Презентація "The methods of teaching English.The PPP method."

Про матеріал

Презентація може бути використана під час засідання шкільного методичного об"єднання вчителів англійської мови.В даній публікації розкривається поняття "PPP", показано кількість використання часу учителем та учнями на на уроці тощо.

Перегляд файлу

The methods  of teaching English. The PPP method.

        Done by: 

Vira Zayatsthe teacher trainer of

Hlyboka methodological centre


Presentation phase

The presentation phase usually consists of two steps:


1)An introductory activity such as a warm-up or a lead-in, which is an activity intended to raise students’ interest in the topic. 


2)An introduction of the target language (L2). 


elicits some activities the students enjoy doing at the weekends.  

DRILLING: a method of teaching students something by making them repeat the same lesson, exercise etc many times 


Controlled practice/Semi-controlled practice/Freer practice: practice, through restricted exercises, at the beginning and at the end of the practice stage.



Practice phase

In the practice phase, the focus is on form. 

The teacher provides opportunities for students to practice the learnt items in a controlled way through restricted exercises. 

This is a chance for the students to use what they have learnt without making mistakes.

Students are monitored and all mistakes are corrected. 

CHORAL DRILLS: Students repeat the sentences on the board etc.  

FOCUS ON FORM: The teacher explains the grammatical use of L2

MONITORING: The teachers asks conceptual questions to check whether students have understood the use of L2

GAP-FILLING EXERCISE: Students fill in the gaps of sentences using the grammar and vocabularies that they’ve learnt during the lesson. 



Production   phase

Øsituational role-plays

Students use what they


have been taught in real-  debates  situation like activities.  Ødiscussions 



The production  phase                   problem-solving

focuses on fluency and                      Ønarratives

provides students with an


opportunity to personalize

the language through less               Øquizzes 

controlled tasks.                                 Øgames


Students interact by doing communicative tasks.   

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g h7BsBBwHsc

PPP Stages

vThe general structure of PPP lesson is flexible

vAn important feature is the movement from controlled and structured speech. 

vThis is simply one way to help children learn new language in an enjoyable and effective way.


5 липня 2018
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