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Тема. Writers of English-speaking countries in popular culture

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                                                 Хід заняття

1.     Discussion is Shakespeare still relevant today?

Source: http://bit.ly/1FHp2rV

13 films you didn't know were based on Shakespeare plays


William Shakespeare's histories, tragedies and comedies have inspired countless acclaimed adaptations – but did you know these movies owed the great playwright a debt of thanks too? Go on a journey of discovery on the Bard's birthday...


The Lion King - Hamlet

Take one of Shakespeare's most famous plays about a prince taking back the throne from his conniving, murderous uncle after his father's death. Throw in some pitch perfect savanna creatures and a devastating wildebeest scene and you’ve got The Lion King.


The Lion king original


Let The Devil Wear Black (Hamlet)

If you're in the mood for a throwback (and aren't we all), try and spot The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus and Breaking Bad's Jonathan Banks in this seedy flick.

O (Othello)

The manipulation, jealousy and angst so integral to Othello are placed where they rightfully belong: in high school.

10 Things I Hate About You (The Taming of the Shrew)

All it took worst thing in the world. was a few chords of 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' and a cheeky grin from Heath Ledger to convince girls everywhere that maybe being tamed isn't the worst thing in the world.

She's the Man (Twelfth Night)

Before he was Magic Mike, Channing Tatum was a simple soccer player pursuing a girl pursuing a woman dressed as a man. Times were so much simpler back then.

King of Texas (King Lear)

Patrick Stewart sports a ten-gallon hat and a passable Southern accent in this Western about a self-made ranch tycoon whose daughters reject him after receiving their sizeable inheritance. Ouch.

A Thousand Acres (King Lear)

Before she bewitched the world on American Horror Story, Jessica Lange played one of the daughters pitted against their father when inherited land is disputed. We could do with more horror, TBH.

West Side Story (Romeo and Juliet)

Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer in West Side Story, Getty

 You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sing. Just what Bill Shakespeare would have wanted for his birthday.


Warm Bodies (Romeo and Juliet)

Film reviewer Richard Larson said "The ubiquity of Shakespeare's original template allows Warm Bodies some leeway in terms of believability, where otherwise it sometimes strains against its own logic." We say: "Shakespeare with zombies - awesome!"

My Own Private Idaho (Henry IV and Henry V)

It's sort of a coming-of-age/road movie/Shakespeare hybrid that shouldn't work but somehow does. Also: Keanu Reeves.

Big Business (The Comedy of Errors)

Comedic veterans Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin pull double duty to play two sets of mismatched twins and remind us why hairspray was invented.

Get Over It (A Midsummer Night's Dream)

A sort of "before they were famous" ensemble cast of Kirsten Dunst, Colin Hanks, Zoe Saldana and Mila Kunis band together for a Midsummer Night's Dream play within a Midsummer Night's Dream-inspired movie.

Men of Respect (Macbeth)

The story of a man consumed by his need for power made sense as a mobster flick. What doesn't make sense is a '90s New York gang members going on about "men of woman born."

2.     Watching video Shakespeare in popular culture


3.     Presentation Famous British Writers

 William Shakespeare (1564-1616) a great English writer. He is one of the most famous ever. He was born 1564 in Stratford - on - Avon. His plays and tragedies Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth are well- known. Нe wrote comedies, historical plays and some very good poetry, especially the Sonnets.

 Daniel Defoe a well-known English writer who wrote one of the first novels in the history of English literature .It was Robinson Crusoe (1719). He was born in London. He visited many countries and met many people. That helped him to write his stories.

 Jonathan Swift a famous English writer, was born in a poor family in Dublin, Ireland. He wanted the Irish people to be happy. He wrote satirical novels. The most famous novel is Gulliver’s Travels. It is about England of his time.

 Robert Burns a famous Scottish poet. His birthplace is Alloway in South West Scotland. He wrote hundreds of songs and poems. They are about country life, love and national life.

 Walter Scott a Scottish writer and poet. He is famous for his storiesof Scottish life, which are based on historical characters. The most popular are Ivanhoe and The Heart of Midlothian.

 Jane Austen (1775 – 1817)an English novelist, whose works include Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma. Her masterful use of language and irony made Austen one of the most influential and honored novelists in English literature.

 Charles Dickens an English novelist, the greatest one of all. His The Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield are very popular. He describes life in Victorian England and shows how hard it was for the poor and for children.

 Lewis Carroll the pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, the English writer who wrote two well-known children’s stories, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

 Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (1859 —1930)a great Scottish and English writer, the author of the well-known crime about Sherlock Holmes. He wrote many adventures and science fiction stories.

 Joseph Rudyard Kipling a famous English writer, was born in Bombay, India. He wrote very popular stories about animals (The Jungle Book, 1894, The Second Jungle Book, 1895), some books on history and poems(The Seven Seas, 1896) and others.

 Agatha Christie an English writer of popular books and plays. Her most famous characters are the detectives Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot. Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile are her best-known books

 Barbara Cartland (1901 –2000 )Mary Barbara Hamilton is one of the most prolific writers of the 20-th century. She published 723 books. Her books are translated in 38 languages and she is put down into the Guinness Book of Records. She wrote about love.

 Roald Dahl one of the most popular writers of the books in Britain. He is a remarkable novelist and short story writer. His Going Solo, Charlie and Chocolate Factory are wonderful. He vividly describes his characters and develop fabulous stories.

 Joanne Rowlingwas born in July 1965 at Yate General Hospital in England and grew up in Chepstow. She is the author of one of the most popular British children’s books about young magician Harry Potter.

4.     Exercise Match the author and the character

William Shakespeare           Hogrid

Lewis Carroll                       Miss Marple

Arthur Conan Doyle            Hazel Grace

Agatha Christie                    Lucifer

Joanne Rowling                    Ophelia

Neil Gaiman                         Alice

Oscar Wilde                          Dr. Watson

Mark Twain                          Arthur Jermyn

John Green                            Lord Henry

Howard Lovecraft                 Tom Sawyer

5.     Watching video What is the BEST Neil Gaiman Adaptation?



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