Тематична діагностувальна робота Getting around ( Smart junior 4)

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Тематична діагностувальна робота Getting around за підручником Smart junior 4.

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                    Тематична діагностична робота № 5(Smart junior 4)

                                             Getting around.

Name___________________________________ Form [1]______________

                                                                                                  Total 22/____

1.Unscramble and write. /Розшифруй слова і запиши їх.

image             image             image              image           image 

Metlhe          tormokebi             wmobleions           ictket                     lhewe

________    ____________   _______________    ___________   _____________


2. Choose and underline the right word. / Вибери та підкресли правильне слово.

1)  Walk on the (pavement / crossing).

2)  Keep both hands on the (handlebars / wheel).

3)  Cross at the (zebra crossing / pavement).

4)  A tuk-tuk looks like a motorbike with (three / four) wheels.

5)  Gondolas are (long / short) boats.

6)  Snowmobiles have got (wheels / skis).


3. Write the sentences. / Склади та напиши речення.

1)  gondola, is, by, slow, travelling.



2)  the guitar, exciting, playing, is.


3)  to school, fun, is, going.


4)  TV, boring, is, watching.


4.Guess the riddle. What is this? / Відгадай загадку. Що це?

1)  It’s a kind of boat. It’s slow. Tourists take it. ___________________________

2)  It hasn’t got wheels. Drivers wear warm clothes. _________________________

3)  It has got three wheels. Riding in it is fun.  ______________________________

                                                                                                                   3 /_____  

5. Answer the questions. / Дайте відповіді на питання.

1)  How do you get to school?



2)  How long does it take?

__________________________________________________________________ 3) What time do you arrive at school?

__________________________________________________________________ 4) What time do you leave?



                                                                                                                  4 /______

[1] /______

26 січня 2022
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