Good morning, dear students Today we are going:to speak about United Kingdomto do some exercisesto watch the video
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Open your copybooks, write down the date. Wednesday, the …th of April. Classwork The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(The UK)
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Edinburgh London. Cardiff. Belfast
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{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}capital. Symbol plant. Symbol animalpatron. Scotland. England. Wales. Northern Ireland. Make a table and complete it with the material from our lesson. Покровитель. London. Cardiff. Edinburgh. Belfast. Saint (St.) Andrew. Thistle. Unicorn. Rose. Lion. St. George. Daffodil. Red dragon. St. David. Shamrock. Bulldog. St. Patrick
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Scotland (Edinburgh)Flag of Scotland. St. Andrew. Thistle. Unicorn. Royal arms. Чортополох. Королівський герб
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England (London) Flag of England St. George. Rose. Lion. Royal arms
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Wales (Cardiff)Flag of Wales St. David. Daffodil Red dragon. Royal badge. Нарцис. Королівський значок
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Northern Ireland (Belfast)Flag of Northern Ireland. St. Patrick. Shamrock. Bulldog Coat of arms. Трилисник. Герб
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Flag – “the Union Jack”
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Thank you for hard work! 1) Пройти тест (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)Код доступу 7717807 Попросіть учнів використати цей код,відкривши посилання АБО