Річна контрольна робота для 8 класу до НМК "Solutions II ed"

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Багато хто з учнів розуміє і знає англійську мову на достатньому рівні. Але щоб підняти цей рівень потрібно більш поглиблено вивчати цю мову. Існує багато підручників і книг для цього. Також і в школі можливо вивчити англійську на вищому рівні, тому і в навчальній програмі викладають певні підручники. Так Solutions Intermediate є найкращим репетитором для поглибленого вивчення англійської. З ним ви підготуєтесь до уроків на належному рівні. Виконаєте швидко і якісно будь-яке домашнє завдання різної складності.

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Итоговая контрольная работа в 8 классе

 I variant

I. Choose the correct variant.

1. He will translate the text if he _________a dictionary at hand.

a) will have        b) has              c) would have             d) have

2. My friend is interested _________ architecture.

a) in                    b) on               c) about                      d) for

3. When I entered the room, she ___________ on the sofa.

a) lay                  b) is lying        c) was lieing               d) was lying

4. John ___________take a taxi because he was late.

a) could              b) was to         c) was able to             d) had to

5. Do you mind _________?

a) my smoking               b) me smoke               c) I smoke                   d) to smoke

6. What made you _________ such a stupid thing?

a) to do              b) do               c) did              d) have done

7. If I were you, I _________ a house in the country

a) bought           b) would buy              c) will buy                  d) would bought

8. Mary hasn’t any spare time and ___________.

a) neither have I            b) either have I           c) so I              d) I haven’t too.

9. We had better _________ if we want to get there before dark.

a) to hurry up                 b) hurry up                  c) hurried up               d) hurrying up

10. This film _________.

a) is much spoken about            b) is speaking much about      c) speaks much about

II. Which is right?

  1. She worked ____ (hard / hardly), but her mother still wasn’t ____ (happy / happily).
  2. The bed looked ________ (comfortable / comfortably).
  3. Be _________ (quiet / quietly)! The baby is sleeping!
  4. We were _____ ( hungry / hungrily), so we ate dinner ______(quick / quickly).
  5. Ann felt _______ (bad / badly) yesterday.
  6. He sings ________ (nice / nicely).

Ш. Fill the gaps with a verb from the brackets in the correct tense.

At Home on a Train

Pat and Ronald Thomas (not live) 1___in a caravan, but their home (travel) 2____ more miles than any other house in Britain! Their house (make)3_____from a pair of Victorian railway carriages, and they (live) 4 ____ there for ten years.“I (not want) 5 ____ to live in a train at first,” admits Pat, “but when

I (see)6_____that this train had a garden with a stream, I just (fall) 7_____ in love   with it. We (buy) 8____it from an old lady, and she (do) 9_____already_____ a lot of work on it. But there is a lot left to do and we (make)10 ___still___ improvements.”

IV. Read the texts and answer the questions. Write A, B, or C.

A         Billy Elliot

Stephen Daldry’s first feature film is set in the north-east of England during the miner’s strike of 1984. A motherless boy, Billy Elliot, from a mining village, takes up dancing against the wishes of his father and elder brother. Regrettably, the depiction of the working classes of that time is rather stereotypical.

The heart of the film, however, is in relationship that Billy strikes up with his dance        teacher. Mrs Wilkinson is a soul who finds as much genuine pleasure in the talent and hope of this 11-year-old as she does in the discipline and support that she provides for him.

B      Bend it like Beckham

Football’s uncommon ability to bring a nation together is celebrated in this sweet, positive youth movie. Set in modern-day London, the film tells the story of Tess, whose two greatest loves in life are David Beckham and kicking a ball about.

Unfortunately, her family cling to traditional Asian values, and while they’re willing to tolerate her fanaticism the very idea of their daughter joining a local girls’ team makes them angry.

Actresses Paraminder Nagra and Keira Knightly both have personalities, but credit should also go to the writer and director for getting the balance right between humor and pathos, sporting and romantic action.

C       Cinema Paradiso

A successful movie director in his 40s, Salvatore returns home to Sicily after hearing of the death of Alfredo, the ex-projectionist at the village cinema. Most of the film is a flashback to Salvatore’s World War II childhood and adolescence when, obsessed by movies, he is befriended by the wise Alfredo. Their bond is one that contains many highlights and tragedies and shapes the way for Salvatore to move out of his run-down village to pursue a dream.

Which film or films…

  1. is not set in the UK?_________________
  2. was difficult to film?_________________
  3. is set in the 21st century_______________
  4. are about young people who have ambitions that their parents don’t support?_______
  5. is the first film by the director? ______________________
  6. takes place over two different periods of time?_____________


Итоговая контрольная работа в 8 классе

II variant 

I. Choose the correct variant.

1. This isn’t my textbook, __________ is at home.

a) my      b) mine            c) mine book               d) mine one

2. If he__________ London by train, he will get there on Wednesday.

a) leaves for       b) will leave for          c) leave for                 d) left for

3. Our daughter is good __________ foreign languages.

a) with               b) for               c) in                 d) at

4. He looks worn out. He ___________ a sleepless night.

a) must have                  b) can have                 c) must have had                    d) can have had

5. You are wrong. You had better _________ again.

a) to try              b) trying                      c) tried                        d) try

6. There isn’t a cloud in the sky. Yesterday there wasn’t cloudy _______.

a) too                 b) neither                    c) also             d) either

7. She wanted Tom _________ beside her and hold the umbrella.

a) to stand                     b) stand                      c) was standing                      d) stood

8. You _________ a lovely song when I entered the room.

a) sang               b) had sung                c) was singing             d) were singing

9. The car isn’t worth __________.

a) to repair                     b) repairing                 c) to be repaired                     d) being repaired

10. I wish I ________ nearer my work because it takes me much time to get there.

a) live                 b) will live                  c) had lived                d) lived

II. Which is right?

  1. This salad tastes ___________ (terrible / terribly)
  2. That puzzle looks __________ (easy / easily). He can do it ________ (easy / easily).
  3. He felt _________ (sad / sadly) when he heard the news.
  4. Her English is ________ (good / well). She speaks English ________(good / well).
  5. The dog looked _________ (hungry / hungrily) at the meat.
  6. The porridge looked so _____(good / well) that the girl could ___(hard / hardly) wait to eat it.

Ш. Fill the gaps with a verb from the brackets in the correct tense.

He was killed by his own invention

Rueben Tice was an electrician from Monterey, California but in his spare time he was also an inventor. His first invention was an idea for chilling cocktail glasses but it (not be) 1____successful. In the winter of 1977 he (work) 2 _____on his latest invention. That was an amusing device to take wrinkles out of prunes. He (not sleep) 3 ___for six nights, because he (put) 4 ____the final touches to his great discovery. He was nearly ready to share it with the world. Unfortunately for mankind, the machine (explode) 5 ____ with a loud bang and Rueben (hit) 6 ____ on the head by a large metal road. He (kill) 7____ instantly. His dead body (cover) 8 ____in thousand of prunes. Unfortunately they were still wrinkled!

IV. Read the texts and answer the questions. Write A, B, or C.

A         Billy Elliot

Stephen Daldry’s first feature film is set in the north-east of England during the miner’s strike of 1984. A motherless boy, Billy Elliot, from a mining village, takes up dancing against the wishes of his father and elder brother. Regrettably, the depiction of the working classes of that time is rather stereotypical.

The heart of the film, however, is in relationship that Billy strikes up with his dance teacher. Mrs Wilkinson is a soul who finds as much genuine pleasure in the talent and hope of this 11-year-old as she does in the discipline and support that she provides for him.

B         Bend it like Beckham

Football’s uncommon ability to bring a nation together is celebrated in this sweet, positive youth movie. Set in modern-day London, the film tells the story of Tess, whose two greatest loves in life are David Beckham and kicking a ball about. Unfortunately, her family cling to traditional Asian values, and while they’re willing to tolerate her fanaticism the very idea of their daughter joining a local girls’ team makes them angry. Actresses Paraminder Nagra and Keira Knightly both have personalities, but credit should also go to the writer and director for getting the balance right between humor and pathos, sporting and romantic action.

C         Cinema Paradiso

A successful movie director in his 40s, Salvatore returns home to Sicily after hearing of the death of Alfredo, the ex-projectionist at the village cinema. Most of the film is a flashback to Salvatore’s World War II childhood and adolescence when, obsessed by movies, he is befriended by the wise Alfredo. Their bond is one that contains many highlights and tragedies and shapes the way for Salvatore to move out of his run-down village to pursue a dream.

Which film or films…

  1. is not set in the UK?_________________
  2. was difficult to film?_________________
  3. is set in the 21st century_______________
  4. are about young people who have ambitions that their parents don’t support?_______
  5. is the first film by the director?______________________
  6. takes place over two different periods of time?_____________
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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 серпня 2018
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