Презентація ''Reported Speech''. Розповідні речення.Тренувальні вправи.

Про матеріал
Презентація містить уведення та опрацювання мовного інвентаря з теми '' Reported Speech'' Використані матеріали: Англійська мова.Граматичний практикум:збірник граматичних вправ для середнього рівня / О. М. Павліченко. — 12-те вид.,випр. і доповн. — Харків : Вид-во «Ранок», 2018. Сайт .englisch-hilfen.de
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 2

Непряма мова (Reported Speech) — це слова людини, передані іншою людиною. У реченнях з непрямою мовою лапки не вживаються, на відміну від речень із прямою мовою (Direct Speech).При трансформації речень з прямої мови у непряму особові та присвійні займенники змінюються відповідно до змісту. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 3

Changes of pronouns Direct Speech Reported Speech I you we me you us he she I she he we they they him her him her us them them my your our mine yours ours his her my his her our their their his hers mine his hers ours theirs theirs. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 4

He says, «I have got a computer». He says (that) he has got a computer. She says, «This is my book». She says (that )this is her book. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 5

У реченнях з непрямою мовою вживаються дієслова say та tell. Say якщо ми не вказуємо людину,до якої звертаємось. Tellвживається тоді, коли ми вказуємо людину, до якої звертаємось. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 6

They said that she had no time. say (to) / tellsaid (to) / told. They said to me, «She has no time». They told me that she had no time. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 7

Alex says/tells that he was busy yesterday. Mike said/told that the film was boring 3) They said/told me that they could play basketball well.4) Sue said/told that her sister was younger than she.5) Monica says/tells us that she has to look after her brother. 6) I said/told Henry that I was preparing for the test. Liudmyla Boievska. Choose the right word

Номер слайду 8

7)We said/told our teacher that we were ready for the dictation. 8) Peter said/told that his friends were waiting for him. 9) Mary and Kate said/told that they had Maths lessons every day. 10) My uncle said/told me that he would phone the next day. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 9

Susan us about this film yesterday. 2) Our teacher that we would have an extra lesson of History.3) The doctor him to stay in bed4) Samantha her mother that she had already fed the dog.5) She me her phone number.said / told toldtoldtoldtoldsaid. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 10

The policeman the woman not to worry. My parents that I should go to bed. Bob them that he was packing his suitcase. You that you could speak French fluently. Alan her that he didn’t know about the accident. said / told toldsaidsaidtoldtold. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 11

They say: ‘’We are going to the concert’’. They said:‘’We are going to the concert’’. They say (that) they are going to the concert’’. They said (that) they were going to the concert. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 12

Якщо у словах автора в реченнях із прямою мовою дієслово присудок стоїть у теперішньому часі,то після перетворення прямої мови на непряму час дієслів не змінюється: They say: ‘’We are going to the concert’’. They say (that) they are going to the concert’’. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 13

Якщо у словах автора в реченнях із прямою мовою дієслово присудок стоїть у минулому часі, то після перетворення прямої мови на непряму дієслова вживаються у одному з минулих часів They said:‘’We are going to the concert’’. They said (that) they were going to the concert. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 14

Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 15

Якщо в реченнях з прямою мовою йдеться про загальновідомі факти,то після перетворення прямої мови на непряму граматичний час дієслів не змінюється: The teacher said, «There are seven days in a week».— The teacher said that there are seven days in a week. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 16

that daythen… beforethat nighttodaynowtonight last…yesterday…agonext…tomorrowthisherethesethe day before/the previous…the … beforethe following…the next/following daythat therethose Direct Speech Reported Speech. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 17

Модальні дієслова та дієслово to be (am/is/are) змінюються на відповідні форми минулого часу(was/were), окрім дієслів should, could, might: He said, «I can swim».— He said he could swim. She said, «I am thirsty».— She said she was thirsty. The teacher said, «You should learn the poem by heart».— The teacher said I should learn the poem by heart. Минулий тривалий час може залишитись у непрямій мові: They said, «We were working in the garden».— They said that they were working in the garden. Або : They said that they had been working in the garden. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 18

Mark says that he has/had six lessons every day. 2) My friend said that he is/was in a hurry. 3) She told him that she can/could drive a car. 4) My Granny says she is/was baking a cake.5) They said they have/had seen that film. 6) The doctor said I must/had to take a cold shower. Choose the right word. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 19

7) Eric told me that we will/would receive the invitations in some days. 8) The manager says that he has/had already prepared all the documents. 9) The shop-assistant told me that she can/could give me another pair of gloves. 10) Helen said that she has/had already had lunch. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 20

Report the statements. Jack said, «I’m repairing the radio». 2) Fred says, «My cousin usually goes to the gym after school». 3) Ann said, «I have never been to the Theme Park». 4) Andrew said, «I can’t remember the number of his flat». Jack said that he was repairing the radio. Fred says that his cousin usually goes to the gym after school. Ann said that she had never been to the Theme Park. Andrew said that he couldn’t remember the numberof his flat. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 21

5) We said, «We returned home at five o’clock ». 6) I said, «I’m hungry». 7) She said, «My aunt will take me to the exhibition». 8) Our teacher says, «I know about this fact». 9) My parents say, «You may play the computer a bit longer». We said that we had returned home at five o’clock. I said I was hungry. She said her aunt would take her to the exhibition. Our teacher says she knows about that fact. My parents say I may play the computer a bit longer. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 22

10) Sally said, «We were discussing the play at that time». 11) Tony said, « I have just finished my report». 12) The waiter said, «The taxi is waiting for you». Sally said they were discussing the play at that time. Tony said he had just finished his report. The waiter said the taxi was waiting for me. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 23

that daythen…beforethat nighttodaynowtonight last…yesterday…agonext…tomorrowthisherethesethe day beforethe … before/the previous…the following…the next/following daythat therethose Direct Speech Reported Speech

Номер слайду 24

1) Robert, "My father flew to Dallas last year."Robert told me (that) his father had flown to Dallas the year before. Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before. 2) Lisa, "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago."Lisa said (that) her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend. 3) Patricia, "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend."Patricia said (that) he was going to read a book that week.4) Michael, "I am going to read a book this week."Michael told me (that) Report the statements. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 25

5)Liam, “We are having a test tomorrow.”Liam said (that) they were having a test the following day. 6) Ann, “It is cold outside today.”Ann told me (that)it was cold outside that day.7) Grandma, “I don't like watching the news.”Grandma told me (that)she didn't like watching the news.8) Andy and Lilly, “We have finished this project.”Andy and Lilly said (that)they had finished that project.9) Kate, “I can call you tomorrow.”Kate told me (that)she could call me the next day. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 26

Kate said, «I haven’t seen Roy today». Vicky said, « We are going to the cinema tonight». The teacher said to the pupils , «You’ ll pass your exam next month». Philip said to his friend, «My mother bought me these trainers a week ago». Kate said she hadn’t seen Roy that day. Vicky said they were going to the cinema that night. The teacher told the pupils that they would pass their exams the following month. Philip told his friend that his mother had bought him thosetrainers a week before. Report the statements. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 27

5) Pam said, «I’ll bring you this magazine tomorrow, Jane». Pam said she would bring Jane that magazine the next day.6) The baby-sitter said to the woman, «The children are playing on the playground now». The baby-sitter told the woman that the children were playingon the playground then.7) Beth said, «I’m happy to be here again». Beth said she was happy to be there again.8) Andy said, «I spoke to my coach yesterday». Andy said that he had spoken to his coach the day before. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 28

9) The policeman said to the woman, «I didn’t see your car here last week». The policeman told the woman that he hadn’t seen her car there the week before.10) A little boy said , «I didn’t touch your laptop yesterday ». A little boy said he hadn’t touch my laptop the day before.11) Ben said , «We’ll celebrate Christmas in this cafe next month». Ben said they would celebrate Christmas in that café the following week. Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 29

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB8 Vir8u9w0 Liudmyla Boievska

Номер слайду 30

https://www.engblocks.com/grammar/exercises/reported-speech/reported-speech-present-simple-exercise-1/https://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/english-second-language-esl/400036https://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/english-second-language-esl/613325https://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/english-second-language-esl/143545 Said/toldhttps://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/english-second-language-esl/337860https://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/english-second-language-esl/89770https://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/grammar/160923https://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/english-second-language-esl/1915147 Reported speech - statements with expressions of time -English (englisch-hilfen.de)https://learningapps.org/display?v=pwqniqk6k24https://learningapps.org/22486737https://learningapps.org/26107186https://learningapps.org/19171628

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