Презентація з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу на тему :"Food". Зміст презентації структурно підходить під тему уроку. Учні опрацьовують лексику,складають речення ,виконують вправи .У презентацію входять фотографії та картинки.
01 TABLE OF CONTENTSAll about food04 Eating in and out02 Cooking03 Appearance, presentation and quality of food
Номер слайду 3
All about food01
Номер слайду 4
All about food. Work in groups. How many of the foods can you remember? Put them into the categories below.{3 B4 B98 B0-60 AC-42 C2-AFA5-B58 CD77 FA1 E5}Fruits/nuts. Fish/ seafood. Vegetables/ saladpulses/beans. Herbs/spicies
Номер слайду 5
Are there any foods you’ve never tried? Are there any you didn’t know in English? Are any of them difficult to buy where you live? Which five of these foods do you like the most? Are there any you can't stand? Why not? Are there any foods you love that aren’t pictured?All about food. After you have looked through all the foods, discuss the questions
Номер слайду 6
Complete the sentences with these words. All about food. Almonds chocolate courgette mixture peaches trout chickpeas coconut grapefruit parsley1 Peel the __________ and remove the stones. 2 Steam the __________ When it’s ready, the flesh should come away from the bones easily. 3 Soak the __________ overnight in water and then boil them for two hours. 4 Melt the __________ and mix in the raisins. 5 Squeeze some __________ juice over the salad. 6 Slice the __________ and fry the slices till they are slightly brown on each side. 7 Crush the __________ and sprinkle on top of the cake. 8 Chop some __________ and sprinkle it onto the soup. 9 Add the __________ milk. Bring it to the boil and then leave for about 30 minutes, but stir it occasionally. 10 Blend the whole __________ until it’s smooth.
Номер слайду 7
1 Clams cod octopus fennel2pumpkin rosemary cumin chilli3broccoli сabbage basil sweet potato4cherry radish blackberry fig Which is the odd one out in each set?5cherry radish blackberry fig All about food
Номер слайду 8
Номер слайду 9
Cookingbake chop fry grate grill mix roast slice stir whisk. Write a verb from the box under each picture.
Номер слайду 10
Cookingbake chop fry grate grill mix roast slice stir whisk. Write a verb from the box under each picture.
Номер слайду 11
Cooking1 I particularly like Mexican and Indian kitchen I cuisine. 2 Frozen I Freezing fish is just as tasty as fresh fish. 3 My mum's the best cooker / cook in the world! 4 Once the kettle I teapot has boiled, pour the boiling water over the jelly cubes. They'll melt within seconds! 5 Excuse me. Could we have the catalogue / menu, please? We'd like to see what you have for dessert. 6 Boil the eggs for three minutes in a saucepan on the grill / hob I oven. 7 Any meat that's kept in the fridge / freezer should be defrosted thoroughly before cooking. 8 Grandma's having her new chef / cooker delivered next week. It's gas, so it will make cooking much easier for her. 9 Chilli con carne is one of my favourite plates і bowls I saucers / dishes. It's delicious! 10 Are you going to get your suit dry-cleaned for the Carlton's dinner / lunch party tomorrow nignt? 11 My friend Sally's a true vegetable I vegetarian I vegan, so she doesn't eat meat, fish or even any milk products like cheese! Choose the right verb
Номер слайду 12
Cooking11 My dad never has sugar in coffee or tea but he does sometimes like to add artificial (SWEET).12 I don't know how anyone could eat eyeballs. That's........................ (DISGUST)! 13 Jenny stood........................ (ANXIOUS) in the kitchen, hoping that her souffle would rise. 14 Did you know that tomatoes..........................(ORIGIN) from South America? 15 Donald is so ........................ (CREATE) in the kitchen. I think he should be a professional chef. 16 There are sandwiches for you in a plastic........................(CONTAIN) in the fridge. 17 It's important to observe basic health and ........................ (SAFE) precautions when you're handling uncooked meat. 18 That was..........................(THOROUGH) delicious! Thank you!Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.
Номер слайду 13
Cooking28 I think this milk has gone....29 I ran.....30 We've run out......31 Mum's trying.......32 It must be getting.....33 We'd love you to come......34 This lasagne hasn't turned.... Match two part of the sentence A out a new recipe tonight!В of bread so could you go and get some?C on for dinner time. D off so let's throw it away. E out quite how I expected. F into Bob in the supermarket yesterday. G round for dinner sometime.
Номер слайду 14
Cooking. Choose the best answer
Номер слайду 15
Appearance, presentation and quality of food03
Номер слайду 16
Quality of food. This meat is overcooked/overdone / undercooked/underdone. I’m afraid this mango is a bit unripe. They’re not really in season at the moment. [not ready to eat; opp= ripe] [being produced and ready and available]This butter has gone off. I think we should throw it out. [not good to eat because it is too old]I don’t feel like anything heavy. I just want something light; a salad would be fine. British cooking can be very stodgy. /ˈstɒdʒi/ [heavy, hard to digest]Zoe will only buy organic fruit and vegetables. [grown without artificial chemicals]We should try to have a balanced diet, without too much or too little of any particular thing. A diet of junk food can cause long-term health problems. [food that is unhealthy but easy and quick to eat] Processed food in general is not good for you. [that has been treated with chemicals to preserve it orgive it extra colour or taste]
Номер слайду 17
Quality of food1 you had ordered a mild curry but got the opposite? This curry is too hot / too spicy for me.2 the fish you ordered had obviously been cooked too much / too long? Yes, it`s, obviously, overcooked. 3 you ordered melon and it was very hard?4 your dish seemed to have no flavours at all?5 there was too much salt in your soup?6 someone at your table recommended a big steak but you just wanted a salad?7 the dish you ordered was very heavy and difficult to digest?8 a piece of chicken you ordered had not been cooked enough?9 you wonder if the vegetables have been grown without artificial chemicals?Using words from the previous slide, what could you say to the person/people with you in arestaurant if …
Номер слайду 18
Eating in and out 04
Номер слайду 19
Eating in and out1 light snack / appetiser 2 a smaller dish alongside the main course (e.g. an extra vegetable)3 dishes only available on that day 4 people who don’t eat meat but who are not vegetarians5 people who don’t eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese or leather
Номер слайду 20
Eating in and out
Номер слайду 21
Eating in and out1 you offered themanother serving of something? Who wants seconds ?2 you wanted them to serve themselves? Please ______ .3 you started to re-fill their glass? ______, What could the guest say when you had poured enough? ______!4 you offered them something sweet after the main course? Would you like / ______/ ______ / ______ ? (four possible answers)If you were the host at a dinner party, what could you say to your guests if …