Презентація: Reported Questions

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Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Reported Questions, Commands, Requests, Suggestions

Номер слайду 2

Questions. What. Where. Why. When. How. Can. Do. Will. Are. Have

Номер слайду 3

Yes/no Questions. Do you like to sing? Tom asked me. Tom asked me if/ whether I liked to sing. Auxiliary. Verb. Subject. Subject. Instead of A VDid Dr. Green help you? – I asked Tom. I asked Tom if/ whether Dr. Green had helped him. Auxiliary. Verb. Subject. Instead of AVSubject

Номер слайду 4

WH -QUESTIONESWh-questions are reported with the help of the words when, what, where, which, how, etc. Jack said :“ When do you usually come home?” Jack asked when I usually came home. Polly asked, “What have you done?”Polly wondered what I had done. Mother asked her daughter, “Where are you going. Mother wanted to know where her daughter was going. We report questions with the help of the verbs to ask, to wonder, to want to know. Direct Speech. Reported Speech. Direct Speech. Reported Speech. Reported Speech. Direct Speech

Номер слайду 5

Present Simple I do …Present Continuous He is doing …Present Perfect I have done …Past Simple I did …Past Continuous I was doing …Past Perfect I had gone …Future Simple Past Simple I did …Past Continuous He was doing …Past Perfect I had done …Past Perfect I had done …Past Perfect Continuous I had been doing …does not change I had gone …Future in the Past Tenses are changed as in statements

Номер слайду 6

herethisthesenowtodayyesterdaylast weektomorrownext weeka year agolast nighttonightagocometherethatthosethen / at the momentthat daythe day before /the previous daythe week before/ the previous weekthe next day/ the following daythe following week/the week aftera year beforethe previous nightthat nightbeforego. Time and Place Changes (they are the same as in the statements)

Номер слайду 7

Reported Commands, Requests, Suggestions. When we report commands, requests and suggestions we use such reporting verbs as: to order, to ask, to tell, to suggest, to beg, to advise, to forbid, to warn, to insist, to promise, to agree, to refuse, to remind, etc.after which we use to-infinitive or not to-infinitive. He said, “Close the door!” – He ordered to close the door. She said, “Don’t open the window!” – She asked not to open the window. He said, “Give me your address.” – He told me to give him my address. She said, “Don’t drink cold juice.” – She advised not to drink cold juice. She said, “I will write to you.” – She promised to write to me. He said, “Tell me the time, please.” – He asked to tell him the time.

Номер слайду 8

{956 E993 C-14 B4-4729-A86 A-B01 E22 AC3 F9 E}Reporting verb Direct Speech. Reported Speechto infinitiveofferpromiserefuseadviseaskbegorderwarn  “Can I help you?”“I promise I’ll do my homework.”“ No, I won’t buy you a new dress”“You should see a doctor!”“Could you feed my cat?”“Please, please help me!”“Close the door!”“Don’t play with matches!” He offered to help me. He promised to do his homework. He refused to buy me a new dress. He advised me to see a doctor. He asked me to feed his cat. He begged me to help him. He ordered me to close the door. He warned me not to play with matches. -ing formsuggestdeny  “Let’s visit Granny!:“I didn’t break your vase!” He suggested visiting Granny. He denied breaking my vase. thatexplain “I’m going to stay with my sister.”  He explained that he was going to stay with his sister.

Номер слайду 9


Номер слайду 10

  “Please, forgive me,” he said to Clara. “Be careful of the broken glass,” my father said. “How about calling your colleague?” Annie said to me.“Don’t shoot!” the policeman shouted. “Listen to me, please,” Tom said to the lawyer. 6. “Let’s play volleyball,” Brian said to the kids. 7. “Fire!” the General said to the soldiers. 8.“Please, please, don’t tell this to anyone,” she said to the doctor.– He ... Clara to forgive him.2.-My father ... to be careful of the broken glass.3. -Annie ... calling my colleague. 4. – The policeman ... not to shoot.5.– Tom ... the lawyer to listen to him.6. – Brian ... playing volleyball.7.– The General ... the soldiers to fire.– She ... the doctor not to tell that to anyone.tell, beg, suggest, order, ask

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

2. Mrs. Lane told Sue to phone her if there was an emergency.3. Mrs. Lane told Sue not to let the twins eat any sweets.4. Mrs. Lane told Sue to send the twins to bed at 9 o’clock.5. Mrs. Lane told Sue to give the twins a bath before they went to bed.6. Mrs. Lane told Sue not to allow the dog into the twins bedroom.7. Mrs. Lane told Sue to close all the windows.8. Mrs. Lane told Sue to put the toys away in the cupboard.

Номер слайду 13

Номер слайду 14


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