Презентація до уроку "Наука і техніка"

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Мультимедійні технології дозволяють використовувати всі способи представлення інформації одночасно. Головною особливістю цих технологій є інтерактивність, можливість користувача брати участь у роботі апаратно-інформаційних пристроїв. На даний момент розроблено багато мультимедійних програм і продуктів таких, як довідники, енциклопедії, віртуальні тренажери, навчальні програми, комп'ютерні презентації.

Раніше під час виступу або уроку використовували плакати, малюнки, формули, посібники тощо. За допомогою діапроекторів і кодоскопів демонстрували графічні слайди на екран.

Розвиток комп'ютерної техніки та поява мультимедійного проектора зараз дозволяє підготувати і показати ілюстрований матеріал у вигляді презентації. Саме цей термін включає в себе невід'ємні та важливі моменти для успішної організації якісного звукового, візуального і графічного супроводу доповідача.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

 What is this life, full of care. We have no time to stand and stare!A poor life this is if, full of care. We have no time to stand and stare. W. N. Davies (1871-1940)

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

“We know what we are, but we know not we may be’’

Номер слайду 4

’’Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration’’(Tomas Alva Edison)

Номер слайду 5

Objectives:to practice the active vocabulary of the topic in dialogue and monologue speech; to develop pupils know ledge of incognitos and inventors;to practice using the Past Simple; to teach pupils to work in group and feel responsibility for doing their projects well;to develop creativeness , imagine leadership

Номер слайду 6

Success, suffering,progress, ruins, destruction, change the way of life, war, improve lifestyle, danger pollution.

Номер слайду 7

Find twelve kinds of machines and write them downrretupmocbauvsnoqpodtfridgebicycleaiioclajmgwsdlorfnhaenohpelettscannercvukoedivh

Номер слайду 8

rretupmocbauvsnoqpodtfridgebicycleaiioclajmgwsdlorfnhaenohpelettscannercvukoedivh. Check up your words

Номер слайду 9

A Man and a Car

Номер слайду 10


Номер слайду 11


Номер слайду 12


Номер слайду 13

Номер слайду 14


Номер слайду 15

We've got some messages. Let's read them. Charles Mackintosh. 1823. Manchester. Developed a rubber solution for coating fabrics which led to the produc­tion of waterproof raincoats or mackintoshes. William Harvey. 1628. England. Discovered the cir­culation of blood. Samuel Colt. 1836. America. Designed a pistol with a revolving barrel that could fire six bullets, one after the other. Ladislao Biro. 1943. Hungary. Invented the ballpoint pen biro. Louis Braille. 1824. Developed his own alphabet patterns known as Braille by which the blind could read by touch. Edvard Jenner. 1796. England. Made first vaccination. George Stephenson. 1814. England. Designed a loco­motive. Samuel Finley Breeze Morse. 1843. America. Invented the telegraphic dot-dash alphabet.

Номер слайду 16


Номер слайду 17

Writing Grammar practice ( Past Indefinite)Inventions. Complete the text, using the past tense forms of the verbs in the box below. Use negatives: Invent knowcrashbreaklike. Be(3)comecut throwtakesayusehaveexplodekill

Номер слайду 18

Writing. When Joseph Merlin ______(1) roller skates in 1760 he decided to demonstrate them at a large party. Half way through the party he appeared in the ballroom wearing his skates and playing a violin. Unfortunately he______(2) how to turn or stop , and he ______(3) into a large mirror at the end of the room. He________(4) the mirror and his violin and ended up in hospital. A customer in an expensive New York restaurant complained to head waiter George Grum that he _____ (5) his chips because they were too thick. Grum_____(6)very annoyed. He______ (7) into the kitchen ,______(8) a potato into very thin slices, and______(9) the slices into a par of hot oil. Then he _____(10) them black to the customer, who (to Grum`s surprise )___(11) that they tasted delicious. They _______ (12) the world`s first potato crisps. In 1868 the City Council set up the world`s first traffic light outside the Houses of Parliament in London. The traffic light ____(13) electricity- instead it____(14) gas lamps behind red and green glass. It______(15) a great success: after a few days it____(16) and ______(17) a policeman. It was almost 50 years before they built another traffic light. Invent knowcrashbreaklike. Be(3)comecut throwtakesayusehaveexplodekill

Номер слайду 19

When Joseph Merlin invented (1) roller skates in 1760 he decided to demonstrate them at a large party. Half way through the party he appeared in the ballroom wearing his skates and playing a violin. Unfortunately he didn’t know (2) how to turn or stop , and he crashed (3) into a large mirror at the end of the room. He broke (4) the mirror and his violin and ended up in hospital. A customer in an expensive New York restaurant complained to head waiter George Grum that he didn’t like (5) his chips because they were too thick. Grum was (6)very annoyed. He came (7) into the kitchen , cut (8) a potato into very thin slices, an threw (9) the slices into a par of hot oil. Then he took (10) them black to the customer, who (to Grum`s surprise ) said (11) that they tasted delicious. They were (12) the world`s first potato crisps. In 1868 the City Council set up the world`s first traffic light outside the Houses of Parliament in London. The traffic light didn’t use (13) electricity- instead it had (14) gas lamps behind red and green glass. It wasn’t (15) a great success: after a few days it exploded (16) and killed (17) a policeman. It was almost 50 years before they built another traffic light.

Номер слайду 20

CLASSIC SCIENCE FICTION TITLESFrankenstein by Mary Shelley (1818) The original sci-fi novel in which a young Swiss doctor, Frankenstein, builds an enormous man from the parts of other bodies. As soon as the doctor brings the creature to life he realises he has made a terrible mistake and runs from his laboratory. When he returns the next day, the monster has gone and several months later the doctor's brother is found dead, killed by the monster. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson (1886) ]The story is told from the point of view of several friends of Dr. Jekyll. The doctor wants to separate the good and bad parts of his character so he secretly develops a drug which allows him to have a second personality, the evil Mr Hyde. At first the doctor can control when he becomes Mr Hyde but eventually he can't. The evil Mr Hyde commits murder so the good Dr Jekyll kills himself. When the body is found, it is Mr Hyde. However, the doctor has left a confession which explains that the two men are the same person. Audition

Номер слайду 21

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932) Brave New World is set in the 26th century. It predicts a kind of Utopia where everyone works according to their abilities and is given what they need. However, to achieve this, people are genetically engineered so they are satisfied with their role in life. Universal happiness is possible because everyone takes mind-altering drugs. The novel attacks the idea that a perfect world can be found through technology and science. Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell (1949) Nineteen Eighty Four foresees a grey, controlled Britain where everyone lives in fear. The country, now part of Oceania, is run by the Party and an imaginary leader, Big Brother, watches people all the time. The Party rewrites history and tries to control every aspect of people's lives, including what they think. The central character, Winston Smith, commits thought-crimes because he keeps a secret diary and falls in love with a woman called Julia. He is arrested and taken to Room 101 where he is tortured until he loses his individuality and learns to love Big Brother.

Номер слайду 22

The Children of Men by P. P. James (1992)The Children of Men looks at a not-too-distant future in which every adult in the world has become infertile. No babies have been born for about two decades so the world has an aging population. Adults have toys and pets as substitute children but there is no purpose in life and suicide is common.'People are brought to Britain from developing countries to work but the government deports them when they are sixty. Oryx and Crake by Margaret Attwood (2003) This book gives a terrible warning of what the future may be like if we don't do something now about problems such as global warming and social divisions. Genetically engineered animals supply food and the important people live in high-tech, luxury homes with controlled climates while the poor and uneducated live in dangerous, decaying areas.

Номер слайду 23

Read the texts again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?Frankenstein is the name of a doctor. Frankenstein was the first science fiction story. Frankenstein is happy with the results of his experiment. In The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Dr Jekyll tells his own story. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are two sides of one man. Nineteen Eighty Four predicts a better world. In Nineteen Eighty Four, thinking independently is dangerous. In Brave New World people are happy because they take medicine. The author of Brave New World wanted to explain why the future will be perfect. The Children of Men is set in a time quite soon. In The Children of Men people stop having children because they don't want them. Oryx and Crake is about problems that probably won't happen in the future. Audition

Номер слайду 24

2. BIG IDEASWho invented these things? Match the inventions with the names. The telephone a) John Logie Baird. The record player b) the Lumiere brothers. The lift c) Elisha Otis. Radio d) Eadweard Muybridge. Colour photogpaphy e) the Wright brothers. Electric light f) Alexander Graham Bell. The computer disk g) Alexander Popov. Television h) Thomas Edison(he invented two. The aeroplane two of them)Film (moving pictures) i) Yoshiro Nakamata12345678910

Номер слайду 25

12345678910 FLCGBKIAED

Номер слайду 26

Sophocles said «Wonders are many, and nothing is more wonderful than man»

28 січня 2018
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