Презентація на тему "John Lennon".

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Презентація на тему "John Lennon" стане корисною при плануванні уроків з англійської мови, проведенні музичних вечорів, ознайомленні учнів із життєвим шляхом та творчістю Джона Леннона – британського рок-музиканта, співака, композитора, засновника та учасника легендарного гурту «Бітлз», одного із найвпливовіших музикантів XX століття.

Зміст слайдів
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JOHN LENNON (1940 – 1980)

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The Life of John Lennon... Artist, Musician, Humanitarian, Activist, Father, Husband, Friend, and Hero.

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John Lennon was born to the sound of Hitler's bombs in Liverpool on the night of October 9th 1940. His mother Julia gave him the middle name Winston in tribute to Prime Minister Churchill. His father Alfred, a ship's steward, was at sea at the time of the birth By 1946 Julia and Alf's marriage was over and John was not to see his father again until he was a famous Beatle.

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John’s parents: Alfred and Julia Lennon

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His was also a pretty happy childhood. He was surrounded by his aunts and cousins. John and his aunt Mimi

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251 Menlove Avenue was John's home with Aunt Mimi from 1945 to 1963. It was here that John was positively discouraged from playing the guitar, with Aunt Mimi stating, 'The guitar's all very well John, but you'll never make a living out of it!”. When John became famous, he had the words framed and gave them to his Aunt.

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The Beatles

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The Beatles first single 'Love Me Do' was released in October of 1962 and attracted considerable attention. Their second single, 'Please Please Me' went to No.1 in January 1963. A stream of hit records followed like 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand', 'Twist and Shout', 'She Loves You' ….. which made the Beatles household names. Beatlemania spread to America. On their return from their successful conquest of the United States in 1964 the Beatles seemed to spearhead the Swinging Sixties.

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The Beatles

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John Married Cynthia Powell on August 23, 1962, she gave birth to Julian Lennon on April 8th 1963. Julian was named after his grandmother Julia, and it was during that time John wrote "Julia" which was a song of the memory of his mother, and a confession to the love he held for Yoko. The line "Ocean child, calls me..." is a reference to Yoko's name which translated means "Ocean Child" in Japanese. John and Cynthia were divorced on November 8, 1969.

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John Lennon & Yoko Ono

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Sean Lennon was born to John and Yoko on John's 35th birthday of October 9, 1975. John took some time away from music to raise his son with Yoko before returning to music nearly 5 years later.

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John spent much time contemplating over the world. He loved people, and he loved to speak openly about truth. John was perfectly content living among the regular people of New York City's Manhattan section, where he drank black gourmet coffee's in a small cafe' near his home at the Dakota builing…

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And he walked the streets daily conversing with anyone who came across him…

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December 8,1980 Mark Chapman waited outside the Dakota (Lennon’s New York apartment building) , chatting with fellow fans and at one point even shook hands with Sean Lennon , who was only five years old at the time. Later in the afternoon, Chapman stopped John as he was on his way to a recording session and had him sign a copy of his 'Double Fantasy' album in an eerie moment captured by a photographer. When Lennon returned from the studio around 10:49 PM, he was shot four times by Chapman and was pronounced dead at 11:07.

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28 жовтня 2018
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