Розробка контрольної роботи з тем “Food”, “Medicine”

Про матеріал

Writing. Контроль письма для 7-го класу з англійської мови з тем “Food”, “Medicine". Робота складається з двох варіантів. Контрольна робота містить матеріали лексико-граматичного змісту згідно програми для 7-го класу.

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V – I


  1. Write down the words to the topics “Food”, “Medicine” (2 points)


  1. Write down the words and word combinations to the topics and translate the following expressions (3 points)

   1) мати головну біль                                           4) кислий лимон

 2) сушені абрикоси                                                 5) звичайна застуда

 3) купляти напівфабрикати                                    6) сльозотеча


  1. Choose the correct variant (2 points)

1) How  ­­­­_____  rice do you need?

a) many     c) few

b) much     d) lot

2) Is there _____ coffee left?

a) any     c) the

b) some     d) a

3) His father believed ______ his son _____ his friend. He thought that both were lying.

a) neither ... nor    c) nor ... or

b) either ... or    d) and … and

4) When I go to the restaurant, I eat _____ fish _____ roast chicken. These are my favourite meals.

a) neither ... nor    c) either ... or

b) or ... or     d) and … and


  1. Rewrite the given sentences in the Passive Voice (2 points)

1) He checks his car twice a year.

2) The police arrested the thieves.

3) The woman bakes tasty cakes.

4) I did the task well.


  1. Write down a report / composition on one of the following topics                  (3 points)
    • The most common illnesses and their symptoms.
    • The main medical problems.
    • The lifestyle of disabled people.
    • How to be fit and healthy.
    • Protection from virus infections.




V – II


  1. Write down the words to the topics “Food”, “Medicine” (2 points)


  1. Write down the words and word combinations to the topics and translate the following expressions (3 points)

     1) мати біль у животі                                             4) солона вода

     2) мариновані огірки                                               5) нежить

     3) купляти заморожене м’ясо                                 6) висип


  1. Choose the correct variant (2 points)

1) There is ____ wine in the bottle.

a) a      c) many

b) some     d) an

2) How _____ bottles are there in the bag?

a) much     c) many

b) few     d) little

3) _____Harry _____ Helen wrote a letter to Ann. They both knew her address.

a) Neither ... nor    c) Or ... or

b) Either ... or    d) Nor … or

4) My granny can _____ read ______ write. She didn’t go to school.

a) either ... neither    c) neither ... nor

b) either ... or    d) and … and


  1. Rewrite the given sentences in the Passive Voice (2 points)

1) Harry ate two apples.

2) She plays a leading role in this film.

3) They gather mushrooms in the forest.

4) We did the homework yesterday evening.


  1. Write down a report / composition on one of the following topics                  (3 points)
    • The most common illnesses and their symptoms.
    • The main medical problems.
    • The lifestyle of disabled people.
    • How to be fit and healthy.
    • Protection from virus infections.


19 квітня 2018
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