Презентація "Eкспресіонізм"

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Презентація включає поняття "експресіонізм", порівняльну характеристику імпресіонізму та експресіонізму, особливості, головні напрями та представники даного напряму.

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Expressionism The direction in art and literature of the first third of the 20th century. It`s an avant-garde literary and artistic movement that emerged in early 20th century in Germany which proclaimed the only reality is the subjective spiritual world of man and his expression is the main goal of art. From French, the word "expressionism" means expression, expressiveness. It is a rejection of the positivist tendencies of realism, naturalism, and impressionism, as a critical reflection on the experience of the Romantics and Symbolists.

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Expressionism v. Impressionism, a common comparison.  Impressionism and Expressionism are two movements that emerged in the art world, between which a key difference can be identified. Impressionism was an art movement that developed in the 60s in Paris. Expressionism is a movement that emerged in 1905 in Germany. The key difference between Impressionism and Expressionism is that while Impressionism tried to capture the impression or instantaneous effect of a scene, Expressionism presented exaggerated and distorted emotions through art.

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The ideological basis of expressionism was an individualistic protest against the ugly world, the alienation of man from the world, the feeling of homelessness, the feeling of a shipwreck, the disintegration of the foundations on which European culture was so firmly based. The expressionists, a gravitation to mysticism and pessimism are peculiar to. Artists perceived work as a method of expression of emotions.

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5 Expressionist artists of the early 20th century paid special attention to such emotional experiences as fear, pain, despair, anxiety. After World War I, the artists tried to express not only their impression of the world, which is so unstable that at any moment it can wipe out thousands of people, but also the extremely worried mood of the society.

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6 Сharacteristics of expressionism. Abandonment from illusive space. Aspiring to the plane of interpretation of objects. Deformation of objects. Love to the sharpcolorful dissonances. Special color containing an apocalyptic dramatic effect. The main features of expressionism:nervous emotionality use of hyperbole and grotesque aestheticization of the ugly attraction to abstractions

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The most famous expressionists are: Edvard Munch, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Franz Marc, Zinaida Serebryakova, Franck Auerbach, Albert Bloch, Paul Klee, Jan Slaters, Nicolae Tonitz, Milton Avery, Max Beckmann and many others.

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8 The first example of Expressionism, the painting "The Scream" was created by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863-1944) at the very end of the nineteenth century.

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Edvard Munch - Norwegian painter. Munch's creativity is embraced by the motives of death, loneliness, but at the same time the thirst for life.

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The artist suffered from neuroses, and his best paintings were created before his nervous breakdown, which changed his perception of the world and the way he expressed emotions. HE SAID.“Illness, madness, and death were black angels who flew to my cradle to accompany me throughout life.

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Francis Bacon - English expressionist painter, master of figurative painting. The human body - distorted, stretched, enclosed in geometric shapes, against the background of devoid of objects.

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Max Beckman is a famous German artist, a vivid representative of expressionism.

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J. A. D. Ingres (1780-1867)“Madam de Senonnes portretas. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Two Women in the Street. Paul Klee. WARNING OF SHIPS.1917

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17 Ernst Kirchner . Two girls. Эмиль Нольде Wildly Dancing Children1909

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18 Expressionism is a reflection of a sharpened subjective worldview through the hypertrophied author's "I", which reflects the intensity of his experiences and emotions, a violent reaction to the dehumanization of society, the depersonalization of man in it, and the disintegration of spirituality, as evidenced by the global cataclysms of the early twentieth century.

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19 In the works of some artists, Expressionism led to an extraordinary aggravation of the tragic worldview, while in others it led to artistic utopias, elitism, and a closed environment that was perceived as an island of salvation for spiritual and humanistic values. And as a result, this conflict led to radical artistic decisions, rebellious opposition, and a break with academic traditions.

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