Презентація "Health Service"

Про матеріал
Презентація до теми "Охорона здоров'я" 7 клас (підручник О.Д. Карпюк) для візуалізації лексики по темі і розвитку монологічного мовлення.
Перегляд файлу


Why do people need to see the doctor?

if they are ill if they have symptoms (signs) of diseases

        imagea cough

        a high temperature

        a headache

        a toothache

        a stomach ache

        an earache

        a sore throat

What should sick people do?

imageimagesee the local doctor first make an appointment stay in bed send for a doctor go to the Accident and Emergency department stay at the hospital buy medicines at the chemist’s

What will the doctor examine?

imageimage               will ask to describe the symptoms  of the illness

will take the pulse will look at the tongue will listen to the heart and lungs will check the temperature will give some treatment will send to see a specialist

What will the specialist examine?

image                will examine a patient

will prescribe some treatment (medicines, pills, tablets)

image        a surgeon                      will make operations


         a nurse                        will take care of patients

What are private hospitals?

image   go to a private doctor


What does a healthy lifestyle mean?

image do regular physical exercise be outdoors eat only healthy food get enough sleep take vitamins have a complete physical examination


Литвин Ірина
25 березня 2021
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