Warming-up: Once a fellow met a fellow in a field of beans. Said a fellow to a fellow: “If a fellow asks a fellow, can a fellow tell a fellow what a fellow means?”
Номер слайду 3
I like you because you are…smart, kind, reliable, open-hearted, disciplined, optimistic, talkative, helpful, shy, mean, aggressive, active, brave, easy-going, serious, sociable, honest
Номер слайду 4
Your hometask was…1. Your friend managed to do homework on English, and you didn`t. You meet at school.2. A boy/girl has to visit his ill granny in the village, but missed the bus.3. Two friends are on duty. They are quarrelling about whose turn it is to clean the blackboard.4. Someone has taken smth. from his/her friend without asking.
Номер слайду 5
Match the parts of the proverbs:{22838 BEF-8 BB2-4498-84 A7-C5851 F593 DF1}1. The best mirror is …a) should be forever.2. Friendship isn`t a big thing - b) is a friend indeed.3. Books and friends…c) than a false friend.4. The only unsinkable ship…d) the company he keeps.5. Better an open enemy…e) an old friend.6. A friend in need …f) it`s a million little things.7. A man is known by…g) is Friendship.
Номер слайду 6
Match the parts of the proverbs:{22838 BEF-8 BB2-4498-84 A7-C5851 F593 DF1}1. The best mirror is …An old friend.2. Friendship isn`t a big thing - it`s a million little things.3. Books and friends…should be forever.4. The only unsinkable ship…is Friendship.5. Better an open enemy…than a false friend.6. A friend in need …is a friend indeed.7. A man is known by…The company he keeps.
Номер слайду 7
Say if these statements are true or false The family lived in the city. There were three sons. The brothers always quarreled. It was easy to break five sticks. By quarreling you become weak. By staying apart you`ll be strong. Listening: Discussion. What was the problem with the family?What was the wise decision of the father?