Подана презентація може бути використана на початковому етапі вивчення теми "Книги", допоможе учителю зацікавити учнів при введенні у лексичних одиниць.
It has no mouth but speaks. It is not a tree but it has leaves. It is not alive but it can be a good friend. Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world. Well, try to guess what it is!
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Books in our life1
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метадидактична: активізувати лексичні одиниці з теми «Книги. Жанрове різноманіття», які вивчалися протягом попередніх років (класів); практикувати використання вивченого матеріалу як в усному та і в писемному мовленні; формувати навички роботи в групах для вирішення спільних проблем;розвивальна: продовжувати вдосконалювати навички читання (роботи з текстом для отримання необхідної інформації) та усного мовлення; розвивати комунікативні здібності, фонематичний слух, пам'ять, увагу, чітку й правильну вимову; виховна: розширювати соціокультурну компетенцію учнів, їх кругозір; допомогти зрозуміти важливість читання та необхідність книги, як неперевершеного джерела інформації і незабутніх вражень.
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What is a book? is a memory of the nation.is a source of informationis a chance to spend time with pleasure is full of mystery. You always don’t know what will be in the end.contains new ideasis always different
The genres of literature. All literature is divided into: fiction and science-fiction (non-fiction)Detective stories. Adventures Thrillers Horror stories Historical novels. Fantasy Fairy tale Short stories Novels Modern plays. Love stories. Essay Biography Encyclopedias Atlases. Reference books Dictionaries Report Articles Poetry Romances Poems Sonnets Ballads. Tragedy Drama
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Read and define the genres of the books: Criminals, robbers, killers. There is always a clever detective or a policeman who catches them in the end.dectives
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Aliens, spaceships, trips to the Moon and star wars. Fantastic stories
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Wizards, witches and other magic objects that help good people. The story is usually long and the plot is complicated. Fantasy
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Princes and princesses, very bad witches and magic animals that help good people. The plot is usually very simple. Good people are rewarded. Bad people are punished. Fairy tales
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Pirates, cowboys, boys and girls are always doing exciting things. There are faraway islands, lost treasures, a lot of danger. But there is a happy ending.adventures
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Vampires, witches, ghosts and scary supernatural events. Horror stories
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Things that happened in the past. Some characters may be not real, but the description of the period is good. Historical stories
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Love and hate. The characters go through a lot of difficulties. Love stories
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Answer the questions. Have you ever seen the book?How often do you take the books in your hands?Have you ever read the book? Where can you take the book?Do you go to the library?Do you have your home library?What kinds of books do you have at home?What kind of books do you usually read?
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Pre-reading task. Read the poems. Books are full of many things. That I would like to know. Books are full of greatest men. That lived long ago. Books are full of good songs. That I would like to sing. Books are full of our best friends. As people often say.
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New vocabulary (p.114-115)An English proverb. A famous writer. To read books To understand the plot. In general To contain made-up stories To give facts To make copies The invention of printing The development To develop. A title of the bookbeforehand. Англійське прислів'я Відомий письменник. Читати книги Розуміти сюжет. Загалом. Містити видумані історіїНаводити факти. Робити копіїВинахід друкарства. Розвиток Розвивати Заголовок книгизаздалегідь. Read and translate (ex.1, p.114-115)
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Homework. 1. ex.1 p.114 – read and translate2. p.115, 117 – learn for dictation3. Write and learn: Reading books is useful and interesting. Books help us solve the problems of our life. We learn a lot of new facts about famous people, lands and countries from books. Books help us make new friends. Books are useful because they learn us to plan our time and life. Reading books is a popular hobby for people of different ages. Books have beautiful pictures and photos. Books are not very expensive. Books help pupils study better.