Will. A decision at the moment of speaking (спонтанні рішення); Example:– Any plans for the weekend?– I have not decided. I think I will visit my parents. There's no milk.- John: Really? In that case, I will go and get some. She is busy. She will call you later
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2. For promises / requests / refusals / offers (Прохання, обіцянки, погрози, попередження);Example: I will help you tomorrow, if you like. Will you help me?Will you make breakfast?
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3. A prediction based on opinion (Передбачення про майбутнє). Вживається із такими словами: think, believe, expect, hope, etc. Example:- I think he will pay us. I think I will be rich one day if I work hard. 4. A future fact (загальновідомі факти);- The sun will rise tomorrow.
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Be doing to – мати намір щось зробити1. A decision before the moment of speaking (рішення було прийняте до моменту мовлення);Example:- There's no milk.- I know. I am going to go and get some when this TV programme finishes.
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2. A prediction based on something we can see (or hear) now (дії, які ми бачимо, як результат чогось в майбутньому;Example: He can't drive. He is going to crash the car. Look at those black clouds! It is going to rain. She feels terrible. I think she is going to be sick.
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3. Plans, intensions to the future. (Плани на майбутнє). Example: I'm going to become famous. Tina is going to buy a new phone tomorrow.