Quiz "Traditions of Hanukkah celebration"

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Тематична вікторина "Традиції святкуванна Хануки" проводиться з метою поглиблення знань традицій єврейськьго народу.
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Quest “Traditions of Hanukkah celebration”

Aims: to develop and profound students` knowledge of Jewish traditions; to improve speaking skills during the game; to raise the interest of pupils for learning English

Equipment: a presentation, card with tasks


The more languages you know,

the more times you are a human being.

Good afternoon, dear children! Glad to see you!  How are you today? I think each of you is in a good mood. Boys and girls, as you can see, we have an unusual lesson. Today we'll have a quest. So, you have time to have a rest and to show us your knowledge in English. One Latin expression says “Faster, stronger, higher”. I think it is closely connected with our quest. And I wish you good luck! It seems to me it's high time to start! We will have 2 teams, each of which will have its mentor (a leader). So, first of all, you should invent the name of your team and tell us about you. It's your first task.

For each correct answer you`ll get a star. And at the end we`ll know which team will be the best in Jewish traditions.

During the first round you should take out a card, read it and discuss the answer with your team. 

I round

The World of Hanukkah

  1. According to the Talmud what memory was Hanukkah established in? - The festival of Hanukkah was established in memory of the miracle with a jug of olive oil.
  2. What honour was Hanukkah established in? - Hanukkah is the only Jewish holiday established in honour of the military victory over the enemies of Israel.
  3. What is “shamash” («шамаш»)and what is it for?  Что такое "шамаш" и для чего он нужен?  An additional wick, which is called "shamash" ("servant")  
  4. How do the Hanukkah prayers differ from the prayers of a typical day? – It is added a text about a miracle of Hanukkah.  (Al – за чудеса)
  5. How do Jewish people show that they celebrate Hanukkah? – Put the candlesticks on the windowsills.
  6. What is the anthem to sing after the ignition?  “Maoztsur”
  7.         What letters are there on the sevivon and what do they mean? Нун-чудо (нес), гимель – великий (годоль), гей – було (гая), шин – там (чиам)
  8. Who is Judas Maccabee?    - A chief general
  9. Why is Shamash lit - an additional candle?Khanukkian candles are holy, so it`s forbidden to light other candles with them.
  10. What does the word Hashmonay mean?- The dynasty of Jewish kings, and one of its famous representatives – Matitiau Hashmonay, who was at the head of the struggle with the Greeks in the history of Hanukkah. Династия еврейских королей, и один из её знаменитых представителей – Матитьяу Хашмонай, который оглавил борьбу с греками в истории Хануки.
  11. What is the difference in the Minorah and Hanukkah candles` ignition? – Minorah – All the candles are lit every day, but on the Hanukkah candlestick every day one candle is lit.
  12. What is forbidden during the eight days of Chanukah? - Fasting and mourning the dead people.поститься и оплакивать умерших.
  13. What is the burning time of the candles? - It should be not less than half an hour.
  14.  Is it possible to use Hanukkah lights for any purpose - for example, for lighting, for lighting other lights? - It's forbidden
  15.  Of the eight days of Hanukkah, three are considered special. What are these days? – The first day when a cathedral was cleaned and the first candles were lit. And the last day all the Jewish people were happy because all the candles burnt all eight days.
  16.   What is the difference between the Sevivons in Israel and the Diaspora?   В чем заключается разница между севивонами в Израиле и в диаспоре? – The difference is in last letterin Israel – шин (там), пей (по)- здесь.


II round

Cognitive Puzzle

The second round is cognitive and informative. It`s “Puzzle”. Each of the teams has a picture with famous sightseeings in Israel. Try to fold the puzzle, then name the place you`ll get.

  1. The Tower of David
  2. Holocaust Museum 
  3. The Israel Museum Jerusalem
  4. Wailing Wall (Стена Плача)


III round

Russian roulette

You should twist the roulette and with the help of a ball you`ll define the number of your question.

  1. How long does Hanukkah last? – 8 days.
  2. What is the central element of Hanukkah? – Minorah
  3. What is the other name of Hanukkah? – A holiday of fire.
  4. How many candles do we light for Hanukkah?  Сколько свечей мы зажигаем на Хануку?   44
  5. When do we light Chanukah candles?    Когда мы зажигаем ханукальные свечи? –After the sunset.
  6. What is sevivon (dreidl)?     Что такое севивон (дрейдл)?
  7. What traditional Hanukkah dishes do you know? Why exactly do these dishes eat on this holiday? 
  8. Where is the history of Hanukkah described?
  9. How many Sabbaths can get to Hanukkah?
  10.  How do we lit the candles on the Hanukka? -  From left to right 


So, and now let`s define who knows traditions of Hanukkah`s celebration better?

Thank you for the game.





















  1. According to the Talmud what memory was Hanukkah established in?


  1. What honourwas Hanukkah established in?


  1. What is “shamash” («шамаш»)and what is it for? 


  1. How do theHanukkah prayers differ from the prayers of a typical day?



  1. How do Jewish people show that they celebrate Hanukkah?


  1. What is the anthem to sing after the ignition? 



  1. What letters are there on the sevivon and what do they mean?


  1. Who is Judas Maccabee?   



  1. Why is Shamash lit - an additional candle?


  1. What does the word Hashmonay mean?



  1. What is the difference in the Minorah and Hanukkah candles` ignition?


  1. What is forbidden during the eight days of Chanukah?



  1. What is the burning time of the candles?


  1. Is it possible to use Hanukkah lights for any purpose - for example, for lighting, for lighting other lights?


  1. Of the eight days of Hanukkah, three are considered special. What are these days?



  1.   What is the difference between the Sevivons in Israel and the Diaspora?  


Олару Юлія
22 березня 2020
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