Презентація до позакласного заходу "Winter Holidays"

Про матеріал
Опорна презентація для виховного заходу у 7 класі "Зимові свята, про які ви не знали" Мета заходу: розширити знання здобувачів освіти про зимові свята, познайомити із способами святкування, активізувати лексику з теми, підвищити мотивацію до вивчення іноземної мови.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Winter Holidays (you don`t know about…)

Номер слайду 2

Puzzle Day. День пазлу або головоломки Date: 29.01 History: The first jigsaw puzzle was created in 1767 by a map engraver called John Spilsbury. He mounted one of his master maps into wood and then cut around the countries. He gave it to children in the local school to help them with Geography education. So puzzles were invented and became very popular How to celebrate: to choose nice puzzle and play

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Umbrella Day. День Парасольки. Date: 10.02 History: It is known that the first “umbrella” was noticed in ancient Egyptian drawings which are 3000 years old. They used them to save from the sun. But more famous version is that the first umbrella was invented by Chinese in 18th century. Now it is the popular fashion accessories. How to celebrate: you can buy new umbrella or just remember about this necessary thing on this day.

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World Radio Day. Всесвітній День Радіо. Date: 13.02 History: It is celebrated since 2011. The holiday was proposed by Spanish. They wanted to show how Radio was important in different periods of humanity history. How to celebrate: remember about it; tell your friends about its importance; try to imagine yourself as a radio presenter.

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International Day of Ukrainian language. День Української мови. Date: 21.02 History: It is appeared in 2000. It is appeared to pay attention to the beauty of our native language and its importance for everybody in our country. How to celebrate: to write the dictation; to know interesting facts about Ukrainian language; to learn some facts or rules!

Номер слайду 6

Thank you!!!Take one piece of paper to get know what we think about you.

Номер слайду 7

24 травня 2021
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