Роботи для перевірки знань учнів для 9-го класу

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Підібрано матеріал, який можна використати під час проведення контрольної роботи з англійської мови в 9-му класі.
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Variant I            FORM 9



1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs from the list.

leave   deliver   watch  hear  travel  be  try

1 ___ you____ anything on TV last night?

2 _____ you _____ the latest football results?

3 I____ a lot in Europe but not in other continents.

4They____ the post late every day last week.

5 Our neighbour ____ his car at the end of our drive and I can't get my car out.

6 We ______ the new Indian restaurant a couple of times and it's really good.

7 How long _____you_____ a surgeon?


2 Choose the correct answers.

1 Sorry I'm late. I've worked / been working on the car.

2 I've researched / been researching this subject for six months.

3 She's replied / been replying to ten e-mails this evening.

4 We've learned / been learning about French history for several days now. It's very interesting.

5 Have you done / been doing the shopping yet?

6 I’ve cooked / been cooking a lasagna for you. I hope it’s OK.



3 Complete the sentences with the correct answers.

1 I can’t really talk today. I've got a bad _____

A shoulder  B throat  C head

2 He fell over on the hill and twisted his _____   

A ankle  B hand  C leg

3 I pulled a _____ while I was playing tennis this afternoon.

A finger  B leg  C muscle

4 I've never broken a _____ in my body.

A muscle  B vein  C bone

5 She went home because she had a _____ ache.

A skin  B stomach  C waist



4 Read the text



How many tablets do you take? We all take tablets for headaches and other illnesses. But are they really necessary The big drug companies make the drugs and tablets that we buy to fight our health problems. But could it be possible that many of these drugs and tablets are only good for the bank balances of the drug companies and that there are better ways for us to get over our health problems? According to some experts we should use the power of our minds.

Since the 1950s there have been experiments using placebos. Placebos are tablets which do not have an effect on the body, so they shouldn't be able to make us better. In the experiments some patients in the group receive real drugs for a health problem, while others receive the placebo. No one knows who has the real drug or who has the placebo. In a significant number of these experiments the patients who haven't received the real drug get better! People think this is perhaps because they are thinking positively and believe they will get better - so they do! So, can we “think” ourselves better? Perhaps the big drugs companies should start worrying!


5 Choose the best answers.

 1 The text suggests that drug companies

A sell drugs that are bad for us.

  B sell drugs that are too expensive.

C make a lot of money.

2 It's possible that

A we could manage without drugs.

  B we could live longer without drugs.

C we need different sorts of drugs.

3 Placebos

A are tablets for headaches.

B are experiments done since the 1950s.

C should not be able to cure health problems.

4 In the experiments,

A patients know if they don't receive the real drug.

B patients know it's a possibility they haven't received the real drug.

C patients know they have been lied to.

5 According to the article

A some people can get better if they believe they will.

B some people get better if their doctor believes they will.

C some people get better because they stop taking drugs.



6 Imagine your friend has moved to another country. Write a letter to him/her in which you:

  • say you are sorry for not writing sooner
  • give him/her news about yourself
  • give him/her news about your friends and/or family
  • ask questions about your friend

Variant II           FORM 9



1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs from the list.

try  watch   deliver travel   hear  be  leave

1They____ the post late every day last week.

2 We ______ the new Indian restaurant a couple of times and it's really good.

3 ___ you____ anything on TV last night?

4 Our neighbour ____ his car at the end of our drive and I can't get my car out.

5 _____ you _____ the latest football results?

6 How long _____you_____ a surgeon?

7 I____ a lot in Europe but not in other continents.


2 Choose the correct answers.

1 I've researched / been researching this subject for six months.

2 We've learned / been learning about French history for several days now. It's

very interesting.

3 I’ve cooked / been cooking a lasagna for you. I hope it’s OK.

4 Sorry I'm late. I've worked / been working on the car.

5 She's replied / been replying to ten e-mails this evening.

6 Have you done / been doing the shopping yet?



3 Complete the sentences with the correct answers.

1 He fell over on the hill and twisted his _____   

A hand B ankle C leg

2 She went home because she had a  _____ ache.

A stomach B waist  C skin

3 I've never broken a _____ in my body.

A muscle  B bone C vein

4 I can’t really talk today. I've got a bad _____

A head  B shoulder  C throat

5 I pulled a _____ while I was playing tennis this afternoon.

A muscle B leg   C finger



4 Read the text


Is it all in your head?


How many tablets do you take? We all take tablets for headaches and other illnesses. But are they really necessary? The big drug companies make the drugs and tablets that we buy to fight our health problems. But could it be possible that many of these drugs and tablets are only good for the bank balances of the drug companies and that there are better ways for us to get over our health problems? According to some experts we should use the power of our minds.

Since the 1950s there have been experiments using placebos. Placebos are tablets which do not have an effect on the body, so they shouldn't be able to make us better. In the experiments some patients in the group receive real drugs for a health problem, while others receive the placebo. No one knows who has the real drug or who has the placebo. In a significant number of these experiments the patients who haven't received the real drug get better! People think this is perhaps because they are thinking positively and believe they will get better - so they do!

So, can we 'think' ourselves better? Perhaps the big drugs companies should start worrying!


5 Choose the best answers.

1 The text suggests that drug companies

A sell drugs that are too expensive.

B make a lot of money.

C sell drugs that are bad for us.

2 It's possible that

A we could live longer without drugs.

B we need different sorts of drugs.

C we could manage without drugs.

3 Placebos

A are experiments done since the 1950s.

B should not be able to cure health problems.

C are tablets for headaches.

4 In the experiments,

A patients know it's possible they haven't received the real drug.

B patients know they have been lied to.

C patients know if they don't receive the real drug.

5 According to the article

A some people get better if their doctor believes they will.

B some people get better because they stop taking drugs.

C some people can get better if they believe they will.



6 Imagine your friend has moved to another country. Write a letter to him/her in which you:

  • say you are sorry for not writing sooner
  • give him/her news about yourself
  • give him/her news about your friends and/or family
  • ask questions about your friend


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  1. bonter helena
    Вибачте, ви би не могли надати відповіді до завдань? Дуже гарна робота для перевірки знань учнів
    Оригінальність викладу
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