Сценарій казки "Рукавичка" на англійській мові (сучасна версія)

Про матеріал

Цей сценарій є чудовою можливістю для учнів поринути у світ англійської мови, відчувши себе у ролі різних персонажів і поглянути на казку "Рукавичка" з іншої сторони. Діти відпрацьовують навички говоріння та аудіювання у зручній та веселій атмосфері.

Перегляд файлу

The Mitten” (in modern version)

Characters: Mouse, Hare, Cat, Dog, Fox, Bear, Hippo.

There is a little pretty mitten on the grass in the middle of the forest. The mouse runs and suddenly stops.

Mouse: Oh, look, what a pretty little mitten! I can’t believe my eyes! It is interesting! Does anybody live here? …No! I can come in.

The hare appears. He is frightened.

Hare: At last I’m saved….Where am I? What a pretty little mitten! I can hide in it. Hello! Is anybody here?

Mouse: Yes, of course. I am Mouse the Squeak. And who are you?

Hare: I am Hare Easily Scared. Can I stay with you?

Mouse: Well, come in!

The cat appears.

Cat: Mew! What a wonderful day! It’s sunny and warm today. And I am tired a little bit. (yawning) I wanna sleep. What a pretty little mitten! I can sleep in it.

Is anybody here?

Mouse: I am Mouse the Squeak.

Hare: I am Hare Easily Scared. Who are you and what do you want?

Cat: I am Cat the Gentle Tread. I want to have a nap. Let me join you.

The dog appears. The fox joins later.

Fox: What a surprise! Hello! Hello! I am Fox of Many Tricks. And you?

Dog: I am Dog the Cool Guy. Look, What a pretty little mitten! Do you know who lives here?

Fox: No, but we can ask….Does anybody live here?

Hare: Yes, and there is no place for you.

Fox: We just want to look inside.

Mouse: Come in.

The bear appears. He eats honey.

Bear: Yummy, yummy!...Oh, no. The honey is over. Where can I get more honey? What a pretty little mitten! May be I can find honey here. Hello, is anybody here?

Fox: We live here. And who are you?

Bear: I am Bear the Shaggy Hair. I need honey. Can I look for it? (He tries to come)

All animals come out.

Dog: No, you cannot. The mitten is too small for you.

Bear: No, I can.

At this moment the hippo comes.

Hippo: Hi, guys! Why are so sad?

Mouse: Who are you?

Bear: I am Hippo….I am from Africa. I can dance hip-hop. Look!

The music sounds. Hippo dances hip-hop. After a while he stops.

Hippo: Don’t worry, be happy. Follow me.

All animals dance together.


Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
26 липня 2018
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