f 3t 4f 5t6t 7t 8t 9f 10f

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Answer the questions

Номер слайду 17

Thanksgiving Greetings

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***Make up your own Thanksgiving greetings taking into account the examples. Present them to the class.

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Thanksgiving Greetings to our brave Armed Forces of Ukraine

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