Презентація " Технологія ситуативного моделювання"

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Презентація до виступу на тему "Технологія ситуативного моделювання" у рамках теми " Ключові компетентності 21століття"
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The best way to educate students is to make them happy Tetyana Kurinna Lyceum 31 Zhytomyr

Номер слайду 2

Simulations at the Lessons of English

Номер слайду 3

There are some definitions of simulated teaching: Simulations are instructional scenarios where the learner is placed in a "world" defined by the teacher. According to Fink “Simulation is a controlled representation of reality” According to Longman Dictionary “Simulation is the activity of producing conditions which are similar to real ones, especially in order to test something, or the conditions that are produced”

Номер слайду 4

A game An activity that acts as a metaphor A role-play

Номер слайду 5

Технологія ситуативного моделювання Виключає методи, які забезпечують: -повідомлення знань -запамятовування знань -відтворення знань Включає Методи, які забезпечують: організацію учнів для самостійного здобування знань, умінь у процесі активної пізнавальної діяльності Рольові ігри Імітації Симуляції Інсценізації

Номер слайду 6

Why use simulations? Simulations promote the use of critical and evaluative thinking. Simulations promote concept attainment through experiential practice. Simulations help students appreciate more deeply the management of the environment, politics, community and culture.

Номер слайду 7

Resources and time are required to develop a quality learning experience with simulations. Assessment of student learning through simulation is often more complex than with other methods. Simulated experiences are more realistic than some other techniques and they can be so engaging and absorbing that students forget the educational purpose of the exercise. If your simulation has an element of competition, it is important to remind the students that the goal is not to win, but to acquire knowledge and understanding.

Номер слайду 8

Prepare in advance as much as possible Monitor the process closely Consider what to assess

Номер слайду 9

Friday, the 13th

Номер слайду 10

Evaluate the presentations with the help of the evaluating chart and say which product you are ready to buy thanks to advertising. 1-minimum 10 – maximum Work in groups and share your opinions Who wants to comment on the completed chart? Which ad do you like the most and why? (We think that ….) 1st presentation 2nd presentation 3rd presentation 4th presentation 5th presentation 6th presentation Efficacy (how well it works) Originality Practical value

Номер слайду 11

Now when you are experts on advertising let’s present your ads. Your H/T was to decide on a product or service to advertise and to prepare an ad for it. Now it’s time to present your adverts to the class. Your task is to persuade us (our guests) to buy your product. Our guests and you - students, please, be attentive, try to evaluate the presentations with the help of the evaluating chart and say which product you are ready to buy thanks to advertising.

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