Риси Характеру Speaking Lesson 8 клас

Про матеріал
Урок розроблений з метою розвитку навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, розвиток мовної здогадки, розвивати комунікативні навички у учнів та вміння працювати в парі або групі.
Перегляд файлу

Unit 1. It's Your Life

Lesson 1. Family and Friends

Урок 6 (2). Риси Характеру

Speaking  Lesson


Мета уроку: розвиток навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, розвиток мовної здогадки, розвивати комунікативні навички у учнів та вміння працювати в парі або групі.

Очікувані результати: учні можуть розрізнити позитивні та негативні риси характеру, можуть описати людину, можуть пояснити значення нових слів.




T.: We are going to speak about traits of character



2.1 Warming Up

Quick questions Game

Учнів ділимо на команди. на дошці зображено квадрати з цифрами, що позначатимуть номери конвертів з питаннями, на які потрібно дати швидко відповідь. Учні по черзі роблять хід (називають номер) учитель зачитує питання - команди повинні швидко зреагувати, щоб дати відповідь, якщо команда підняла руку першою, але думає над питанням більше 10 секунд, хід переходить іншій команді.


  • What character traits are the most important for a teacher?
  • What character traits are the most important for pupil (student)?
  • What character traits are the most important for a doctor?
  • What character traits are the most important for a vet?
  • What character traits are the most important for lawyer (judge)?
  • What character traits are the most important for a nurse?
  • What character traits are the most important for a taxi driver?
  • What character traits are the most important for a firefighter?

Головне завдання команд, не повторювати вже вживані прикметники!


2.2. Розвиток навичок говоріння

Вправа 1 на сторінці 21

Учні працюють самостійно або в парах.


Вправа 2 на сторінці 22

Виконується разом.


Робота самостійно (тест)

Do the quiz

How honest are you?

1) You are spending the weekend at a friend's house. While you are do­ing the washing up, you accidentally crack what was clearly an ex­pensive wine glass. Would you:

  1. hide the glass in the dustbin and hope that no one notice?
  2. explain what had happened and perhaps offer to buy a new one?
  3. put the glass in the cupboard and not mention it?
  4. say that someone else had broken it?

2) You are with a small group of people on holiday. Someone expresses some strong political views on a subject, which you disagree with
violently. Would you:

  1. say that you thought they were right?
  2. tell them quite bluntly that you thought they were talking rubbish?
  3. suggest tactfully that there were other ways of looking at the question?
  4. try and change the subject?

3) You are a member of a team playing a tennis match. At an important point in the game, your opponent hits the ball, which lands very near
the line, and he / she asks you if the ball was in. You saw clearly that it was. Would you:

  1. play fair and say that the ball was in and give your opponent the point?
  2. cheat and say the ball was out and take the point yourself?
  3. say it would be best to play the point again?
  4. say you were not sure?

4) You and your boyfriend / girlfriend have been invited to a party, but you know your partner doesn't really want to go. You want to go
because you know that someone you are very attracted to will bethere. Would you:

  1. try and discourage your partner from going with you?
  2. be open and tell your partner why you really want to go?
  3. not go to the party at all?
  4. leave your partner to decide by himself / herself whether or not to go with you?

5) You work in a dress shop and you get paid commission on the dresses you sell. A woman is interested in a dress which does not suit her
and asks you what you think of it. Would you:

a)   say it looks lovely but that you have seen something that might look even nicer?

  1. say only that you have seen another dress that might suit her more?
  2. tell her bluntly that it doesn't suit her?
  3. tell her that it looks very nice and is an excellent choice?

6) You have just found out that the boyfriend / girlfriend of a very close friend of yours has been seeing someone else. Your friend, who
suspects something, asks if you know anything. Would you:

  1. beat about the bush and say that you weren't sure either way?
  2. be frank and tell them what you have heard?
  3. deny that you know anything?
  4. suggest that he / she should talk to their partner about it be­cause it might be true?

7) You are selling your car because it has been very unreliable and has been very difficult to start, especially in the mornings. Someone
from a town a long way away wants to buy it and has just asked you if it is reliable when starting. Would you:

  1. say that you have never had any serious problems with it?
  2. say that you are selling it because it is so bad at starting?
  3. try and cheat them by saying that it was very good at starting?
  4. say that it has been giving a bit of trouble recently but that the problem can be fixed easily?

8) Some people you know but find a bit boring have invited you to din­ner at their house. Would you:

  1. say that you didn't want to go and why?
  2. accept and say that you were looking forward to it?
  3. say that you couldn't go because you were going to be busy?
  4. say you'd love to go, and then not turn up?

Key: to the quiz How honest are you?



2 al b4 c3 d2


4 al b4 c3 d2


6 a2 b4 cl d3

7 a2 b4 cl d3





10-16: You are not really the sort of person who would make a good friend. You lie, cheat and deceive people (including yourself) all the time. At times your dishonesty could almost be criminal. You had better learn to tell the truth, because you will never have any real friends if you carry on like this.

17-27:You don't tell the truth all the time, do you? You perhaps try to tell yourself that you lie to protect other people's feelings, but there is a little more to it than that. You are secretive and unreliable. Try and be a little more open with your friends and the people you love and don't try and avoid serious problems by lying.

28-35:You would be a good person to have as a friend. You can be trusted and don't delight in making people feel bad for no reason. You are the sort of person who can keep a promise and you don't run away from problems that need to be talked about. The only real lies you would tell are white lies as you are tactful and caring.

36-40You must be very difficult to live with. You say exactly what you think. You like to think you are straight and honest, but you are often very blunt and rude, and hurt people's feelings for no reason. You are very open, and when someone asks you for an opinion, they know they will get the truth. But are you sure that the absolute truth is really what they always want to hear?


Робота самостійно за лексичними картками (див. додаток лексика):

Vocabulary Card 1

         Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

  1. My friend is very ____________; he thinks of carrying on his studies in London

(a) lazy          (b) ambitious      (c) shy              (d) unreliable   


  1. My friend Amna is very _____________; she cries quickly whenever she watches a romance movie.

(a) sensitive   (b) friendly         (c) easy going   (d) daring


  1. He likes playing bad tricks and teasing people. He is a _____________ boy.

(a) positive    (b) mischievous   (c) flexible       (d) caring


  1. For me the ideal friend is someone who doesn’t mind paying a drink for me. I hate __________people.

(a) shy          (b) generous         (c) stingy         (d) negative

  1. I don’t want to be friends with anyone who is not ___________. A good friend shouldn’t talk about my problems openly with others.

(a) trustworthy     (b) crazy     (c) helpful     (d) funny 



Вправа 4 на сторінці 22

Учні слухають аудіо запис та відповісти на питання:

- What does Tara like?

- What does Emma like?

- What does  your best friend like?

Обговорення з класом.


Вправа 5 на сторінці 23

Учні працюють в парах, порівнюючи свої відповіді.


Вправа 6 на сторінці 23

Учні прослухують (читають) діалог та відповідають на питання завдання.


Розглядаємо фрази з діалогу.

Вправа 8 на сторінці 24

Учні працюють в парах. Для того, щоб обрати тематику, скористаємось картками, в яких прописано, на яку тему розігрують ситуацію (див. додаток лексика):


to the birthday party



to a basketball match



to your home



to  the cinema



3.1. Підведення підсумків.

Підбиття балів у учасників команд.

3.2. Рефлексія

Що сподобалось на уроці?

3.3. Домашнє завдання.





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