Розробка практичного заняття з англійської мови "Science and Technologies"

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Розробка практичного заняття з англійської мови «Science and Technologies. Modern means of communication»



                                                     Підготувала викладач англійсьеої мови,

                                         англійської мови( за професійним

                                                       спрямуванням) І кваліфікаційної категорії

       Запорожець О.М.


                                            Розглянуто та затверджено

                                             на засіданні циклової комісії гуманітарної

                                                та соціально -економічної підготовки

                                             Протокол  № 3 від «29» жовтня 2020 року

                                                            Голова комісії _______О.Запорожець








2020/2021 н.р.

Theme: “Science and Technologies. Modern communication technologies”



  • To practice the students in speaking, reading, listening
  • To revise the vocabulary on the topic
  • To practice the students in grammar
  • To form the students’ culture of communication
  • To develop the ability to work independently, in groups, in pairs


Equipment: computers, projector, cards, soft “My Test”, flash video, connecting to the Internet,  textbook by Oksana Karpiuk “English. 10 form. Standart Level,

 presentation (http://www.slideshare.net/svetiksvetik3/modern-communication-technologies-57324776).


  1. Introduction


T. Good morning! I’m glad to see you!

(Watching flash video about modern communication technologies) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKQ03sr6ryo)


T. What do you think,  why have I chosen this video?

P. This video is very suitable for the topic of our lesson!


T. Welcome to our lesson that is connected with Modern communication technologies!

Today you will:

  • Revise your vocabulary on the topic
  • Listen and read the texts and do the tasks
  • Speak about modern communication technologies and
  • Discuss on their role in our life


Do you agree with the words of Bernard Shaw:

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change anything.”


  1. Warm up


  a) Revising vocabulary

T. Computers have become a vital part of everyday life. What is a computer?

P. A computer is an electronic machine which can be used to store, process and display data. Now I’d like you to revise the parts of the computer doing a small test. Please, use the site Learningap.com, find the game “Parts of a computer”. Who will have the positive result show it the teacher.


b)  Game “The advantage of computers” (http://learningapps.org/1821647)

T. Agree or disagree that following statements represent only the advantages of computers. Don’t forget about useful phrases for expressing you agreeing or disagreeing.

                  Agreeing                                                             Disagreeing

I’d go along with that                                                             Not sure

You’ve got a point there                                             Yes, but …I don’t agree…

I think so, too                                                               Maybe,…. but…..

Great minds think alike                                                 I don’t think so

                                                                                       The problem’s  that


The Advantages of Computers

  1. People can communicate with each other instantly by email. (I think so, too. Using email you can contact with you friends, relatives abroad, for example)(Maybe that is right but waiting the letter brings you different feelings and emotions)
  2. Many people now work from home using a computer. (I’d go along with that it is very convenient especially when you have some problems with your health)(The problem’s that you don’t have alive communication with other people)
  3. Many people use the computer in their leisure time for playing game or just surfing the net.(You’ve got a point there and I think If you want to relax you can use such form of it.)(I don’t think so. ‘Cos it is a waste of time instead to have relax outdoors with you family)
  4. You can buy almost everything on the Internet without having to leave your home. (I think so, too. It is great convenience.) (Not sure. You can buy spoilt things)
  5. Some people became addicted to the Internet and computer. (We agree on that. This is a big problem nowadays)


III. Reading (using Google forms program)


Read the article and choose the best answer (a-c)




Most people today cannot imagine their life without the Internet. I believe it is one of the most important motivations. Thanks to the World Wide Web, our lives have become easier and more exciting.

First of all, the Internet helps us find information easily. For example, we can read the news and find answers to the questions 24 hours a day. In addiction, we can use the Internet for entertainment. We can send e-mails to friends and shop online. We can even listen to the latest music and watch live sports events from other parts of the world.

However, some people argue that the Internet has a negative effect on society. Internet users become less sociable. They stay at home most of the day instead of going out to shop, work and meet friends.

In my opinion, the Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. Our lives are better with it and I hope it is here to stay.


1) Most people nowadays …

     a) cannot live without the Internet

     b) imagine their lives without the Internet

     c) think without the Internet


2) Thanks to the World Wide Web, our lives have become…

     a) difficult and more stressful

     b) simpler and more interesting

     c) easier and more exciting


3) The Internet is important mostly because …

     a) it allows us to find the information easily

     b) it provides cheap shopping online

     c) it plays the latest music hits


4) We can use the Internet for fun, as we can …

     a) work on assignments

     b) send e-mails to friends

     c) read the news


5) The biggest disadvantage of the Internet is …

     a) that you have to go somewhere to work out

     b) that you can’t live a normal life

     c) that it can change our daily routines

6) The Internet has …

     a) more disadvantages than advantages

     b) more advantages than disadvantages

     c) as many advantages as disadvantages


IV. Listening (Додаток 2)


While-listening  Ex. 3 p.79 – Name four things one needs to get connected to the World Wide Web (answers: a computer, a modem, software, service provider)

Post-listening     Ex. 4 p. 79 – Complete the text.


V. Speaking


Work in pairs.


T. Take turns asking and answering the questions.


  1. What brand is your computer? (Lenovo, HP, DELL, ASUS)
  2. What is the operation system of your computer? (Windows, Linux)
  3. Which web browser does your computer use(Firefox, Mozilla, Opera)
  4. How many buttons are there on your mouse? (There are two buttons on my mouse)
  5. Does your computer have a CD-ROM drive? (Yes, of course. It has a CD-ROM drive)
  6. How often do you write email letters? (Usually I write email letters once a week, sometimes, every day)
  7. What social services do you prefer?
  8. What else can you use the Internet for? (to find interesting information, to do complicated tasks)



VI. Grammar


Choose the correct words to complete the text a, b, c or d




If we …(1) have microchips, we …(2) have calculators, computers or laptops. These tiny chips are also called ‘integral circuit’ and they store huge amount of …(3).

The American Jack Kilby is considered the …(4) of the microchip. He won the Nobel Prize for …(5) in the year 2000 but actually created the first microchip as early as 1958.

The structures on microchips have become smaller and smaller.

They are now the size of atoms. There are almost a billion trasistors on each square centimeter. If this technology didn’t …(6), we would be …(7) to use everyday objects like mobile phones and microwave ovens.


1. a) wouldn’t     b) hasn’t   c) don’t    d) didn’t

2. a) don’t    b) wouldn’t   c) won’t   d) would

3. a) informations  b) inform  c) information  d) informs

4. a) inventor   b) inventive  c) invention  d) inventing

5. a) Physicist  b) Physical    c) Physics     d) Physically

6. a) exists  b) existing   c) existed   d) exist

7. a) can  b) able  c) could   d) would


Keys: 1d 2b 3c 4a 5c 6d 7b


VII. Situation.


You receive an email.



I want to tell you about one my problem. My parents don’t want to buy a computer for me. My father says it’s too expensive and that’s possible to study without it. Help me please to persuade my father that computers are very important nowadays!


 T. So! Let’s divide in two groups and try to help this girl! Give your ideas!


Group work.


Group 1.

  • Try to explain your parents that nowadays you can’t do your hometask on some subjects without the computer, for example, you can’t listen the English texts or use educational programs.
  • Do you write any research works? Tell your parents you need to type such works on computer.
  • Do the teachers of your school ask the pupils to make their own presentations on various topics? Explain your parents that it’s impossible without the computer.


Group 2.

  • Tell your parents that you want your future profession to be connected with computers!
  • It’s quite clear for us that the jobs of the girl’s parents aren’t connected with computers. They are not likely to hear about the conferences or webinars which are impossible to be held without computers.
  • Why don’t you show your mum and dad the advantages of using the Internet? Explain that you will be able to find any information, communicate with friends and relatives, do shopping and so on!

 T. OK! Excellent! Thank you, children! Let’s sum up! Computers are used for… Try complete the table


 T. Great! If I were the girl’s father, I would certainly agree with you! You have very good arguments!


VIII. Summing up.


T. What can we say about today’s lesson?

P1. During this lesson we’ve enlarge our life experience

P2. Revise parts of the computer

P3. Learnt about microchips

P4. Learnt what we need to connect the Internet

P5. Gave the girl useful advices


T. In the end of our lesson I’d like to tell you that I like your work very much. It was great pleasure to work with you. Your marks are …


IX. Homework.

Prepare an oral report (or presentation) on the topic “Internet: advantages and disadvantages”


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