Розробка серіі уроків для 3го класу з теми "Свята"

Про матеріал

Розробка серії уроків за підручником Англійська мова : підруч. для 3-го кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл. / А.М. Несвіт. – К. : Генеза, 2014. Мета: практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Свята та традиції», формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення.

Містить різні види творчих та інтерактивних завдань з аудіювання, читання та монологічного мовлення.

Перегляд файлу

Тема. Свята. Моє улюблене свято.

Очікувані результати: Вміння говорити про свята,їх святкування, своє улюблене свято, вживання теперішнього неозначеного часу у реченнях, розуміння на слух інформації з теми.          

Мета: практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Свята та традиції», формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення; вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам’яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку; виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі.

Обладнання: малюнки, підручник, мультимедійний комплект, відеоролики, презентація, картки.

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань.

Перебiг уроку(Procedure):

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Greeting.

Teacher: Good morning, children! How are you? I am fine. Nice to see you!

Pupils: Good morning, dear, teacher! I am fine. Nice to see you too!

2. Phonetic drills. To begin with, I want to draw your attention  to the phonetic drill. Let’s learn the sound igh[ai], please! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qy0VtMS_FM

and now read : Light, bright, night, sight, fight, high, sigh

3. Warming up

Let’s play the game. I read the riddle. You have to guess it and to write the first letter of the word into the table.

1. What has got five fingers?   (слайд 2)      (a hand)   (слайд 3)

2. This fruit is orange or yellow and sweet.(an orange)   (слайд 4)        (слайд 5)

3. What is on the ceiling? What is above the desk?     (слайд 6)      (light)   (слайд 7)

4. It’s cold and sweet.  (слайд 8)      (an ice cream)   (слайд 9)

5. This is a pet. It lives in the dog-house.   (слайд 10)      (a dog)   (слайд 11)

  6. This fruit is round and green or red or yellow.  (слайд 12)     (an apple)   (слайд 13)

7. What colour is the sun? (слайд 14)     (yellow)   (слайд 15)

8. It’s cold and white. We can play with it.  (слайд 16)      (snow)   (слайд 17)

  1. Aim

So we have the word “holidays”. It’s the theme of our today’s lesson. My aim at the lesson is to create a friendly and stimulating atmosphere in which every pupil is encouraged to develop his or her abilities. During the lesson we`ll develop your speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. By the end of the lesson you will be able to speak about holidays, to use Present Simple Tense, to identify main ideas from the text, to participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of today`s lesson.



  1. Watching the video

Find the pair











tine's Day


Fools’ Day



D ay




Game Noughts and crosses. 

You’ll need to make three horizontal, vertical or diagonal boxes of noughts or crosses to win this game. If you want to get this point you should make the sentences.     (There are nine boxes on the board).

…. comes in …………… .

New Year comes in ……………….

  1. Writing.  Present Simple.

We celebrate Halloween  in autumn.

Christmas comes in …………… .

She celebrates Easter  in…………  

I celebrate…………… in ……….. .

3. Фізкультхвилинка (Пісня «I’m a dancing Christmas tree»)

It`s high time to relax a bit. Listen to the song, sing, do exercises and then sum up.

4.  Reading

а)Pre reading task

Decorate, bright, lights, get, give.

While reading

в) Ex.3 p.70. Agree or disagree.

1. Dan’s favourite holiday is New Year’s Day.

2. They usually their decorate rooms.

3. You can see bright balls, stars and lights on the New Year tree.

4. All the children get presents.

5. They jump, run and play football.

c) Post -reading task:

Complete the sentences   

His favourite holiday is ……………( in winter.)

You can see bright balls, …………….(stars and lights on it.)

All the children ………….(get presents.)

Translate the sentences

  1. Його улюблене свято взимку.
  2. Усі діти отримують подарунки.

5.  Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.

  • What is your favourite holiday?
  •     My favourite holiday is Easter.

        - What is your favourite holiday?

        - My favourite holiday is New Year

 6. Розвиток монологічного мовлення.

My favourite holiday is in …….                

It’s …………...

We usually (decorate)……………..

All the children ……………..

We often ……………….(Кожна група про своє свято)

III.  Заключна частина уроку

3.1.Підсумок уроку

Now, let`s sum up.

  1. I know the meaning of the words. 
  2.  I can answer the questions.
  3. I can use Present Simple Tense.
  4. I can tell about my favourite holiday.

-Що сподобалося на уроці?

-Які завдання було важко виконувати?

-Що було найлегше робити?

3.2. Оцінювання

T: Today you worked hard and get good marks

3.3.Homework             Склати розповідь за Впр. 2 с. 70 письмово                Впр. 1 с.70 вивч.

3.4. Прощання T: Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye! Pls: Goodbye!








 4. Гра «Вгадай»

  1. A holiday when we sing songs coliadkas. (Christmas)
  2. A holiday, when a Father Frost brings presents. (New Year)
  3. A holiday, when we nave a cake with candles and presents. (Birthday).
  4.  A holiday, when we color the eggs and glorify  Christ. (Easter)
















































Тема. Підготовка до вечірки.

Мета. Розширювати словниковий запас учнів.   Увести в мовлення учнів нову граматичну структуру to have to…  та активізувати її у мовленні учнів. Вчити учнів розповідати про підготовку до свята з опорою на зразок. Удосконалювати навики читання, аудіювання, говоріння та письма школярів.    

Викликати в учнів бажання вчитись.

Очікувальні результати: учні доречно вживають нову лексику та граматичну структуру to have to, розмовляють про підготовку до свят.

Засоби навчання: підручники, зошити, аудіо запис пісні Happy Birthday , презентація.

Тип уроку: урок формування знань, умінь, навичок

Перебiг уроку(Procedure):

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Greeting.

2.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу   Listen to the song and guess what are we going to talk today.          

Do you know it?  Do you like the song?       Учні слухають пісню   Happy Birthday      

3. Повідомлення теми і завдань уроку         As you say, today we will talk about birthday party and how to prepare for it.   During the lesson we`ll develop your speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. By the end of the lesson you will be able to tell about preparations for the party, to use have to / has to, to identify main ideas from the text,                

4. Warming up  Sounds [i], [ai], [i:]  https://learningapps.org/display?v=p5rf99jxj20

5. Chech in homework

Each team gets the cards with scrambled words

1) The team gets one point for each correct word and two points if you find the picture of the correct word.

2) Listen to the texts and say what is …..favourite holiday

Основна частина уроку                                                                                                          

1. Уведення нової лексики    Хорове та індивідуальне відпрацювання лексики. Закріплення лексичного матеріалу          Впр.2 ст.55  

2. Reading. Активізація опорних знань учнів                                                                                                    

When is your birthday? Do you like parties? How do you celebrate birthday?  Впр. 2 ст. 72 – читання в особах,

While reading     Впр.3 ст. 73 – Р1, Р2, Р3…

After reading     Complete the sentences …. is speaking.  Ann has got …. She wants to have………………

4. Фізкультхвилинка      Mime game                                                                                                 

Show me how you open the presents, clean the house, write the invitation, do the shopping, …       

5. Уведення граматичного матеріалу          has to/have to         

Впр.4 ст. 73 учні складають речення за малюнками                                                                    

Учні складають речення про підготовку до свята з опорою на слайди    

6.Listening “My preparation for birthday”

To be busy - бути зайнятим            want – хотіти         

My name is Ann.  I’ve got a birthday on Saturday. My family is very busy. We have to clean our house. My dad has to do the shopping. My mum has to bake a cake. I have to write the invitations. I want to have a party with my friends. It’ll be great.

Yes or No

Ann’s birthday is on Sunday.

Her family has to bake a cake.

Her dad has to do the shopping.

Her mum has to write the invitations.

She wants to have a party with her friends.

Заключна частина уроку      

1. Підсумок уроку                                                                                                                                           

Бесіда           Do you like parties?              How do you prepare to the party?                                    

 2. Домашнє завдання                                                                                                                             

Впр.4 ст.73  усно              Впр.5 ст.73 – скласти речення із слів


Тема: Запрошення на святкування Дня народження.

Мета Розширити фонові знання учнів. Ознайомити  учнів  з правилами написання запрошувальної листівки.  Продовжувати формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; практикувати в використанні ЛО з теми « Свята»  в мові учнів, практикувати учнів у письмі;

Виховувати любов до навчання й культуру поведінки.                                                                                                                                            Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит

Тип: комбінований

Перебiг уроку(Procedure):


Greeting       Good morning, children!  Glad to see you.                                                                                          Aim           T:  Today’s topic is “An invitation card”. We’ll learn how to prepare for the birthday, how to write the invitation card. We will talk about birthday party and how to prepare for it.   During the lesson we`ll develop your speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. By the end of the lesson you will be able to write the invitation to the party, to use Present Simple, ask and answer the questions, to identify main ideas from the text.  

Warming up   

It's your birthday,
let's have some fun.
We'll play some tag,
and laugh as we run.

Word Cloud games:  What are groups of words? Find the pair …….

          II. ОСНОВНА ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ                                                                             

1.  Homework Ex.5 p.73 , Ex.4 p.73    Find three mistakes

2. Reading  Ex.2 p.74 Read and act out. Write the words Complete: d_a_, h_ _s_ , d_t_, b_rt_d_y

3. Listening.

Before listening. What rules of invitation do you know?

While listening                    T: Listen and fill in the blanks.

To ____________(1).

Please come to my birthday party on ____________(2)

at ____________(3) to ________________(4).

From _________________(5).

1. a) Bill;               b) Vicky;                        c) Kate.

2. a) Friday;         b) Saturday;                   c) Sunday.

3. a) at 5 o’clock in the evening;          b) at 6 o’clock in the evening;            c) at 7 o’clock in the evening.

4. a) Nick’s house;                  b) Nick’s flat;                      c) McDonald’s.

5. a) Bill;             b) Nick;                     c) Kate.


Mum: Kate! Here’s a letter for you.

Kate: Thanks, Mum!

Mum: Who is it from?

Kate: It’s from Nick. He has a birthday party. And he asks me to come!

Mum: When is the party?

Kate: It’s on Sunday.

Mum: What time?

Kate: At 5 o’clock in the evening.

Mum: Is it in his house?

Kate: No, the party is at McDonald’s.

Mum: Well, you have some days to buy a nice present.

4. Фізкультхвилинка      Mime game                           Show me how you open the presents, clean the house, write the invitation, do the shopping, dance, sing, eat cake, …       

5. Уведення граматичного матеріалу. Sentences. Questions.

Speaking Ex.3 p.75 Choose and say. What do children usually do at the parties?

Ex.4 p.75 Ask and answer.         Writing  Ex.3 p.75  Naughty Words


  Homework      Ex.4,5 p.75  - Complete the sentences.     Summarising You worked well. ….


To ____________(1).

Please come to my birthday party on ____________(2)

at ____________(3) to ________________(4).

From _________________(5).

1. a) Bill;               b) Vicky;                        c) Kate.

2. a) Friday;         b) Saturday;                   c) Sunday.

3. a) at 5 o’clock in the evening;          b) at 6 o’clock in the evening;            c) at 7 o’clock in the evening.

4. a) Nick’s house;                  b) Nick’s flat;                      c) McDonald’s.

5. a) Bill;             b) Nick;                     c) Kate.


To ____________(1).

Please come to my birthday party on ____________(2)

at ____________(3) to ________________(4).

From _________________(5).

1. a) Bill;               b) Vicky;                        c) Kate.

2. a) Friday;         b) Saturday;                   c) Sunday.

3. a) at 5 o’clock in the evening;          b) at 6 o’clock in the evening;            c) at 7 o’clock in the evening.

4. a) Nick’s house;                  b) Nick’s flat;                      c) McDonald’s.

5. a) Bill;             b) Nick;                     c) Kate.


To ____________(1).

Please come to my birthday party on ____________(2)

at ____________(3) to ________________(4).

From _________________(5).

1. a) Bill;               b) Vicky;                        c) Kate.

2. a) Friday;         b) Saturday;                   c) Sunday.

3. a) at 5 o’clock in the evening;          b) at 6 o’clock in the evening;            c) at 7 o’clock in the evening.

4. a) Nick’s house;                  b) Nick’s flat;                      c) McDonald’s.

5. a) Bill;             b) Nick;                     c) Kate.


To ____________(1).

Please come to my birthday party on ____________(2)

at ____________(3) to ________________(4).

From _________________(5).

1. a) Bill;               b) Vicky;                        c) Kate.

2. a) Friday;         b) Saturday;                   c) Sunday.

3. a) at 5 o’clock in the evening;          b) at 6 o’clock in the evening;            c) at 7 o’clock in the evening.

4. a) Nick’s house;                  b) Nick’s flat;                      c) McDonald’s.

5. a) Bill;             b) Nick;                     c) Kate.


To ____________(1).

Please come to my birthday party on ____________(2)

at ____________(3) to ________________(4).

From _________________(5).

1. a) Bill;               b) Vicky;                        c) Kate.

2. a) Friday;         b) Saturday;                   c) Sunday.

3. a) at 5 o’clock in the evening;          b) at 6 o’clock in the evening;            c) at 7 o’clock in the evening.

4. a) Nick’s house;                  b) Nick’s flat;                      c) McDonald’s.

5. a) Bill;             b) Nick;                     c) Kate.

To ____________(1).

Please come to my birthday party on ____________(2)

at ____________(3) to ________________(4).

From _________________(5).

1. a) Bill;               b) Vicky;                        c) Kate.

2. a) Friday;         b) Saturday;                   c) Sunday.

3. a) at 5 o’clock in the evening;          b) at 6 o’clock in the evening;            c) at 7 o’clock in the evening.

4. a) Nick’s house;                  b) Nick’s flat;                      c) McDonald’s.

5. a) Bill;             b) Nick;                     c) Kate.

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Тема: Вечірка до дня народження.

Мета. Розширювати словниковий запас учнів.   Відпрацювати навички вживання теперішнього неозначеного часу та відповідей на   та активізувати її у мовленні учнів. Вчити учнів розповідати про святкування Дня народження з опорою на зразок. Удосконалювати навики читання, аудіювання, говоріння та письма школярів.    

Викликати в учнів бажання вчитись.

Очікувальні результати: учні доречно вживають нову лексику та відповідають на запитання в теперішньому неозначеному часі, розповідають про святкування Дня народження.

Засоби навчання: підручники, зошити, аудіо запис пісні Happy Birthday , презентація матеріали сервісу Learn English Kids, British Council, відео з каналу YouTube,.

Тип уроку: урок формування знань, умінь, навичок (комбінований).

Перебiг уроку(Procedure):

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Greeting.

2.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу   Повідомлення теми і завдань уроку.     As you say, today we will talk about birthday party.   During the lesson we`ll develop your speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. By the end of the lesson you will be able to tell about celebration of Birthday, to answer the questions, to identify main ideas from the text.           

3. Warming up

Poem Its birthday time, Birthday time Look at the table and name the sounds! [f], [θ], [aı]

4. Chech in homework  

 Dialogues using invitations

Основна частина уроку

  1. Listening

Watch the video about monster birthday party. (http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/monster-shopping-trip)

Tick the Monster’s presents.

Choose the answer.

Робота з новими словами. Робота в групах.

Find the words according to the cards. Match them.

Watch the story. Circle the correct answer.

a. It is Hairy Henry's . holiday / birthday / Christmas

 b. Loony Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a . house / present / camera

c. They bought a very special computer game. monster / zombie / children’s

d. Gorgonzola bought him a . top / shorts / tie

e. They bought the biggest, most monster they could find. cake / card / hat

f. They took the back home. plane / bus / train

g. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday . cake / party / presents


Game Simon Says

3. Reading

a. Describing picture. Game “Who knows more words?”

b. While reading task. Yes or No.

c. Post reading task. Answer the questions.

  1. Does Ann have a birthday party every year? - Yes, she does. She has a birthday party every year.
  1. Who comes to her party? –   What do they bring? –
  2. Does Ann’s mum make a birthday cake?
  3. What song do the children sing?

ІV. Заключна частина.

  1.             Підсумок уроку (Summering)

And now, children, let’s summarize our work. First of all I want to thank you for your work. You worked very well; you have been active and smart. What have you learned?  

  1.                Домашнє завдання (Homework).

Good bye song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PraN5ZoSjiY)

  1. Poem
  2. Invitations
  3. Game “Presents”
  4. Video and task
  5. Dance
  6. Text Ann’s birthday
  7. Questions


Circle the correct answer.

a. It is Hairy Henry's …………    . holiday / birthday / Christmas

 b. Loony Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a . ……..        house / present / camera

c. They bought a very special computer game. ……….     monster / zombie / children’s

d. Gorgonzola bought him a …….     top / shorts / tie

e. They bought the biggest, most monster ……..they could find.            cake / card / hat

f. They took the back home………… plane / bus / train

g. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday ………….. cake / party / presents


Circle the correct answer.

a. It is Hairy Henry's …………    . holiday / birthday / Christmas

 b. Loony Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a . ……..        house / present / camera

c. They bought a very special computer game. ……….     monster / zombie / children’s

d. Gorgonzola bought him a …….     top / shorts / tie

e. They bought the biggest, most monster ……..they could find.            cake / card / hat

f. They took the back home………… plane / bus / train

g. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday ………….. cake / party / presents


Circle the correct answer.

a. It is Hairy Henry's …………    . holiday / birthday / Christmas

 b. Loony Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a . ……..        house / present / camera

c. They bought a very special computer game. ……….     monster / zombie / children’s

d. Gorgonzola bought him a …….     top / shorts / tie

e. They bought the biggest, most monster ……..they could find.            cake / card / hat

f. They took the back home………… plane / bus / train

g. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday ………….. cake / party / presents



Circle the correct answer.

a. It is Hairy Henry's …………    . holiday / birthday / Christmas

 b. Loony Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a . ……..        house / present / camera

c. They bought a very special computer game. ……….     monster / zombie / children’s

d. Gorgonzola bought him a …….     top / shorts / tie

e. They bought the biggest, most monster ……..they could find.            cake / card / hat

f. They took the back home………… plane / bus / train

g. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday ………….. cake / party / presents


Circle the correct answer.

a. It is Hairy Henry's …………    . holiday / birthday / Christmas

 b. Loony Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a . ……..        house / present / camera

c. They bought a very special computer game. ……….     monster / zombie / children’s

d. Gorgonzola bought him a …….     top / shorts / tie

e. They bought the biggest, most monster ……..they could find.            cake / card / hat

f. They took the back home………… plane / bus / train

g. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday ………….. cake / party / presents


Circle the correct answer.

a. It is Hairy Henry's …………    . holiday / birthday / Christmas

 b. Loony Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a . ……..        house / present / camera

c. They bought a very special computer game. ……….     monster / zombie / children’s

d. Gorgonzola bought him a …….     top / shorts / tie

e. They bought the biggest, most monster ……..they could find.            cake / card / hat

f. They took the back home………… plane / bus / train

g. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday ………….. cake / party / presents


Circle the correct answer.

a. It is Hairy Henry's …………    . holiday / birthday / Christmas

 b. Loony Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a . ……..        house / present / camera

c. They bought a very special computer game. ……….     monster / zombie / children’s

d. Gorgonzola bought him a …….     top / shorts / tie

e. They bought the biggest, most monster ……..they could find.            cake / card / hat

f. They took the back home………… plane / bus / train

g. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday ………….. cake / party / presents


Circle the correct answer.

a. It is Hairy Henry's …………    . holiday / birthday / Christmas

 b. Loony Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a . ……..        house / present / camera

c. They bought a very special computer game. ……….     monster / zombie / children’s

d. Gorgonzola bought him a …….     top / shorts / tie

e. They bought the biggest, most monster ……..they could find.            cake / card / hat

f. They took the back home………… plane / bus / train

g. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday ………….. cake / party / presents


Circle the correct answer.

a. It is Hairy Henry's …………    . holiday / birthday / Christmas

 b. Loony Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a . ……..        house / present / camera

c. They bought a very special computer game. ……….     monster / zombie / children’s

d. Gorgonzola bought him a …….     top / shorts / tie

e. They bought the biggest, most monster ……..they could find.            cake / card / hat

f. They took the back home………… plane / bus / train

g. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday ………….. cake / party / presents

































Тема:  Подарунки до Дня народження.

Мета Розширити фонові знання учнів. Практикувати вживання вказівних займенників. Продовжувати формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; практикувати в використанні ЛО з теми « Свята»  в мові учнів, практикувати учнів у письмі;

Виховувати любов до навчання й культуру поведінки.                                                                                                                                            Очікувальні результати: учні доречно вживають нову лексику та відповідають на запитання в теперішньому неозначеному часі, уживають вказівні займенники  розповідають про подарунки до Дня народження.

Перебiг уроку(Procedure):


Greeting       Good morning, children!  Glad to see you.                                                                                          Aim           T:  Today’s topic is “Holidays and presents”. We’ll learn how to prepare for the birthday, how to choose presents. By the end of the lesson you will be able to tell about Birthday presents, to answer the questions, to identify main ideas from the text, to use articles a, an, pronouns: this, that.           

Warming up    [əː]                          It’s birthday time, birthday time -

Time for games and time for toys,

Time for happy girls and boys;

Time for cake and presents, too,

Time to laugh and say “Thank you”.

Homework  Мікрофон: Do you go to parties?  What music do you like? Does your friend play games? When does your friend have a birthday party? Does your friend blow out the candles? Do you celebrate your birthday? Does your mum bake the cake? Do you give presents at the party? Do you get presents at the party?


  1. We’ll speak about our birthdays, about presents for this holiday and we’ll do many interesting tasks. At the end of our lesson you’ll have presents too – these are your good marks. What is present for you? What presents do we usually have for birthday? («Асоціативний кущ» - діти позначають, що саме вважаємо подарунками) What can they be?   

1.a. Уведення лексичних одиниць. Складання словосполучень (впр. 1, с. 78) В англійській мові є неозначені артиклі а,an.  Вони стоять перед словами в однині. Артикль а стоїть перед словами, які починаються із приголосних звуків, а артикль an  перед словами , які починаються з голосних звуків.

2. Відпрацювання навички вживання вказівних займенників: This that a an Гра.

2а. Складання діалогів  (Впр. 2а,б, 3  с. 79)

3. Читання. А) скласти слова із літер

В) “Yes or no” task 1.  Ann has got four presents.    2. Her T-shirt is bright and nice.  3. Her doll house is bright and new.     4. Her cup is pink and big.        5. She likes her presents.

C) Answer the questions: Correct the sentences.

4. Фізкультхвилинка.

5. Video quiz questions New words: tomorrow, scared, afraid

1) It's Billy's .... tomorrow.    a. birthday            b. picnic                  c. holiday

2)Put the words in order:     presents./ Let's/ buy __________________________________________

3) .... does he like?  a.Who            b. What                  c.   Where

4) Put the words in order: cars. /likes /trains/ and/ He ________________________________________

5) I like these ....    a. balls                b. dolls                c. balloons

6) Fill the gap: No, Billy doesn't ________________________ balloons.

7) He is ... of balloons.       a.  scared     b. afraid          c. surprised

8) He likes ...         a. sweets        b. cakes         c. chocolate

9)  Put ___________ presents here.

10) It's a ...      a. surprise          b. secret                  c story

11) Fill the gap: ________________________ idea, Mom.

12) Billy, it's ... o'clock.           a. 3          b. 4       c. 5

13) Thank you ... my presents.    A. to         b. for          c. with

III. ЗАКЛЮЧНА ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ    Homework      Ex.5 p.79 - Complete the sentences.

 Summarising You worked well. Your marks are:

Video quiz questions

1) It's Billy's .... tomorrow.   

a. birthday            b. picnic                  c. holiday

2)Put the words in order:     presents./ Let's/ buy _____________________________________

3) .... does he like?  a.Who         b. What      c.   Where

4) Put the words in order: cars. /likes /trains/ and/ He ______________________________________

5) I like these ....    a. balls        b. dolls        c. balloons

6) Fill the gap: No, Billy doesn't __________balloons.

7) He is ... of balloons.    

 a.  scared     b. afraid          c. surprised

8) He likes ...     a. sweets      b. cakes         c. chocolate

9)  Put ___________ presents here.

10) It's a ...     a. surprise      b. secret            c story

11) Fill the gap: ________________ idea, Mom.

12) Billy, it's ... o'clock.           a. 3          b. 4       c. 5

13) Thank you ... my presents.  A. to    b. for   c. with


Video quiz questions

1) It's Billy's .... tomorrow.   

a. birthday            b. picnic                  c. holiday

2)Put the words in order:     presents./ Let's/ buy _____________________________________

3) .... does he like?  a.Who         b. What      c.   Where

4) Put the words in order: cars. /likes /trains/ and/ He ______________________________________

5) I like these ....    a. balls        b. dolls        c. balloons

6) Fill the gap: No, Billy doesn't __________balloons.

7) He is ... of balloons.  a. scared   b.afraid  c.surprised

8) He likes ...     a. sweets      b. cakes         c. chocolate

9)  Put ___________ presents here.

10) It's a ...     a. surprise      b. secret            c story

11) Fill the gap: ________________ idea, Mom.

12) Billy, it's ... o'clock.           a. 3          b. 4       c. 5

13) Thank you ... my presents.  A. to    b. for   c. with


Video quiz questions

1) It's Billy's .... tomorrow.   

a. birthday            b. picnic                  c. holiday

2)Put the words in order:     presents./ Let's/ buy _____________________________________

3) .... does he like?  a.Who         b. What      c.   Where

4) Put the words in order: cars. /likes /trains/ and/ He ______________________________________

5) I like these ....    a. balls        b. dolls        c. balloons

6) Fill the gap: No, Billy doesn't __________balloons.

7) He is ... of balloons.  a. scared   b.afraid  c.surprised

8) He likes ...     a. sweets      b. cakes         c. chocolate

9)  Put ___________ presents here.

10) It's a ...     a. surprise      b. secret            c story

11) Fill the gap: ________________ idea, Mom.

12) Billy, it's ... o'clock.           a. 3          b. 4       c. 5

13) Thank you ... my presents.  A. to    b. for   c. with

Video quiz questions

1) It's Billy's .... tomorrow.   

a. birthday            b. picnic                  c. holiday

2)Put the words in order:     presents./ Let's/ buy _____________________________________

3) .... does he like?  a.Who         b. What      c.   Where

4) Put the words in order: cars. /likes /trains/ and/ He ______________________________________

5) I like these ....    a. balls        b. dolls        c. balloons

6) Fill the gap: No, Billy doesn't __________balloons.

7) He is ... of balloons.    

 a.  scared     b. afraid          c. surprised

8) He likes ...     a. sweets      b. cakes         c. chocolate

9)  Put ___________ presents here.

10) It's a ...     a. surprise      b. secret            c story

11) Fill the gap: ________________ idea, Mom.

12) Billy, it's ... o'clock.           a. 3          b. 4       c. 5

13) Thank you ... my presents.  A. to    b. for   c. with


Video quiz questions

1) It's Billy's .... tomorrow.   

a. birthday            b. picnic                  c. holiday

2)Put the words in order:     presents./ Let's/ buy _____________________________________

3) .... does he like?  a.Who         b. What      c.   Where

4) Put the words in order: cars. /likes /trains/ and/ He ______________________________________

5) I like these ....    a. balls        b. dolls        c. balloons

6) Fill the gap: No, Billy doesn't __________balloons.

7) He is ... of balloons.  a. scared   b.afraid  c.surprised

8) He likes ...     a. sweets      b. cakes         c. chocolate

9)  Put ___________ presents here.

10) It's a ...     a. surprise      b. secret            c story

11) Fill the gap: ________________ idea, Mom.

12) Billy, it's ... o'clock.           a. 3          b. 4       c. 5

13) Thank you ... my presents.  A. to    b. for   c. with



  1. Do you go to parties?
  2. What music do you like?
  3. Does your friend play games?
  4. When does your friend have a birthday party?
  5. Does your friend blow out the candles?
  6. Do you celebrate your birthday?
  7. Does your mum bake the cake?
  8. Do you give presents at the party?
  9. Do you get presents at the party?











On the 31st of December they celebrate New Year’s Eve. On this day they usually visit friends. On the 1st of January they celebrate New Year. It is not a big holiday in England. In Scotland people bring a piece of coal for good luck in the New Year.









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