Презентація "Morris dancer’s costume"

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Презентація доцільна для використання при вивченні теми "Традиції Великої Британії" у 8-10 класах; дає змогу поглибити знання про традиційні костюми британців.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Morris dancer’s costume

Номер слайду 2

Though England is a country that has a great amount of traditions, it doesn’t have a national costume. So as an example of English national costume Morris Dancer’s ones are often given.

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Morris dance is danced in summer mostly in villages. In the past it was considered as a ritual dance, and it is credited with magical value associated with the awakening of the earth.

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Classic Costume Various dance groups have variations in the classic suit, which consists of black breeches with bells around the shin, white shirt, vest and a felt or a straw hat decorated with ribbons and flowers.

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Parts of Classic Costume. Black breeches with bells around the shin

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White shirt and vest

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Felt or a straw hat decorated with ribbons and flowers which are designed to protect from evil and bring fertility.

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21 квітня 2018
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