проект позакласного заходу "Seasons' Kaleidoscope"

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Цей сценарій розроблено у формі проектної діяльності, де учні були поділені на 4 групи і кожна група готувала презентацію свого сезона. Цей проект ідеально відповідає віковій категорії 11-13 років і дає можлиість учням проявити свої творчі здібності, працюючи в окремій групі та спільно відповідаючи за кінцевий результат.

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Проект позакласного заходу


Мета: прищеплювати учням інтерес до вивчення англійської мови . народних звичаїв та традицій, культурної спадщини народу, мову якого вивчають; розвивати художній смак та сприяти лексичному збагаченню англійської мови. Навчально-виховні завдання: підвищити рівень володіння англійською мовою; розвинути комунікативні здібності учнів.

Обґрунтування доцільності проведення даного проекту: цей проект позакласного заходу ідеально відповідає віковій групі 11-13 років і дає можливість учням проявити свої творчі здібності, працюючи в окремій групі та спільно відповідаючи за кінцевий результат.


(melody “Seasons” by P.Chaikovsky is played)

Compere 1: Hello, everybody! Welcome to our “Seasons” show! Which season do you like best? Have you got a  favourite one?

Compere 2: As for me I like all seasons. Each of them has got its beauty and magic, holidays and fun.

(pupils sing the song “Four Seasons”)

Compere 1:                   To every season its own story:

Spring bulbs are bursting into glory.

                                       Summer’s greening every tree,

                                       Autumn like a golden sea.

Compere 2: Of crinkled leaves that tremble down

                    In shades of yellow, bronze and brown;

                    And winter has its wonders too,

                    Fairer that summer ever knew.

Compere 1: What about making a kaleidoscope of seasons?

Compere 2: I think, it will be interesting and enjoyable.

Compere 1: OK! Let’s start! So, listen to the rhyme. Will you say which season children are telling you about?

Girl: This is the season when snowdrops bloom,

         When nobody likes to stay in the room.

Boy: This is the season when birds make their nests.

         This is the season we all like best. Lily of the

(“Spring” appears)

Spring: I am spring. My months are March, April, May. People call me the season of hope and happiness. Birds come from the south and begin to build their nests. Then they feed their little ones. The sky is blue, everything looks so bright. When I come flowers begin to grow, green leaves appear on the trees. Flowers here, flowers there, flowers growing everywhere.

(A fairy-tale “Flowers” is performed)

Characters: Queen of Flowers, Snowdrop, Violet, Lily of the Valley, Daffodil, Buttercup, Bluebell, Corn-flower, Sunflower, Poppy and Rose.

Setting: The flowers meet in the forest. They have a meeting to decide when to come to the gardens and fields.

Queen of the Flowers: My dear flowers, spring is here. When are you coming to the gardens and fields?

Flowers: We are coming, we are coming!

Queen of the Flowers: Who is coming first?

Snowdrop: I am first to come. I come when the snow on the ground. I have a white dress. My name is Snowdrop. Don’t you think I am pretty?

Violet: And I come next. I don’t like snow. It is cold when the snow on the ground. I like warm days. My dress is violet. And now, you surely know that I am Violet.

Lily of the Valley: My name is Lily of the Valley. I think you like my small white bells.

Daffodil: I come next. I am yellow like the sun. I like to dance in the wind. My name is Daffodil.

Buttercup: I am the last who comes in spring. I have a pretty yellow dress too. My name is Buttercup.

Queen of the Flowers: Here comes Summer. Who are summer flowers/

Bluebell: I am the flower of summer. I am Bluebell. I am blue like the sky and my dress looks like a bell.

Corn-flower: Blue is my colour too. I grow in the corn and make  the fields beautiful. My name is Corn-flower.

Sunflower: And I am like the golden sun. You can find me in the fields as well. My name is Sunflower.

Poppy: I come in summer too. My name is Poppy. I have two dresses: red and yellow.

Rose: All of you know me  very well and like my sweet smell. Can’t you guess me yet? Yes, you can, of course, I am Rose. I have many pretty dresses: red, yellow, pink and white. I come when the sun is hot. Then I smell lovely and you know that I am here.

Queen of the Flowers: I see. Thank you, dear flowers. Now you know when to come. So go to the gardens and fields and make them beautiful. Good-bye, darlings.

Flowers: Good-bye! Good-bye!

Spring: When I come you celebrate so joyful and glorious holidays Easter.

Compere 2: Paska, pysanky, krashanky, chocolate eggs, hot-cross buns…  Every country has its symbols. Have you ever tasted British hot-cross buns?

(pupils sing the song “Hot-cross buns”)

Girl: Spring is here, summer is near.

         Grass is green, so nice and clean.

Boy: Winter, spring, summer, fall.

         We like spring best of all.

Compere 1: And now try to guess what season is next.

Girl: This is the season when nights are short

          And children have plenty of fun and sport.

Boy: Boating and swimming all day long

          Will make us well an strong.

Summer: I am summer. My months are June, July, August. I bring warmth and joy. Days are long and nights are short. Children like me best of all  because they have got the longest holidays. I am the season when you can swim and bathe a lot. I am rich in flowers, fruit and berries.

Compere 2: June brings tulips, lilies, roses,

                    Fill the children’s hands with pose.

                    Hot July brings apples and cherries

                    And a lot of other berries.

(pupils dance “Strawberries”)

Compere1: Where do you prefer having your rest in summer?

Compere 2: That’s nothing best for me than mountains and forests.

Compere 1: I can’t imagine my summer without hot sand, warm sea and a lovely beach.

(pupils sing the song “Beach Chant” and then the dance
“Sea” is performed)

Boy: The summer sun shines hot and high.

          Baby birds now learn to fly.

          Green, green leaves and tasty fruit

          All the things are so good.

Girl: Winter, spring, summer, fall.

         We like summer best of all.

Compere 1: And now guess what season is it?

Girl: This is the season when apples are sweet.

         This is the season when school-friends meet.

Boy: When noisy and gay, and browned by the sun,

          With their books and bags to school they run.

Autumn: I am Autumn. My months are September, October, November. I bring fruit, vegetables and corn. Days become cool. Birds fly to the south. The leaves turn red, yellow and brown. Everything looks so beautiful in its colourful dress.

Compere 2: “Come little leaves”, said the wind one day,

                    Come over the meadows with me and play,

                    Put on your dress of red and gold,

                    For summer is gone and the days are cold.

Compere 1: In autumn people have different holidays. For example, in the United States they celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday in November. People thank the God for everything they have got.

(a pupil tells about Thanksgiving Day)

Girl: Warm September brings us school

         Days are shorter, nights are cool.

         Fresh October brings much fruit –

         Then to gather them is good.

Boy: Then November brings us joy

          Turn to every girl and boy.

          Winter, spring, summer, fall.

          We like autumn best of all.

Compere 1: And now let’s talk about the coldest season of the year.

Compere 2: I don’t like cold days much but winter fun is great.

Winter: I am the coldest season of the year. My months are December, January, February. When I come all the rivers and lakes are frozen. Snowflakes dance in the air. The ground, the trees and the houses are covered with snow. The snow rises later and sets earlier than in summer. But when it sends its rays to the earth everything sparkles like diamonds. You will never see such a wonderful picture in any other season. Children sledge, ski and skate or go for a walk in the woods. They are fond of winter.

(Girl and Boy sing the song “Winter Chant”)

Compere 2: Winter is the merriest season because it’s full of holidays: St.Nicola’s Day, New Year’s Day, St.Valentine’s Day… But Christmas is the happiest to my mind.

Compere 1: Christmas tree, mistletoe, kutia, carols, Vertep, Christmas pudding and turkey… People have been keeping their Christmas traditions alive through the ages.

Compere 2: There is one more winter song which is popular and sung in different languages.

Compere 1:  I know what you are speaking about. Let’s sing too.

Compere 2: You are welcome to join!

(pupils sing the song “Jingle Bells”)

Boy: It’s winter now, so bundle up tight.

         Warm mittens and caps be just right.

         Ice on the lake, snow on the ground –

        Time to ski and skate all around.

Girl: Winter, spring, summer, fall.

         We like winter best of all.

Compere 2: And now it’s high time for our guests to take part in our show. We’ll give you some riddles and you’ll try to guess them. Listen carefully.

  1. Fat and gay on a winter day.

He came here with us to stay.

But day by day he grew sad and thin,

And so we brought his younger brother in  (A calendar)

  1. A little nice woman with twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot. What is she?  (A year)
  2. A blue sheet which cover the whole world. What is it?  (The sky)
  3. What is without hands and without feet, without a head or a body, but can open the door?  (The wind)
  4. What is it that can catch me in the garden and make me wet, but cannot reach me when I am in the house?  (Rain)
  5. What man cannot live inside the house?  (A snowman)
  6. What goes up when the rain comes down?  (An umbrella)
  7. It’s blue by night

By day it is white.

It is cold and not dry,

It falls just from the sky.  (Snow)

  1. What do we have in December that we do not have in any other month?  (The letter ‘D’)

Compere 1: So, dear friends! Our travelling through the seasons of the year is up to the end. Did you enjoy our kaleidoscope? We did our best to make it bright and funny.

Compere 2: In Britain they say “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”. You can change the proverb bit “There is no bad weather, there is bad mood.”

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter (all together):

Green foe spring,

And blue for summer,

As the days go by.

Gold for autumn,

White for winter

Old year’s gone. Good-bye!






Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
25 липня 2018
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