Мовний табір - це зараз актуально і важливо. Наша школа вперше організувала мовний табір влітку. Дітям дуже сподобалося, вони з радістю і зацікавленням відвідували табір. Можливо наш досвід комусь згодиться.
29.05. “The opening of the camp” 1. Introduction of our camp and all members of it. Rules. 2. “Let’s sing English songs” 3. Drawing competition “Funny Summer”
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30.05. “Travel to the USA” 1. “What do you know about the USA?” 2. The capital city. 3. Drawing posters. 4. Wonders of the USA.
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31.05. “Travel to the United Kingdom” 1.”Countries of Great Britain” 2.Quiz “Great Britain” 3. Drawing posters
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01.06. “National Symbols of Ukraine and Great Britain” 1. National Symbols 2. Making posters “National Symbols” 3. Making flags of Ukraine and the UK.
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02.06. “Famous Ukrainians and British people” 1. Famous People of Great Britain 2. Famous Ukrainians 3. Reading English newspapers, magazines
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06.06. “Travel to London” 1. Online travelling to London. 2. Let’s go sightseeing. 3. Brain-ring “My London”
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07.06. “The Day of Humor” 1. “Funny songs” 2. Let’s tell jokes. 3. Game “Once in my life”
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08.06. “Castles of Ukraine and Great Britain” 1. Watching films about famous castles 2. Making castles model 3. Funny riddles
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09.06. “Travel on nature” 1. Excursion to the interesting places of our village. 2. Picnic. 3. Conversation “My expressions” Rainy weather isn’t a problem!
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12.06. “Holidays” 1. Ukrainian holidays 2. British and American holidays 3. Let’s have a party
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13.06. “Sport and Health” 1. Discussion «Different kinds of sport» 2. Sport games 3. Creating a poster «Sport is our health»
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14.06. “Travel to New York” 1. Watching video about NY. 2. The best to see. 3. Interesting facts about NY.
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15.06. “Travel to Buckingham Palace” 1. Watching a film about Buckingham Palace. 2. Facts about Royal Family. 3. Tea party.
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16.06. “Farewell” 1. Making photo poster “Our camp” 2. Conversation “Best moments” 3. Disco party.