Презентація до уроку "Цікаві місця Хмельниччини"

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Презентація, що може бути використана як матеріал для вивчення історії рідного краю або маловідомі цікаві місця України
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Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

History of the village bakota Bakota was first mentioned in the Hypatian Chronicle in the year 1240.  When the town was first settled, the town was part of the state of Kievan Rus', until the middle of the 12th century when it became a part of the Halych-Volhynian Kingdom. In the 13th century, Bakota served as the political and administrative center of the Dniester Lowland (Ponyzzia), which was at the time part of Halych-Volhynia.  The chronicle also mentions the rule of the Koriatovych dynasty over the area in 1362.

Номер слайду 3

Bakota in 1950 Bakota now

Номер слайду 4

White mountains. In 1996, the collapse of the upper rock White Mountains destroyed the bulk of the caves and tombs with murals and frescoes XI-XIII centuries. Only one seat remains grave and cells of the monks, some ruins of the church of St. Michael and abandoned gardens.

Номер слайду 5

Many tourists come to Bakota now

13 лютого 2019
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