Різдвяний урок за Гаррі Поттером

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Матеріал для проведення тематичного уроку до Нового року або Різдва. Для 5-6 класів.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

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Номер слайду 2

Ex. 1 – complete the crossword

Номер слайду 3

Ex. 2 – choose the correct answer1. What is Harry going to do in the library?A. Look for information on dragons. B. Play Wizards chess. C. Visit his brother in Romania. D. Pack for a trip.2. Where did Harry's parents decide to go?A. Romania. B. Hogwarts. C. The library. D. The restricted section.3. What did Harry's father leave for him?A. An invisibility cloak. B. A chess set. C. A book on dragons. D. A letter from his brother.4. What does Ron say about the cloak?A. It's invisible. B. It's a rare item. C. It's a bad influence. D. It's a Christmas present.5. Who is studying dragons in Romania?A. Charlie. B. Harry. C. Nicholas. D. Ron.6. What does Ron say about the chess game?A. It's barbaric. B. It's rare. C. It's invisible. D. It's a bad influence.7. What does Harry say when he puts on the cloak?A. "My body's gone."B. "I'm invisible."C. "I'm a wizard."D. "I'm a ghost."

Номер слайду 4

Complete the song with past forms of the verb. Chorus. Once bitter and twice shy. I keep my distance. But you still catch my eye. Tell me baby. Do you recognize me?Well. It's been a year. It doesn`t surprise me. Happy Christmas. I ___________( wrap) it up and ____________(send) it. With a note saying "I love you"I ___________( mean) it. Now I know what a fool I've been. But if you ____________( kiss) me now. I know you'd fool me again. Last Christmas. I ___________ ( give) you my heart. But the very next day you gave it away. This year to save me from tears. I'll give it to someone special

До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 6 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
27 грудня 2023
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