Reported Speech Practice

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A series of exercises to practice using reported speech at your lessons of English in the 11th form
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Reported Speech


 Exercise 1: **Introduction to Reported Speech**


- When we report what someone else has said, we usually change the tense of the verbs.

  - Direct Speech: "I am going to the park."

  - Reported Speech: She said (that) she was going to the park.



Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.


1. "I will finish my homework tonight," said Tom. 

   **Tom said (that) he would finish his homework that night.**


2. "We are planning a surprise party," Sarah told me.

3. "I don't like broccoli," James complained.

4. "They visited the museum last weekend," Anna mentioned.

5. "I can help you with your project," Mary offered.




 Exercise 2: **Reporting Questions**


- When reporting questions, the word order changes from a question format to a statement format.

  - Direct Question: "Where are you going?"

  - Reported Question: He asked me where I was going.



Turn the following direct questions into reported speech.


1. "What time does the movie start?" she asked. 

   **She asked what time the movie started.**


2. "Did you finish your homework?" the teacher asked.

3. "Where have they gone?" she wondered.

4. "Can you help me with this?" he asked.

5. "Why are you late?" the coach asked.




Exercise 3: **Reporting Commands and Requests**


- When reporting commands or requests, use verbs like "told," "asked," or "ordered" followed by the infinitive.

  - Direct Command: "Close the door!"

  - Reported Command: She told me to close the door.



Rewrite the following commands and requests in reported speech.


1. "Please be quiet," the librarian said. 

   **The librarian asked us to be quiet.**


2. "Don't forget to bring your book," the teacher reminded.

3. "Turn off the lights when you leave," he said.

4. "Can you lend me your pen?" she asked.

5. "Finish your dinner," his mother told him.




Exercise 4: **Choosing the Correct Reported Speech**


Choose the correct option to complete the reported speech sentence.


1. "I'm feeling tired," she said.

   - She said (that) she ____. 

   a) was feeling tired 

   b) is feeling tired


2. "We have already seen this movie," they mentioned.

   - They mentioned (that) they ____. 

   a) had already seen this movie 

   b) have already seen this movie


3. "I will call you later," he told me.

   - He told me (that) he ____. 

   a) would call me later 

   b) will call me later


4. "They are coming to the party," she said.

   - She said (that) they ____. 

   a) were coming to the party 

   b) are coming to the party


5. "You should study for the test," my friend advised.

   - My friend advised (that) I ____. 

   a) should study for the test 

   b) should have studied for the test




Exercise 5: **Transforming Mixed Sentences**


Transform the following sentences into reported speech. Pay attention to the changes in tense, pronouns, and time expressions.


1. "I have never been to New York," she said. 

   **She said (that) she had never been to New York.**


2. "We will finish the project by next week," they promised.

3. "Do you know the way to the station?" the tourist asked.

4. "I am watching a movie right now," he said.

5. "Why didn’t you call me?" she asked him.




Exercise 6: **Creative Dialogue Reporting**


Imagine you overheard a conversation between two friends. Report what they said using reported speech.



Direct Dialogue:

- Anna: "I’m going to the concert tonight."

- Ben: "I wish I could join you, but I have to study."

- Anna: "You can always come next time."


Reported Speech:

- Anna said that she was going to the concert that night. Ben replied that he wished he could join her, but he had to study. Anna then said that he could always come next time.




Exercise 7: **Error Correction**


Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.


1. She told me that she will arrive late. 

   **Correct: She told me that she would arrive late.**


2. He said he is tired and wants to go home.

3. They asked me where do I live.

4. She asked if I can help her with the project.

5. He said he have never seen that movie before.




Exercise 8: **Discussion Questions**


Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups, reporting what your partner said.


1. What did you do last weekend?

2. What are your plans for the holidays?

3. What is your favorite movie and why?



- "She said that she watched a movie last weekend."

- "He mentioned that he is going to visit his grandparents during the holidays."

Kurkina Natalya
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