Презентація до уроку для учнів 7 класу на тему "Тravelling and different means of transport""

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Презентація до уроку на тему "Подорож. Різні види транспорту" стане у пригоді на початку вивчення даної теми. Презентація дозволить вчителю перевірити знання лексичного і граматичного матеріалу, допоможе розвивати навики усного мовлення учнів з опорою на схему, а також уміння читати текст з метою розуміння всієї інформації, яка в ньому міститься.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Travelling and means of transport

Номер слайду 2

Sort out the words into three columns : Sailboat, helicopter, motorbike, train, ship, underground, airplane, spaceship, bike, car, lorry, bus, tram, rocket, hot air balloon, ferry Water Land Air

Номер слайду 3

Match the verbs with the means of transport: Drive Ride Fly Sail

Номер слайду 4

Remember 1. Get into\out of a car, a taxi 2.Get on\off a train, a bus 3. Take a taxi, a train, a plane 4. Catch\miss a train, a plane, a bus

Номер слайду 5

Complete the sentences with the words from the box: got, take, missed, off, out, catch Helen gave money to the driver and got ______ of the taxi. Fred ________ the bus and couldn’t get to the railway station on time. The tourists ____________ off the train and greeted their guide. We have no time because the train arrives in half an hour. Let’s __________ a taxi. Mark decided to _________ a train because it was the most comfortable way of travelling to the town. The bus arrived at the station and the passengers got ________ .

Номер слайду 6

Make up sentences 1. parents\by\prefer\my\plane\travelling. 2.at\time\arrived\the\station\on\the\railway\train. 3. car\summer\by\travel\every\we/ 4. London\in\plane\time\didn’t\the\on\arrive. 5. was\missed\for\because\Peter\late\the\he\bus\school.

Номер слайду 7

Why do people travel? People like alone Usually on business with friends they travel for pleasure to travel with parents in search of advantages with a dog out of curiosity with grandparents to see the beauty of the world When they go shopping Because exciting travel they meet new people travelling is useful like to make new friends fascinating go sightseeing enjoyable learn about traditions of their countries good for health But disappointing Travelling broadens our outlook sometimes expensive gives us life experience it can be dangerous leaves unforgettable impressions troublesome helps us explore the world tiring allows us to understand other people better

Номер слайду 8

Use the word map below to explain why there are different thoughts about travelling: comfortable, enjoyable, safe, interesting, dangerous, tiring, useful, troublesome I like travelling…….. But sometimes travelling is……….

Номер слайду 9

Read the text and do the tasks Take the train to Jerusalem! What’s the best way to go from Tel Aviv To Jerusalem? You can go by car. You can take a bus. You can even ride your motorbike. Or…. You can choose the smart way – you can go by train. It’s the best way to get there. Go by train and really enjoy the trip. Read, talk or just look out of the window. It’s smarter to go by train. You will arrive relaxed and rested. Trains leave Tel Aviv for Jerusalem every hour. You can buy tickets at the train station, or book them ahead of time at 1-700-656-909 or at www.israrail.org.il\english\

Номер слайду 10

A) Circle the correct answer 1. This is ………….. a) a story, b) a train ticket, c) an advertisement, d) a newspaper article. 2. You can go from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem……….. a) by car, b) by bus, c) by train, d) a, b. and c. B) Complete the sentences: 1. On the train you can………… 2. At the end of your train trip you will feel…. and …. 3. The train to Jerusalem leaves……. C) How can you get tickets for the train?

Номер слайду 11

Imagine you are a traveler. Think and write about a journey you have had . 1. Was your journey long or short? 2. Where did you go? 3. How did you travel? 4. What did you see? 5. Were you happy or sad to come back?

Номер слайду 12

Have a nice trip

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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 липня 2018
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4.7 (1 відгук)
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