Презентація на тему "Seasons".Підійде для учнів 2-3 класів під час вивчення теми "Пори року. Погода". Містить слова та завдання до цієї теми. можна використати як для повторення так і для закріплення теми.
When the weather is wet, We must not fret,When the weather is warm,We must not storm.
Номер слайду 3
Номер слайду 4
Winter- зима
Номер слайду 5
Spring -весна
Номер слайду 6
Номер слайду 7
Fill in the season1. It is cold in ...2. In … some animals sleep.3. School begins in ... 4. It is hot in ...5. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables in ...
Номер слайду 8
What is the season?a) The weather is fine. The sun shines brightly in the sky. It is hot. There are many flowers in the parks and gardens. Children like this season very much. b) The sky is blue. The birds come back from the South and sing songs. You can see first green leaves and green grass. It is warm. c) It snows and it is cold. Children can skate and sledge. They make snowmen. People celebrate one of the best holidays of the year. d) The sky is grey. It often rains. The leaves on the trees are yellow, red and brown. The birds fly away to the South. The sun doesn’t shine brightly.