Презентація "Відгук про прочитану книгу англійською мовою"

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Презентація - відгук про прочитану книгу англійською мовою для учнів 10-11класів.
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Review of Paul Stewart`s story

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Paul Stewart was born in London in 1955. He writes a lot for children. Paul Stewart started writing at a very young age and continues to do this until now. He writes in the genre of children`s, young adult and adult novels.

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Bibliography by Paul Stewart. He wrote about a hundred fiction stories, among which «Lucky Luke», «The Weather Witch», «The Snowman Who Couldn`t Melt» and many others.

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«Lucky Luke» it is a short story like the other stories written by Paul Stewart. This story was written in 1993.

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The main characters of this story are two brothers – Luke and Jimmy. Luke is an actor, and Jimmy is a hairdresser. There is also a character on whose behalf the story is told.

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The story tells us about two brothers, one of them became famous thanks to the stupidity of another brother. Enraged, Jimmy cut his brother Luke too badly but this didn`t prevent him from playing a major role in the western. On the contrary, this hairstyle made a splash on the director`s composition.

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«Life for Luke is just one big game»The whole plot of the story is built on this phrase because Luke is lucky in any situation. Hence the nickname Lucky Luke.

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«Some people are born lucky, and some people aren`t and there`s nothing you can do about it»Jimmy says this phrase. But is it true?

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The idea behind this story is to believe in yourself. After all, only this contributes to your growth in your career and any other things.

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Paul Stewart is a true master of artistic detail. Perhaps while reading this story someone will see another subtext and understand it differently. However, despite this, the author`s style remains accessible to everyone.

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Having read the story «Lucky Luke» I understood that every person is a blacksmith of his own happiness. Only by own efforts we can achieve our goals, and envy and faith in good fortune of each case do not lead to anything good. No need to rely on luck!

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Paul Stewart is an excellent writer whose books are worth reading. I`m sure that everyone will find there something for himself.

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Thank you for your attention!

22 грудня 2019
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