Презентація по темі" Визначні місця Києва"

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SIGHTSKiev is often called the mother of Slavic cities. It is more than 15 centuries old and during this time Kiev has made a long way from an ancient settlement of nomadic tribes to one of the largest cities in the world. Kiev is integrally connected to Slavic culture development. Its monuments, architectural ensembles and cathedrals charm with their beauty, harmony and historical meaningfulness. The Ukrainian capital's attractions are covered with the spirit of old glorious times. 

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Kreschatyk is the most famous and busiest street in Kiev. It is a wide boulevard with plenty of chestnut trees. It is hard to believe that some time ago on the site of Kreschatyk used to be a valley and a river surrounded by forest. Nowadays it stretches from Europeiskaia Square to Bessarabskaia Square and contains trade buildings, bank departments and luxurious hotels. 

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Volodymyrska Girka. Volodymyrska Girka is a visit card of Kiev. It is a green and cozy place with old pavilions offering picturesque views on the left bank of the Dniepro River. Young people come . to. Volodymyrska Girka to celebrate graduation from school and enjoy the first sunrise of their new life. It is also the place where just married couples arrive. 

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St. Volodymyr Cathedral. Saint Volodymyr Cathedral is one of the most beautiful temples in Kiev. It was built in the 19th century to commemorate the 900th anniversary of Rus baptizing.

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St. Sofia Cathedral. Sofia Cathedral is the world famous historical and architectural monument of the first half of the 11th century. The name of the cathedral comes from Greek word "sofia", which means "wisdom". Built in the times of Yaroslav Mudryi, the cathedral served as a social, political and cultural center of Kiev Rus. 

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PODILPodil is an old district of Kiev, where craftsmen and fishermen used to live. The district was formed after fire of 1811, when all the wooden constructions burnt down. Several slopes, including famous Andreevsky Spusk, lead to Podil. The compositional center of Podol is large Kontraktovaya Square, where each house is interesting in its own way. 

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KIEVO-PECHERSKA LAVRAOn the high hills of the right bank of the Dniepro River magnificent Kievo-Pecherska Lavra topped with gilded domes is situated. According to the legend, Apostle Andrew, while preaching the Word of God in the Scythian Land, blessed the hilly bank of the Dniepro River and said: "On these hills the great city and many churches in glorification of Holy God will be". 

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GOLDEN GATE Golden Gate is the unique fortification architecture monument that survived until nowadays. It was constructed in 1017-1024 and served as a main entrance to Kiev. Great tower with Annunciation Church delighted contemporaries and terrified enemies with its inaccessibility. The name of the Gate in Kiev reminds of a famous entrance to Constantinople. 

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We invite you to travel to Kiev

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