Презентація може бути використана при опрацюванні теми "Велика Британія", містить цікаву інформацію про країну, для розвитку соціокультурної компетенції учнів.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England
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50 mln80%2501066-1362 What do these numbers mean?
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Location: Western Europe Capital: London. Official Language/s: English. Population: 56,286,961 Area: 130,276 km2 Religions: Church of England. Queen: Elizabeth ll. Currency: Pound sterling. Neighboring Countries: Wales to the west and Scotland to the north. It is surrounded by the North Sea, the Irish Sea and borders the English. Channel.
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The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, which means that there is a queen(king) but they don’t make the laws of the coutry.
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The official language is English. French was the official language in 1066 – 1362.
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The most popular sports in England are football, rugby and cricket.
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Traditional English food are fish and chips, roast beef or sausage and mash (mashed potatoes).