Розробка позакласного заходу з англійської мови до Дня Матері

Про матеріал

Пропоную Вашій увазі розробку позакласного заходу з англійської мови до Дня Матері на тему “This lovely woman is my mother!'' Виховний захід можна використовувати у позакласній роботі з учнями 2-11 класів, оскільки матеріал є різнорівневим і цікавим для школярів різного віку.

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“This lovely woman is my mother!’’

Розробка позакласного заходу з англійської мови до Дня Матері

Гоцалюк Ольга Степанівна, вчитель англійської мови вищої категорії Дзвиняцької ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів Борщівського району, Тернопільської області


                                                     A prayer

“Hail, Mother of God, Virgin Mary, full of grace, the Lord is

with thee blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. For thou hast born Christ, the Saviour and Deliverer of our souls.

       We fly to thy patronage, o Mother of God. Despise, not our prayers in our necessities, but deliver us from all danger, who alone art pure and blessed!

        Holy Mary, Mother of God , pray for us sinners.

        Now and at the hour of our death.          



1. Є у кожної дитини-

    Матінка єдина,

    Та, що любить нас і дбає,

    Розуму навчає.

                Є у кожної дитини,

                Навіть сиротини,

                Наша мати соловїна-

                Рідна Україна.

    І у кожному серденьку

    Є і буде жити

    Божа Мати – наша Ненька,

    Мати всього світу.’’


  2. Holidays are different: family, religious, national, state.

      Mother’s Day is connected with a family, a church community,

      every nation, a big state - for, is esteems a person, the life of

      society and its progress, depends on.


Compere 1: Dear friends! You are welcome to our party!

Compere 2: We have invited you to the celebrations of Mother’s Day.

Compere 3: Our dear guests, teachers, pupils! Today is not an ordinary   day: it is Mother’s Day, the Day of our beloved Mothers.


3.  The sun is so bright today,

      Because it’s Mother’s Day,

      The sky is so blue today,

      Because it’s Mother’s Day,

      And we are now so gay,

      Because it’s Mother’s Day.


Compare2: To each of us mother is the dearest person. She is near us when we are small children and she is always ready to help us when we become older!


4. ,, Mother’’ means Kindness,

    ,, Mother’’ means Patience

       And Happiness, too,

     ,, Mother’’ means sharing and

     ,, Mother’’ means caring.

     ,, Mother means all this…

        For ,, Mother’’ means you!’’


5.  Mother is the dearest

     Of all the friends I know

     She helps me work

     And helps me play

     That’s why I love her so.


6. That is your mother,

     I agree she is fine.

     You love your mother

     And I love mine.


 A song ,, My dear, dear Mummy!’’


7. ,, Mother’’

   M- is for million things she gave me,

   O- means that she is growing old.

   T- is for the tears she shed to save me.

   H- means for her heart of purest gold.

   E- is for her eyes with lovelight shining.

   R- means right and right she’ll always be.


        Put them all together:

        They spell ,,mother’’:

        A word that means –

        The world to me!


Compere 1: Sometimes we forget to write a letter to our mother when  we leave home.

Compere 2: But then a great love for our mother comes to us and we remember the poem about mother’s hands.



8.   ,, Мамині руки’’

Мамині руки – щедрі, робочі –

Втоми не знають з ранку до ночі.

Вранці, коли ще всі спочивають,

Сонце, напевно, вони піднімають.


Мамині руки – ніжні і милі –

Воду з криниці ранкову носили.

Діти плескались, діти вмивались

Сонцю і матері щиро всміхались.


Їх теплотою щоранку зігріті,

Йдуть в дитсадочок усміхнені діти.

Мамині руки – добрі, ласкаві –

Всюди в пошані, всюди у славі.


І на заводі біля верстата,

В полі, у школі – всюди їх знати.

Мамині руки все вміють робити,

Як же нам руки ці не любити.


Compere 1: We can remember those hands since early childhood. We                

                    felt how warm our mother’s hands were even before we

                    learnt to walk and when we were still trying to say our

                    first words.


Compere 2: These hands took care of us day and night. So we were

                    happy when we could pronounce the word ,, mummy’’

                    for the first time in our life.


  1.                          ,, Six pupils’’


  1st pupil: Who fed me when I was a child. And hushed me  in her

                         arms so mild?


All together : - My mother:


2-nd pupil: Who sat and watched my childish head, when sleeping

                   in my little bed?


All together:- My mother.


3-rd pupil: When pain and sickness made me cry, who looked upon

                  my heavy eye?


All together: - My mother.


4-th pupil: Who dressed my doll in clothes so gay, and taught me often

                  how to play?


All together: My mother.


5-th pupil: Who ran to help me when I fell. and would some funny       stories tell?


All together : - My mother.


6-th pupil : And can I ever stop to be so loving and so kind to thee who

                  was so kind to me, my mother?


All together: And when you are sick and old and grey, my healthy arm

  shall be your stay, and will calm your pains away, my mother.


A song ,, Sleep, Baby, sleep.’’


Compere 1: Mother is the name of all things which are the dearest to people.

                    Nothing can be greater for you than your mother.


Compere 2: And if you love and respect her, if you never forget about

                   your duty to your mother and your Motherland, you will be

                   the happiest person. It is not by chance that people say,

                  ,, He, who loves his mother, is a real son of his Motherland.’’


10.    You are my dear sister,

         You are my dear brother

         Though I never met you.

         We have common mother.

         She is kind and tender,

         She is bright and generous.

         She loves all her children –

         Our Mother Earth.’’


A song ,, Where does your  Homeland begin for you?’’


11.  How soon will the streams softly flow?

                                  I don’t know.

        When will the first daffodils gently blow?

                                  I don’t know.

        When do the roaring winds suddenly go?

                                  I don’t know.

        Why do the grasses quietly grow?

                                  I don’t now.

        But streams will flow,

        Daffodils blow,

        Winds go, grasses grow

        Whatever I say or no.


12.  Spring is coming, I can feel it,

How  soft is the morning air!

Birds are singing, buds are peeping.

Life and joy are everywhere.’’


A song ,, Cuckoo, cuckoo cries in the wood.’’


Compere 1: Mother’s Day is a holiday for all mothers. This ancient

                   Holiday in England is called Mothering Sunday. It is on

                    Sunday near the end of March or sometimes at the

                   beginning of April.


Compere 2: On that day, sons and daughters visited their mothers

                    and brought them flowers and little presents. The eldest son

                    had to bring his mother a good cake. If sons and daughters

                    could not be with their mothers on that day, they usually

                    sent them presents. In some parts of England this old

                    custom is still celebrated.


A play ,, A Gift for Mother.’’


( Father, Mother, Polly, Nick ).

Scene 1:

( Polly and Nick are sitting at the table. Father comes in.)


Father: Hello, children, what are you doing?

Polly: We are speaking about Mother’s Day.

Nick: Can you help us? What do you advise to give our Mother as a


Father: Let me think a little. You know that our mother is a sweet

            tooth. I think we can buy a nice big cake for her. It will be

            the best present for our mother.

Polly and Nick: All right, Daddy!

Nick: Then we go to buy a cake.

Polly: Do you remember, our friend Ann promised to give us a nice

          cat. Let us go to her place on the way to the shop.


Scene 2.

( Mother comes in. The children and father run up to her and kiss


Mother: Oh, my dear, why are you so gay?

Father:  Our dear Mother, we want to congratulate you on Mother’s


Nick:     We all love you very much.

Polly:        We want you to be happy on this nice day.

Father:      These flowers are a present from me.

Mother:    Thank you, my dear.

Children: Our dear Mother, and we have bought you… ( both)

                 a nice cake!

Mother:   Oh, where is the cake? You know, I like cakes very much.

Nick:       It is in our bag.

Mother:  I think that today we shall have a nice supper with the cake

               and coffee. Oh what is this? Oh, what a beautiful cat! I

               wanted to have a nice cat too! Thank you very much.

Father:  ( laughing ) But where is the cake?

Polly      We have left the cake at Ann’s home.

Mother: Oh, my dear, don’t worry, I like this present very much. It’s

               very important that you remember about  Mother’s Day.


      A song ,, Весна іде в відкриту нашу браму.’’


13.            Who loves Mummy best?

                ,, I” says Fred.

                ,, I give her flowers

                  White, yellow and red.”

                  Who loves Mummy best?

               ,, I’’ says May.

               ,, With my dear Mummy

                   I always play.’’

                  Who loves Mummy best?

                ,, I’’ says Joe

               ,, She asks to help her

                  And I always do so.’’                    


14.    I’ve two dolls, lots of toys,

         And a brother,

         And, I’m very, very, very

         Fond of my mother!


15. One, one, one – I love the sun.

Two, two, two – I love my Mummy, too.

Three, three, three – My Mummy loves me.

Four, four, four – I love her more and more.

I count from one, - I love the sun.

I count to four – I love my Mummy more!


16.   Tip, tip, toe-

         Here we go

        Tip, tip, toe-

        Quiet and slow

         Tip, tip, toe –

        Across the floor

         Tip, tip, toe-

         By Mother’s door.


17.    Mom, when I think about how

         I want my life to turn out

         It always comes down to the same thing-

         I want to be just like you.

         I want to have your giving heart

         And be there for people like you

         have been there for me.

         I want to be wise like you and

         able to share advice in a gentle, quiet way

         most of all.

         I want to inspire faith in all things

         good wherever I go,

         like you always have…

         like you always will.

         No one’s ever had a better example

         in life than I’ve had in you…

         and no one will ever be more thankful.


18.   You always made the very most of all

         the times we shared –

         You worked, you gave, you understood,

         and, most of all, you cared…

         And of all the happy memories

         so special to recall,

         The ones you filled with warmth and love.        

         Still mean the most of all.  


    19.    Sharing special times with you

             has helped me appreciate

             that family is all about –

             the closeness, the caring,

             the feeling of belonging.

             You hold a very special place

              in my heart…

             And I’m looking forward

             to sharing even more

              of the good times with you.

              We love the way you love us

              And the nice things that you do…

              We feel so very lucky

              Just because you’re you!

                          From two people who love you

                          Much more than you could guess,

                          This comes on Mother’s Day

                          To wish you happiness!

                          There is nothing more special

                          Than being a part

                          Of a family that listens

                          And comforts and cares,

                          And nothing more special

                          Or dear to the heart.

                          Than the feelings of love    

                           That a family shares.


20.    When you need a patient listener

         Who’ll always take your part,

         Who’ll keep important secrets

         Locked up tight within her heart.

         When you need a friend to help you out

         And cheer you when you’re blue,

         To understand those special things

         That means the most to you.

When you need someone

To share your joys

And wish you many more –

You turn to Mom

Because she has shown

That’s just what Moms are for!


21.   You are loved far more

         Than words could ever say,

         And you grow even dearer

         With every passing day.

         So you are wished a Mother’s Day

         That’s filled with joy and cheer.

         And all that makes you happier

         Each day throughout the year!

         I really love you, dear Mum!

         And I want you to know -

         I always have a happy time

         No matter where we go!

         I love to be around you

         And I’m super glad, you’re mine.

         That’s why I’m hoping we will be

         Good friends – you and I.


22.    I’d like to tell you all about

         A very stormy day,

        While Daddy stayed at home with me

        And Mummy went away.

        He made the beds and swept the floor

        and did the washing up.

       And do you know, he broke a plate,

       Two saucers and a cup.

       Then when he bathed me, after tea,

       he taught me how to swim,

       And there were puddles on the floor

       And drips all over him!

       Then Mummy came home just in time

       To see me getting down.

       ,, Next time I’ll stay at home,’’ she said,

       ,, While Daddy goes to town.’’


23.                                 A story “Bedtime for Mum”           

              Mum and Dad were watching TV when Mum said, ,, I’m tired,    

            and it’s getting late. I think I’ll go to bed.’’

              She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the next day’s

            lunches, rinsed the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the freezer

            for supper the following evening, checked the cereal box levels,

            filled the sugar container, put spoons and bowls on the table, and

            set up the coffee pot for brewing the next morning. Then she put

            some wet clothes into the dryer, sewed on a loose button, picked

            up the newspapers from the floor and the game pieces left on the

            table, and put the telephone book back into the drawer.

             She watered the plants, emptied the waste basket, hung up a

            towel to dry and wrote a note to the teacher. She signed a

            birthday card for a friend addressed and stamped the envelope.

            She put some water into the dog’s dish, put the cat outside, and

            then made sure the doors were locked. Mum washed her face,

            brushed and flossed her teeth.

               Her husband called, “I thought you were going to bed.’’

               “I’m on my way,’’ she replied. She looked in on each child,

            turned off a bedside lamp, hung up a shirt, some dirty socks in

            the hamper and had a brief conversation with the older one, who

            was up doing homework.

               In her own room, she set the alarm, laid out clothes for the next

            day, straightened up the shoe rack, and added three chores to her

            list of things to do the next day.

               About that time, her husband turned off the TV, and announced

            to no one in particular,” I’m going to bed.’’ And he did.


                  ,,Час мамі для сну’’

  Мама з татом дивилися телевізор, коли мама сказала, ’’Я стомлена, і вже пізно. Я думаю, що піду спати.’’

  Вона пішла на кухню приготувати бутерброди на завтрашній сніданок, сполоснула посуд від попкорну, вийняла мясо з морозильної камери на вечерю наступного вечора, перевірила чи у всіх коробках є крупи, насипала цукру, поклала і чашки на стіл та приготувала чайник для заварки на наступний ранок.

   Потім вона поклала сушити вогкий одяг, пришила ґудзик, підібрала з підлоги газети і залишені на столі елементи гри і засунула у шухляду телефонний довідник.

  Вона підлила вазони, висипала сміття, почепила рушник сушити і написала записку вчительці. Потім написала вітальну листівку до дня народження подрузі, заадресувала і заклеяла конверт.

  Налила води у тарілочку собаки, випустила кота і пересвідчилася, чи двері замкнені.

   Мама помилася, почистила зуби. Її чоловік сказав: ,, Я думав, що ти лягла спати.’’ ,, Вже йду,’’ – відповіла вона.

   Потім заглянула до кожної дитини, вимкнула бра, почепила сорочку, кинула брудні шкарпетки у кошик і перекинулася кількома словами з найстаршим, який ще виконував домашнє завдання.

   У своїй кімнаті, вона навела будильник, приготувала одяг на другий день, випрямила у туфлях підстилку і додала ще три пункти до списку, що треба зробити наступного дня.

      За увесь цей час її чоловік виключив телевізор і оголосив невідомо кому: ,,Я лягаю спати’’ і ляг.


Compere 1: At the beginning of our party we spoke about our mother’s



Compere2: Mother’s hands… They can do everything: wash, clean,

                   cook, treat, look after their children, help and do many

                   other things.


24.    Mother is busy

         From morning to night

         To keep her family

         Happy and bright.

                    I try to help her in every way,

                    I shall wash up today.

                    I shall wash a cup, a saucer,

                    A bottle, a jug, a ladle.

                    I shall dry them with dish–cloth

                    And put them on the table.                   


25.   I like the way you look,

        I like the way you cook.

        Now what I really want to say

        Is: ’’ Happy Mother’s Day!’’


26.    Help your mother lay the table,

         Put a knife and fork and spoon;

         Help your mother lay the table.

         Every afternoon.

         Help your mother clear the table,

         Take the knife and fork and spoon;

         Help your mother clear the table.

         Morning, night and noon.


27.      I help my mother every day,

           I sweep the floor, I feed my cat,

           I go shopping, dust the things,

           I brush my coat and my hat,

           I clean my shoes and I wash up,

           I use a duster and a broom,

           I do some cooking, make my bed,

           I keep in order my little room.

           I have a duster and a broom,

           I tidy up my little room.

           I cannot reach the ceiling

           But I can sweep the floor,

          And when I grow bigger

          I’ll learn to do some more.


28.   Mother lays the cloth for tea,

        Cups for Jack and Mary and me.

        Spoons and plates we all can see,

        Sugar, milk, a pot of tea.

        Wash the dishes, wipe the dishes,

        Ring the bell for tea.

        Three good wishes, three good kisses

        My mother will give to me.


A song ,, На зорі мене, мамо, збуди’’


Compere 1: Oh, our mothers! What can they

                    be? Farmers and workers,

                    doctors and teachers, they can

                    be deputies of the supreme Rada.


Compere 2: Children, let’s have a talk

                    About your mother’s professions.


 29.                     A play ,, What is your mother?’’

Peter: What is your mother, Oxana?

Oxana: Guess what she does? When my mother goes to work, she sees

            many boys and girls. She likes her work, she likes her little

            children. She is happy to see them. The children are happy to

            see my mother too.

Peter: Oh, I see. She is a doctor. And her children are her patients.

Oxana: No, no, she is not a doctor. Her little boys and girls are not ill.

            They like to sing and play the violin.

Peter: Oh, I see. Your mother is… your mother is a musician.

Oxana: Yes, that’s right, Peter.


A story,, Why Mothers Cry’’

,, Why are you crying? he asked his Mum. ’’Because I’m a mother,’’ she told him. “I don’t understand,’’ he said. His Mum just hugged him and said, ,,You never will!’’

     Later the little boy asked his father why mother seemed to cry for no reason.

       ’’All mothers cry for no reason,’’ was all his Dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why mothers cry.

      So he finally put in a call to God and when God got on the phone the man said, ’’God, why do mothers cry so easily?’’

      God said, ’’ You see, son, when I made mothers they had to be special. I made their shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.

       I gave them an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times come from their children.

       I gave them a hardiness that allows them to keep going when 

everyone else gives up, and to take care of families through sickness and fatigue without complaining.

       I gave them sensitivity to love their children under all circumstances

even when their child has hurt them badly. This same sensitivity helps them to make a child’s boo-boo feel better and helps them share a teenager’s anxieties and fears.

       I gave them a tear to shed. It’s theirs exclusively to use whenever it’s needed. It’s their only weakness. It’s a tear for mankind.’’


30.    Make a basket for your Mother

         And fill it with flowers gay.

         Than put a card.

          Just to say: ,, Happy Mother’s Day.’’

         ,,Red and yellow.’’

          White and blue –

          The nice fresh flowers are for you!’’

          Each bright flower is here to say:

                                 Happy Mother’s Day.


31.  Amidst the thorns upon, a vine,

       A delicate rose was there entwined

       I saw this rose and swiftly knew.

       T’was just the one to give to you.

       I gathered leaves and flowers too.

       Then made this basket just for you.

       For each bright flower’s here to say

       My wish for you: “Happy Mother’s Day!’’


32.  I know a face, a lovely face,

       As full of beauty as of grace,

       A face of pleasure and of smile,

       In darkness it gives light.

       A face that is itself like joy

       To see it I am a happy boy.

       And I’ve a joy that have no others:

       This lovely woman is my mother.


33.   The noblest thoughts we can claim,

        The noblest words we can frame,

        Unworthy are to praise the name,

        More sacred than all other –

        The blessed name of ,,Mother’’.


Compere 1: Long live our beloved and kind Mothers!


Compere 2 : Glory and Honour to our mothers!


Compere 1: Всі квіти Вам складаємо

                                           до ніг,

                    Хай Ваші скроні не сріблить

                                          завчасно сніг.


Compere 2: Мамо рідна, хай святиться

                                             Ваше імя.

                    Хай Вас обминають печаль і


                     І ,, многими’’ будуть щасливі літа!


A song ,, Многая літа.’’


Compere 1: All is well that ends well.

                    And now, dear teachers,

                    And our guests, we’d like

                    to say to you a few words too

                    because our party is coming

                                                 to an end.


Compere 2: We wish you to have the whole

                    World in your hands.

                    We wish you a need of a song

                     in your lands.

                    We wish you to follow

                   your stars in your life,

                   We wish you to have pupils’ love

                    in your school life.

                   We wish you to win a forture

                    in a game.

                   And may your life never be the


                     That is all for today.


A song “ May there always be Sunshine.’’



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